Dumbiedykes (top of map) and St Leonard's (bottom of map) -1925

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Dumbiedykes and St Leonard's districts of Edinburgh lie on the western edge of Holyrood Park.

Many of the buildings in St Leonard's were demolished around 1930, and those in Dumbiedykes in the 1960s.


Edinburgh and Leith map, 1925  -  Dumbiedykes and St Leonard's

©    For permission to reproduce, please contact peter.stubbs.      This is an extract from a map of Edinburgh & Leith by
John Bartholemew FRGS . 
The map was published in the Edinburgh & Leith Post Office Directory, 1925-26

Smaller map

and LINKS to other maps

Edinburgh and Leith map, 1925  -  Dumbiedykes and St Leonard's ©



Dumbiedykes + St Leonards

Small Maps:        1925         1940         1955

Large Maps:        1925         1940         1955



