David Kilpatrick
Leith |
Recollections |
1. |
Duncan Shedden
Shetland Islands, Scotland |
- DK School: 1950s
- Channel Swimmer
- Football
- Bombies
- Photos |
2. |
John Stewart
Livingston, West Lothian, Scotland |
Old Leither Web Site |
3. |
Patricia MacKenzie (née
New Jersey, USA
- Leith |
4. |
Mary McKay
Aberdeenshire, Scotland |
Moira Smith
- John Munro |
5. |
Patricia Moore
Leith, Edinburgh |
Remember Me |
6. |
Madge Buick
Edinburgh |
Remember Me |
7. |
William Dutton
Colinton, Edinburgh |
Teachers |
8. |
James Liddell
Edinburgh |
- 1964-67 |
9. |
Graham Whyte
Harrogate, North Yorkshire, England |
School Friends |
10. |
Margaret Currie
Niagara, Ontario, Canada |
Photo of the School |
11. |
Eddie Williamson
Shetland Islands, Scotland |
Teachers |
12. |
Maria Boyd (née
Reid) |
Mr Ring
Mr Lindsay |
13. |
Maria Boyd (née
Reid) |
- Teachers
- Pupils |
14. |
Mary Boucher (née
Canada |
- 1958-61
- Class Mates
- Those were the Days |
15. |
Duncan Shedden
Shetland Islands, Scotland |
- 2016
- School Gates |
16. |
John Donald
Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
- Bombed Buildings
- Ned |
Duncan Shedden
Hillswick, NW coast of Shetland Island, Scotland
Duncan Shedden who was born in
Camp at Wardie School Playing Fields and now lives in Shetland
Islands, writes:
D K School -
"I have just had a
good afternoon looking at your web and once again there was a few
lumps in the old throat.
I was a bit surprised
that nobody has ever mentioned my good old secondary school, 'DK'
(David Kilpatrick's) at the far end of Junction St , Leith" |
Channel Swimmer
the time I was there its claim to fame was our science teacher Ned
Barney was a famous Channel swimmer." |
was also picked for the Edinburgh Schoolboys' Football team while
playing for DK. According to my dad the great Leeds and
Scotland player Peter Lorimar was in the same team, as were a few
other pro players.
If you have or can find any
info or pictures I would love to see them." |
other classic was the Bombies. This was the site opposite the school
where the after school activities took place i.e.
fights." |
you have or can find any info or pictures I would love to see them."
I don't have any more info or pictures
myself, but
if I find anything interesting, I'll add it to
the web site. Perhaps somebody else has something.
- Peter Stubbs:
February, 2006. |
Duncan Shedden, NW coast of Shetland Island, February 3, 2006
John Stewart
Livingston, West Lothian,
Scotland |
Old Leither Web Site
Thank you to John Stewart, now living
in Livingston, West Lothian, for telling me that
a photograph of DK school, following the bombing
in 1941, can be found
on the
Old Leither'
web site
John was born in Leith in 1934 and attended Dr Bell's school. He
has created an
Leither' web site that records his own memories of
Leith and a few other people's memories of Leith. It is on this web
site that the photograph of DK school can be found.
Here are a couple of short extracts from John's memories of attending
Dr Bell's school.
in Great Junction Street, Leith.
Patricia MacKenzie (née
New Jersey, USA |
Thank you to Patricia MacKenzie for leaving the
message below in the EdinPhoto Guest Book.
Patricia wrote: |
"I was born in
Spiers Place Leith in 1947 and moved around the
corner to Henderson St in 1949. I went to
David Kilpatrick's secondary school 1959 to 1962, and
moved to New Jersey, USA in 1976.
I'd like to hear from
anyone who may remember me."
Patricia MacKenzie (née Paterson), New
Jersey, USA:
Message and email address left in EdinPhoto Guest Book, July 24, 2008 |
Contacting Patricia
If you'd like to contact Patricia,
please email me, then I'll pass on your message to her.
Thank you. - Peter stubbs: July
28, 2008 |
Update 1
Harry Paterson contacted me on September 3, 2008,
telling me that he thinks he is probably Patricia's cousin. I've
forwarded Harry's email to Patricia.
Peter stubbs:
September 11, 2008 |
Update 2
Message for Patricia
Patricia: have you changed your email address
since you posted your message in the EdinPhoto Guestbook in July 2008?
If so, can you please
email me to let me know your latest email address?
Duncan Shedden who was born in 1946 tells me that he
attended DK school at the same time as yourself. He now lives in
Shetland and would like to contact you.
