Primary School |
School class - 1952-53

Reproduced with acknowledgement to Ronnie Murphy
Photographer not known
Southhouse Primary
1952-53 |
you to Ronnie Murphy for sending me the photo above. I don't know
which class this was, but it looks to me as if it was probably towards the
upper end of the school, possibly around P4 toP7. Perhaps Ronnie
will be able to tell me. ***
*** Please
see Ronnie's reply in his Recollections 3 below.
I found it
unusual and interesting to see the houses in the background in this photo.
Ronnie wrote:
School Class
"This class photo was
taken in 1952-53. I'm a bit vague about the names of most of
the pupils, but I know that on the top row:
- I am 2nd on the
left. I lived at 46 Southhouse Broadway.
- ...?...
Sutherland is 1st from the right.
- Leonard Doig is 4th
from the right.
The teacher was Miss
Ronnie Murphy: October 19, 2013 |
I knew nothing about the school until I saw this
photo, but I've now checked and I see that
Southhouse Primary School appeared in the list of Primary Schools
in the 1950-51 Edinburgh & Leith Post Office Directory as being at
Burdiehouse Crescent (Headmaster Thomas J Symington MA).
I see that Southhouse Primary School no longer
appears in the direcotory for 1961, but Burdiehouse
(and Gracemount) Primary School is listed at Burdiehouse Crescent
(Headmaster Thomas Symington MA) so the school
appears to have changed its name.
In the 1970 directory
Burdiehouse Primary School is listed at Burdiehouse Crescent, so
that looks like another name change.
Peter Stubbs, Edinburgh: October 20, 2013
Bob Henderson
Edinburgh |
you to Bob Henderson for following up my 'Southhouse School' comments
above with more information about the schools in the area.
Bob wrote:
Three Schools at Burdiehouse
schools in the Burdiehouse area were
1. The
original Burdiehouse Primary School,
an old stone-built building in the original village of Burdiehouse. It was demolished to make way for the
dual carriageway which
now runs past Burdiehouse
2. The first
Southhouse Primary School,
built as an all-metal construction in the late-1940s or early-1950s.
Pupils from the old Burdiehouse Primary School were transferred here when
Burdiehouse closed.
2. A replacement
Southhouse Primary School,
at the same time as the prefabs
at Southhouse were being replaced by higher density
Three New Schools at
"As the area to the north of Captains road, Gracemount, was developed, three
new schools were built there. They were:
St Catherines RC
Primary School
Gracemount Primary
Gracemount High
When Southhouse Primary was closed and the pupils
were transferred to Gracemount
Primary which has since been demolished.
The site is now being developed for housing.
My Family
children attended:
Primary School
Gracemount Primary
Gracemount High
Bob Henderson, Burdiehouse, Edinburgh: October 21+22, 2013 |
Forbes Wilson
near Guildford,
Surrey, England |
you to Forbes Wilson for identifying the houses in the background of the
Southhouse School Class photo at the top of this page.
I've reproduced that photo below, followed by the Google Street View image,
photographed in July 2012, that Forbes sent to me.
Forbes wrote
Southhouse Road
"The three houses in
the background of the Southhouse school class photo are those as you turn
right off Burdiehouse Street into Southhouse Road."
Forbes Wilson, near Guildford, England: October 22, 2013 |
For further
comments these three houses, please see Reply
5 below. |
Photo 1
Southhouse Primary School - 1952-53
School class with houses in the background

Reproduced with acknowledgement to Ronnie Murphy
Photographer not known
Photo 2
Southhouse Road - July 2012
The same houses as above

