Bruntsfield, Edinburgh

Reproduced with acknowledgement to Al Lorentzen, Inverness,
Illinois, USA
Photo taken: around Mar / Apr1960
Crescent Photo |
Thank you to Al Lorentzen for allowing me to
reproduce this photo that he took in 1960.
Al wrote: |
"My wife, June, and I lived in a first floor flat
directly across from Napier Castle in 1960. This photo was probably taken
around March or April that year.
The castle was a forlorn looking affair, situated in
the middle of a dirt lot, looked very spooky at night. I understand that
there's a college on this site now.
Notice how few cars are in this photo. I bet it's
hard to find a parking space here now."
Al Lorentzen, Inverness, Illinois, USA: September 30 +
October 8, 2010 |
Looking towards Bruntsfield LInks
I agree with Al's comment about the
parking. Now it's not easy to find a parking space - and when you do find
one, you have to pay to park!
When I first came to Edinburgh in
1963, before the days of parking meters, there was usually no problem in
finding a place to park on Princes Street - or even in the middle of the
platform at Princes Street Station!
Looking towards Bruntsfield LInks
I believe this photo looks to the NE, and that the
tall steeple on the skyline is Barclay Church
*** on the edge of Bruntsfield Links.
Mardale Crescent is in the foreground with a Morris
Minor parked on the left and an older car parked almost opposite it. The
roads beyond the junction are Rochester Terrace (left) and Blantyre Terrace
(straight ahead).
Peter Stubbs: October 8, 2010 |
*** In fact
I was wrong. Thank you to those below for pointing this out. |
Edinburgh |
Brian Clapp wrote:
"Thank you for publishing Al Lorentzen's photo of
Mardale Crescent. I believe the spire in the background belongs to Christ
Church rather than the Barclay Church."
Brian Clapp, Edinburgh: October 12, 2010 |
Thanks Brian. I visited the
street today and agree. The church in the background of this picture is
indeed the Scottish Episcopal Church, Christ Church, at Holy Corner,
Morningside. It's on the corner of Morningside Road and Colinton Road.
Peter Stubbs, Edinburgh: October 15, 2010 |
Ian Taylor
South Glasgow, Scotland |
Ian Taylor also wrote at about the same time as
Brian above.
Ian wrote.
"Surely, the church spire in the background must be
one of the churches at Holy Corner."
Ian Taylor |
Thanks Ian. I agree; the
church is the Scottish Episcopalian Church at Holy Corner, Morningside.
Ian Taylor, South Glasgow, Scotland: October 13, 2010 |
Peter Stubbs
Edinburgh |
I took a photograph in Mardale
I have reproduced Al's 1960 photo of
the street below, and followed it with my 2010 photo (in monochrome, then
in colour). My photo was 50 years later and taken from street level, but comparisons can still be made
between the two photos:
- Surprisingly, both photos have a similar number of cars in the
- The hedge on the left and trees on the right have grown.
- The tenements on the left and in the distance are virtually
- Napier University buildings have been built on the right.
Peter Stubbs, Edinburgh: October 15, 2010 |

Reproduced with acknowledgement to Al Lorentzen, Inverness,
Illinois, USA
Photo taken: around Mar / Apr1960

Copyright: Peter Stubbs - please contact
Photo taken: October 15, 2010

Copyright: Peter Stubbs - please contact
Photo taken: October 15, 2010