Peter stubbs: June 28, 2012 |
Marion McKay
Aberdeenshire, Scotland |
Marion McKay, formerly of 198 Bonnington Road, and
now living in Aberdeenshire, left this message in the EdinPhoto guestbook: |
"I'd like to trace a
couple of old friends. I
haven't seen or heard from them in nearly 56 years and would like any
information on how they are. The friends are:
Moira Smith
Moira Smith, who
lived in Stanwell Street.
She worked as a secretary at Leith Hospital.
She married John Banks, then moved to the
corner of Madeira St/ Ferry Rd.
John Munro
John Munro, who
lived at 42 North Fort Street. He was an apprentice joiner, great swimmer
and piper with 1st Leith BB's and Leith Dockers. John's sister Mary was
married at Seaton Hall, Newhaven. I also went to school with Joan Hall."
Moira Smith
"I also went to school with
Joan Hall.
We all attended David Kirkpatrick school 1947
- 1951."
Marion McKay, Aberdeenshire:
Message posted in EdinPhoto guestbook: February 28, 2009 |
If you can help Marion to contact her old friends,
please email me, then I'll pass on your message to her
Thank you. - Peter stubbs:
February 28, 2009 |
Thank you to Patricia Moore, Leith, for leaving
a message in the EdinPhoto guest book |
Patricia wrote:
Remember Me?
"I have such
wonderful memories of Leith - Dr
Bells primary school from
then David Kilpatrick's from 1960 to 1963.
love to contact anyone from Leith that may
remember me:
The Duthie family
Maureen from
Paddy Trainor
all wonderful street pals that will be in my
warm memories from my childhood."
Patricia Moore, Leith, Edinburgh:
December 17, 2009 |
Reply to Patricia?
If you'd like to reply to
Patricia, please add a reply
to the message that she left in the EdinPhoto guest book on December 17,
email me then I'll pass your
message on to her (assuming that
I have discovered her
email address by then).
Thank you.
- Peter
Stubbs: December 19, 2009
Madge Buick
Edinburgh |
Thank you to Madge Buick, Edinburgh, for leaving
a message in the EdinPhoto guest book |
Madge wrote:
Remember Me?
"I went to David Kilpatrick Secondary
anyone remember me?
My sister was Bernice,
born May 31, 1946
brother was Stanley - born November 24, 1935
Madge Buick, Edinburgh: Message
posted in EdinPhoto web site, February 22, 2010 |
Reply to Madge?
I don't
have an email address for Madge, so if you'd like to send a message to
her, can you please add a reply to the message that she left in the
EdinPhoto guest book on February 22, 2010.
Thank you.
- Peter
Stubbs: December 19, 2009
Colinton, Edinburgh |
Thank you to Lorraine Bruce for sending me this message
from her father, William Dutton, Colinton, Edinburgh who is now aged 80: |
went to David Kilpatrick Secondary School.
I recall:
- Geography Teacher:
Mr MacGregor
- Register Teacher:
Miss Crawford
- Ned Barney:
channel swimmer"
Message received from Lorraine Bruce,
Dingwall, Ross & Cromarty, Scotland: September 23, 2010 |
James Liddell
Edinburgh |
James Liddell wrote: |
"I started at DK in
1964 in class 1b1. The following year, I was in 2b1, then in my
final year I was in 3b1, I left the school in July 1967.
I remember, in my class:
- Derek Squires
- Jim White
- Rab White
- Donald Cullen
- Andy McDonald
- David Dodds
- Dennis Arnold
- etc.
Does anybody have email
addresses for anybody who was in the same year as me at the school?"
James Liddell, Edinburgh: July 26,
2011 |
Reply to James
If you can help Marion to contact her old friends,
please email me, then I'll pass on your message to her
Thank you. - Peter stubbs:
February 28, 2009 |
Graham Whyte
Harrogate, North Yorkshire,
England |
After reading 'Recollections 8' above, Graham Whyte
wrote: |
School Friends
"I remember Donald Cullen. He was a
good friend at DK school. We used to play football together, along
with the likes of:
- Mike & Jim
- Paddy Malley
I believe he was in the same year as:
- me
- John Purkiss
- Billy Dove
- me.
to name but a few.
I've not heard of any of them since 1966.
Graham Whyte, Harrogate, North
Yorkshire, England: February 3, 2012 |
Margaret Currie
Niagara, Ontario, Canada |
Margaret Currie asks: |
Photo of the School
"Does anyone have a
photo of David Kilpatrick's School?
I have a friend who lives here in Niagara on
Lake Ontario. She
is now 89 years old. She was in the
Air Force with the barrage balloons during
I know that she would dearly love to have this
Thank you.
