High Street

Part of Edinburgh's Royal Mile

leading from Edinburgh Castle to the Palace of Holyrood

Two 'Elvis's about to confront each other in their street theatre in the High Street

Two 'Elvis Presley's about to confront each other in the High Street, Edinburgh - August 2008

©  Copyright: Peter Stubbs  -   please contact peter.stubbs@edinphoto.org.uk                                     Photograph taken: August 10, 2008


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    Two 'Elvis Presley's about to confront each other in the High Street, Edinburgh - August 2008 ©


Cockburn Street

2 x 'Elvis'

Here, two 'Elvis's and a nurse performed their street theatre in the High Street, close to St Giles Church on a Sunday morning in August 2008.

Following their performance, one of the 'Elvis's and the nurse took a stroll down Anchor Close, then up Cockburn Street where the photograph below was taken, just before the 'Whiplash Trash' shop opened for business.

'Elvis' and Nurse walking up Cockburn Street - August 2008 ©


Cockburn Street

Around Edinburgh

 Grassmarket         George Street          High Street        High Street closes        Leith Street
Lothian Road       North Bridge       Saint James Sq       
Waverley Bridge


