
Looking down the Royal Mile towards St Giles' Church


The Lawnmarket

Around 1900

One half of a Stereo view of Lawnmarket, Edinburgh  -  by Keystone View Co

©  Reproduced with acknowledgement to David Gordon, Southside, Edinburgh


The Lawnmarket


Lawnmarket, Edinburgh  -  July 2011

©  Copyright: Peter Stubbs.    Please contact                                          Photograph taken 25 July 2011


Enlarge these photos

The smaller photos above may be easier to compare, but the larger photos found from the thumbnail images below will show more detail.


   One half of a Stereo view of Lawnmarket, Edinburgh  -  by Keystone View Co ©


   Lawnmarket, Edinburgh  -  July 2011 ©




The View

The two photos above are of the Lawnmarket, part of Edinburgh's Royal Mile.  These photos were both taken from beside Tollbooth St John's church, now The Hub.

-  The first photo is one half of a stereo view by Keystone View Company

-  The second photo is one that I took in July, 2011


CENTRE-LEFT:    The buildings in the centre-left of both photos match.  These include are on the north side of Lawnmarket.

CENTRE-RIGHT:  The furnishers' building in the centre-right on the early photo is in the Royal Mile, just beyond the junction with  Bank Street.

In the  2011 photo, it can be seen to have been replaced by the Sheriff Courthouse, built 1934-37, just beyond the two open-top tour buses parked in the Royal Mile.

TOP RIGHT:        The building in the top-right corner on both photos is on the corner of Lawnmarket and Johnston Terrace.

The edge of St Giles Church in High Street is peeping out on the left of this building.



Around Edinburgh