Google, This page has been taken from the Google Earth web site,
with acknowledgement to Forbes Wilson for finding this photo.
Ronnie Murphy
West Yorkshire,
you to Ronnie Murphy (who sent me the photo of Southhouse Primary School
at the top of this page) for writing again
Ronnie wrote:
Southhouse Primary School
"I still have two books
that I received for doing well in P4 and P5 classes at Southhouse Primary
School. I think that the photo would have been taken at around that
Burdiehouse Primary School
"Bob Henderson mentioned
Burdiehouse village school. I went there before I went to Southhouse
I half-remember getting my
Coronation Mug and a packet of sweeties from there, but maybe not!"
Ronnie Murphy, West Yorkshire, England: October 23, 2013 |
John Rattray |
you to John Rattray who wrote:
Class Photo
"I'm in the photo, 3rd
from the left on the back row. The back row is:
- Miss Cummings
- William Wylie
- Ronny Murphy
- John Rattray (me)
- Iain Cowan
- ?
- Tom Thorburn
- Leonard Doig
- Donald Mclelland
The only other names that I
can remember in this photo are:
- Ivor ...?....
(front left) and
- Martin Malcolm
(front right).
now lives in Canada. We see each other from time to time.
Other Schools
"I lived at 21 Stenhouse
After attending Southhouse
Primary, I went to:
the old Burdiehouse Primary
for a couple of years, then that class was the first one to go to
the new school built at Southhouse.
Our teacher at these last
two schools was Mr Mackenzie.
Jackie Rattray: January 12, 2013 |
Gordon Wright
Barnton, Edinburgh |
you to Gordon Wright for commenting on the location of the houses in the
background of the Stenhouse Primary School Class photo, 1952-53 at the
top of this page.
Gordon wrote:
Southhouse Road?
"If I am understanding
correctly, Forbes Wilson, in his Reply 2
above suggests that the houses in the background of these
two photos are in Southhouse Road.
Burdiehouse Street
"Well, I'm sorry,
but the houses are not in Stenhouse Road. All
these blocks are firmly in Burdiehouse Street. Southhouse Road runs by the
gable end of the first block and there it joins the Crescent.
In the photo 1952-53 photo,
the end of the Community centre ( a Blue building)
can be seen opposite the
"Mrs Potter,
I believe, lived in the ground floor
of the first block . Her son,
Rab, had one of the old shops that ran from the
Broadway (at my door 51) through to the Drive.
He later had a shop in Gracemount.
I don't know who
lived in the flat above the Potter family.
Next door to the Potter family in the other
ground flat, lived my pal George Stoddart and his family.
Above them was the Allan family.
Also living in those blocks were:
my pal Alec
Stephenson and his dad.
the Bryce family, with Rose Tam
the Tollins family,
with Pat etc.
- the
Beveridge family, with the twins, Bunty and
along Burdiehouse Street, there were other families,
including the Magill family who lived on the
Gordon Wright, Barnton, Edinburgh: June 23, 2014 |
Gordon Wright
Barnton, Edinburgh |
you to Gordon Wright who wrote:
know many of the other faces,
but (ohhh!) the names!
I can help with a few of
the names:
William (Wassal)
Wylie is in
the back row, beside the
I used to play football with Wassal, but that stopped when we got a ball!
Alec Verth (Veitchy)
from Southhouse Road is last-but-one in the back row
One of the Mclean
twins, Ena or Dot,
is in
the second-back row, four in
from the left. The other
is in the second row up. They were
from the Drive.
Southhouse Primary Replacement School
"Bob Henderson
in his Reply 1
above appears to have summed up the School situation nicely.
I wonder if he knew that the
'replacement Southhouse Primary School'
or the School 'doon the dip or the burn',
as we referred to it, was sinking fast. I believe
that its proximity to the burn had something to do with the sinking."
Tin School
Tin School served handicapped children for a while
Gordon Wright, Barnton, Edinburgh: June 23, 2014 |
Bob Henderson
Edinburgh |
you to Bob Henderson for writing again.
Bob wrote:
Southhouse Primary
Replacement School
"In his
Reply 6 (above)
Gordon Wright mentions the sinking of the school.
I remember the school being built. It was
built on very long concrete piles, as the ground was very wet to a great
As Gordon says, it
was in what we called the dip, which was the
very lowest point of a valley with a burn running through it.
Another Name
I can also add another name to the list in this
class photo:
boy 3 in from the left in the front row is Raymond Black.
Bob Henderson, Burdiehouse, Edinburgh: June 26, 2014 |