West Yorkshire
Visit to Bradford
June 2013
My Visit to St Bede's School
I lived in Bradford, West Yorkshire, until
the age of 18, then moved to Edinburgh, in 1963, after leaving
I returned to Bradford for a couple of days
in June 2013, to have another look at the school,
Bede's Grammar School at Heaton, 50 years after I left the
school and moved to Edinburgh
St Bede's School Frontage and Pupils'

Photo taken
June 21, 2013
During my visit, I had chance to look around the
city again, and see how it had changed since I used to live
there. Here are my brief comments on a few of the things I
At the time of my visit, Bradford was about
to host the World Curry Festival. I did not sample
any of the curry, or any of the ice cream or
fish & chips on
offer here in the centre of
the city !
Ice Cream Shop + Fish & Chip Shop, Sunbridge
Road, City Centre

Photograph taken
June 22, 2013
Clean Buildings
Some of the older buildings in the City
Centre including the City Hall and
the former Wool Exchange are now looking much cleaner and brighter than
they used to.
The former Wool Exchange

Photograph taken
June 22, 2013
The former Wool Exchange
The clock of the City Hall is in lower-left

Photograph taken
June 22, 2013
The City Hall - It was known as
the Town Hall when I lived in Bradford

Photograph taken
June 22, 2013
The City Hall on a quiet
Saturday morning

Photograph taken
June 22, 2013
The City Hall and a Bradford
Lamp Post

Photograph taken
June 22, 2013
The City Hall and two Bradford Lamp Posts

Photograph taken
June 22, 2013
Sikh Temples
I saw several Mosques and
Gurdwara (Sikh Temples) that I had not noticed
on previous visits to Bradford. Bradford now has 77
mosques and 6 Gurdwaras
UK Mosque Searcher web site and
Guru Gobind Singh Gurdwara web site.
Tawak'Kulia Mosque, 48
Cornwall Road, off
Manningham, Bradford

Photograph taken
June 21, 2013
Mosque on the Hill, Bolton
This view is taken from close
to Bradford Forster Square Station Entrance

Photograph taken
June 22, 2013
Forster Square Redevelopment
I expected to see a new
shopping centre at Forster Square open,
as it was shown on my AZ Street Map of Bradford & Leeds,
published in 2009, with an estimated completion date of 2010.
However, building work seems to have hardly begun on it .
It's, no
doubt, one of the casualties of the recession.
Looking across the open area
at Forster Square, awaiting development
A notice on the fence
describes this area as
'"Bradford Urban Garden - to be used by everyone in
District for arts, cultural and community activities".

Photograph taken
June 22, 2013
Posters advertising 'The
Broadway Bradford' to be built in Forster Square

Photograph taken
June 22, 2013
Looking across Bradford
Forster Square
Background: The former
GPO stands in front of Bradford Cathedral

Photograph taken
June 22 2013
I was
interested to see that there still seems to be at least
one rag & bone / scrap metal merchant travelling the streets by
horse and cart.
Unfortunately, I had no chance to photograph it. Maybe next time ...
When I last visited Bradford, about 3 years earlier, I saw
several horses tethered beside the
main roads leading to Wakefield and Eccleshill, but I did not
notice any this time.
I found several businesses
that I thought might have vanished long ago. I was
pleased to see Arnold Laver, timber merchants,
still in business at Canal Road.
I remember standing outside the
trolley bus depots as a child, when I had an interest in buses.
I see that:
- the small trolleybus depot (or trolleybus shed
as we called it) at Bolton Junction has been
demolished, probably long ago.
- the large trolleybus depot works at Thornbury
was being used by a wholesale lighting business when I last saw
- the trolleybus depot at Saltaire is now looking very
smart. It has become a bar and restaurant, named The
Old Tramshed.
The many and varied small businesses around Bradford could
make a good topic for photography one day. I saw several
interesting businesses as I walked through the city, but took
only these two photos:
Mr Ink's newly opened
premises and car - Manningham Road

Photograph taken
June 21, 2013
S&J Motor Factors
premises and car, beside Tesco -
Manningham Road

Photograph taken
June 21, 2013
Bradford used to be the world centre for the woollen
industry, with mills throughout the city. I passed the
mill on Moorside Road on my way to primary school, and used to
hear its loud 'hooter' sounding daily to announce the start or
end of shifts. The mill has now been converted into an
Industrial Museum.
On my recent visit to Bradford:
- I visited Lister's Mill. Most of
the old mill has now been converted to housing, providing 300
- I visited Salts Mill at Saltaire,
which has been converted to shops and cafes and galleries. The improved road from
Bradford and the railway from Bradford Forster Square Station
both now provide good access to Saltaire.
Here are sculptures outside Forster Square station, Bradford,
incorporating what look like old railway lines and cobbles:
you to Bob Henderson who replied:
"I suggest that the rails
in these sculptures would be tram rails."
Bob Henderson, Burdiehouse, Edinburgh: June
28, 2013
Signpost and Sculptures to the
south of Bradford Forster Square Station

Photograph taken
June 21, 2013
Here, we zoom-in on one of the
two sculptures.
The arches in the background
are supporting Cheapside

Photograph taken
June 21, 2013
The old cable tramway from Saltaire to
Shipley Glen has re-opened, though it was not running on the day
of my visit.
The Bradford artist, David Hockney,
was one of the people who were enthusiastic about converting Sir
Titus Salt's large mill at Saltaire to become an art gallery.
This gallery now includes an exhibition of Hockney's work.
I discovered that Hockney used to live in Eccleshill, and that he could often
be seen pushing his pram of art equipment around the streets.
I lived in Eccleshill at around the same time, in the 1950s, but
I cannot remember ever seeing anybody who might have been
Lister Park
Lister Park (also known as Manningham Park) lies about a mile from the city centre,
beside Manningham Lane. The park was donated to the city
by S C Lister who built the nearby Lister Mills in the late 19th
I used to visit Lister Park, to go swimming to the Lido
(open air pool) or to watch the bees entering and leaving their hive
in the basement of Cartwright Hall.
The Lido closed long ago but I was pleased to see that
the park has been renovated and now has:
- rowing boats and paddle boats on the lake.
- flower gardens, and a water garden beside the stream.
a bandstand, now being used again for concerts.
- Cartwright Hall, with
ornamental flower garden, sculptures, art galleries, and Gents'
toilets with their original Victorian fittings, but no bees!
The front of Cartwright Hall

Photograph taken
June 21, 2013
The back of Cartwright Hall

Photograph taken
June 21, 2013
At Cartwright Hall in Lister
Park, I saw Hockney's painting of Moorside Road, Fagley.
That's the road that I used to walk along every day, 4 times a
day, to and from school.
This Wikipedia web site gives a brief history of
Lister Mills,
They used to be the largest silk mills in the world,
employing 11,000 men, women and children.
Lister Park was given the award of 'Britain's
Best Park' in 2006. This page on the Bradford Leisure
Services web site gives more info about
Lister Park
Peter Stubbs, Edinburgh: June 25, 2013 |