Corporation Ash Depot


Gorgie Road

 Horse and Dust Cart - on the site that later became Gorgie Farm  -  Photo taken around 1945

©  This photo was taken from Google Earth, with acknowledgement to Google, and to Ken Smith, Calgary, Alberta, Canada


Corporation Ash Depot


Thank you to Ken Smith for sending this Google Earth photo to me.

Ken wrote:

The Site of Gorgie Ash Depot

"When I grew up in Edinburgh (1930 to 1948) the lane in this Google Earth view was used to enter the ash depot.  My aunt lived on the top floor in the tenement to the left.

Gorgie Road  -  View of the entrance to the Corporation Ash Depot at Gorgie ©

The building to the right with the red door was a men's' urinal (with an attendant who kept it clean).  It was a very busy spot after a football game at Tynecastle and when the many pubs closed!"

Ken Smith, Calgary, Alberta, Canada:  October 18, 2010

Around 1945

Ken Smith sent me the Google Earth photo above in response to this  photo taken at the Corporation Ash Depot at Gorgie around 1945.

The Pringles in their carriage, possibly at Marchmont or Bruntsfield ©


Edinburgh Transport

Gorgie Recollections Gorgie Photos