Margaret Currie, Niagara, Ontario,
Canada: December 23, 2012 |
Photos of the David Kilpatrick
So, if you know of any pictures of David Kilpatrick's school that might
be of interest to Margarets friend,
please email me, then I'll pass on your message to Margaret.
Thank you.
Peter Stubbs, Edinburgh: December 23, 2012
Pickering, Ontario,
Canada |
Thank you to Eddie Williamson for
posing a message in the EdinPhoto guestbook.
Eddie wrote:
"I've been looking
at the comments about David Kilpatrick School. I went there
from 1952 until 1955.
I wonder who remembers:
Mr Ring.,
Geography Teacher.
Mr Lindsay,
Art Teacher. I think his
nickname was Bruiser Lindsay. He used to smack you on the back
of your head.
Ned Barnie.
Everyone remembers him!"
Eddie Williamson, Pickering,
Ontario, Canada. Message posted in EdinPhoto guestbook
Apr 13, 2013, |
Moira Boyd
Thank you to Moira Boyd (née Reid) for replying
to Eddie Williamson's message in
Recollections 11 above.
Moira wrote:
Mr Ring
Eddie. You must have been in 3rd Year when I was in 1st Year
st David Kilpatrick School.
got a 'double-hander' from Mr Ring and he stuck me in the seat in
front of his desk. I was top o' the class for 3 years."
Mr Lindsay
"As for "Bruiser" Lyndsay, he took a great interest in me. I
loved Art, but was also scared o' that ruler he smacked us wi'.
I remember the Art Classes. They
were were up in the Attics,
Happy Days eh!!"
Moira Boyd (née Reid):
Message posted in EdinPhoto guestbook April 17, 2013, in
response to a message posted in the guestbook on April 13, 2013. |
Moira Boyd
Thank you to Moira Boyd (née Reid) for posting a
further reply
to Eddie Williamson's message in
Recollections 11 above.
Moira wrote:
Eddie. You really got me
thinking last night, remembering all the teachers:
- Fanny
Dawson, Head Teacher
Mr Taylor, History
- Miss
Ross Maths
- Mrs
Arnot, Commercial
- Ned
Barnie and Miss Barnes, Science
- Mr
Naysmith, Religious
- Mr Tod
: my big brother, George Reid,
had him for Science.
I've just
remembered Mr Wishart, Commercial.
Do you remember:
Alec Wallace?
George Reid?
Billy Paxton?
Jack Watt?
Derick Melville?
are all from Burlington Street and Bowling
Green. Keeping the auld brain cells
ticking over.
Moira Boyd (née Reid):
Message posted in EdinPhoto guestbook April 18, 2013, in
response to a message posted in the guestbook on April 13, 2013. |
Mary Boucher (née
Thank you to Mary Boucher who
- Bombies
fights after school
- Mr
- Mr
Munro, Science (nickname Minnie Munro)
Mr Taylor, History
- Mr
Brown, Gym
- Ned
the plane in
the school yard."
Class Mates
class mates were:
- Margo Rutherford
- Joyce Rogers
and the guys:
- Peter
Cormack. He played for the Hibs
- Phil Duncan,
now married to my niece, Angela Gorrie
- Billy Paxton?
- Jack Watt?
- Derick Melville?
Those were the
those were the days when the choir would sing in the Usher Hall.
It's sad to see, when I go back to visit Edinburgh that the school
has now been demolished."
Mary Boucher (née McColgan)),
Canada: 3 June, 2013 |
Duncan Shedden
Hillswick, NW coast of Shetland Island, Scotland
Thank you to Duncan who
School Gates
was back in Leith a few months ago and was shocked to find that the
old Iron gates at the entrance for D.K. are still standing.
friend who took me there lives in one of the flats opposite.
It was a trip down memory lane."
Duncan, NW coast of Shetland
Island, Scotland: 24 August 2016 |
John Donald
Ontario, Canada |
Thank you to John Donald who
I left David Kilpatrick's school, the bombed buildings were still
standing - though precariously"
Ned Barney
Barney was my teacher at the school.
He had a trick that he did each year at the gala,
where he would dive from the balcony into the shallow end of the
swimming pool.
at his body shape in the photo below that someone sent in, then
think of diving approximately 20 feet into 3 feet of water, without
slamming his head on the bottom! Our hearts were in our mouths
watching it.! A remarkable man, no doubt."
John Smith and Ned Barnie preparing to swim the Firth
of Forth - 1955

Reproduced by courtesy of Evening
News. Click here
for web site details.
and with acknowledgement to Bryan Gourlay, Biggar,
Lanarkshire, Scotland
John Donald, Windsor, Ontario,
Canada: 8 September
2016 |