Queensferry Crossing |
Park, Pettycur Bay, near Kinghorn, Fife - Late 1940s

Reproduced with acknowledgement to Bryan Gourlay, Biggar, Lanarkshire,
Bryan Gourlay
Biggar, Lanarkshire, Scotland
Thank you to Bryan Gourlay who remembers sailing on the Queensferry
ferry in the late 1940s for weekends spent at his caravan near Kinghorn,
Bryan wrote: |
Weekends in Fife
"I was first on the
Queensferry crossing, about five years old, in the late 1940s, when we
went across regularly to my family’s ‘caravan’ at Pettycur Bay near
was nothing like the huge site and posh caravans that are there now. Ours
was in tiny field, just off the road, near where the entrance to the
caravan park is today."
Converted 1920s Bus
"I say ‘caravan’, because that’s
what we called it. In truth it was a dilapidated 1920s, single-decker bus
that a joiner friend of my dad hastily converted into living quarters – a
couple of rooms with raised platforms for mattresses and little else.
The separate driver’s cabin was
converted into an indoor loo, containing a large galvanized bucket type of
thing with a wooden seat, that would be instantly condemned as a highly
dangerous health risk to the entire Fife coastline nowadays."
Singer Sports Car
"The picture shows our minus five
star ‘caravan’ behind the car, with another old bus waiting in the wings
for a similar top-quality conversion. Our car was a pre-war Singer Sports
(a posh Hillman), which had been up on bricks in a lock-up in St Leonards
for five or six years during the War, as petrol for private use was
difficult to come by."
Family Outings
"On most Saturday lunchtimes,
between Easter and September, we would set off from Edinburgh for the
ferry. Somehow, we shoe-horned ourselves into the car. Me, my mother and
father, two aunties, my granny – and sometimes my great granny - a bit
like a Broons’ family outing."
Boarding the Ferry
"As there was little ground
clearance left, we all (except grannies) had to get out of the car and
walk on to the ferry – which saved bottoming the car as it went from the
ramp on to the deck. Boarding or disembarking could be a bit tricky
depending on how high or low the ferry was sitting in the water, or how
much it was being pitched about by the swell."
The Crossing
"While the adults got back in the
car for the crossing, my dad and I would go up on the front, upper deck.
There was always a great feeling of anticipation when the ropes were
thrown onto the boat, the paddle wheels started turning, and we edged away
from the pier and off, wind and spray in our hair, out to sea.
One of the high spots was a train
crossing the rail bridge, with smoke belching from its stack, passengers
waving out the windows and throwing coins out for luck. While some of the
pennies, ha’pennies and farthings hit bits of the bridge and fell on to
the tracks, some must have reached the waters many feet below. I suppose
there’s a few quid in ‘old money’ sitting on the sea-bed on either side of
the bridge."
Reaching Fife
"At North Queensferry, we had to
reverse the process, walk off the boat and get into the car once it was
safely on dry land. We didn’t get very far, as we always stopped in
Aberdour for an ice cream slider (wafer) or cone, before making the short
trip to the ‘caravan’ near Kinghorn."
"The weekend was spent around
Kinghorn, in the harbour, or down on the beach across the road. I can
remember my dad taking me a few hundred yards along the road to the spot
where, in 1285, King Alexander III of Scotland fell off his horse and over
the cliff to his death."
The Last Ferry Home
"On Sunday evening, we all piled
into the car for the return journey home to Edinburgh. For some reason, we
always seemed to be going for the last ferry, which my dad didn’t want to
miss as this meant the long trip round by the Kincardine bridge.
Sometimes, even if we got to
North Queensferry on time, there would be too many cars waiting in the
queue, and we’d have to head for Kincardine anyway."
"The return ferry journey routine
was the same, we walked on and off the ferry as my dad (with grannies)
drove the car. Back at Queensferry, the heavily-loaded car always
struggled very hard to get up the steep brae from the Hawes Inn.
The Ferry
Brian later sent me this photograph taken on one of the journeys
that his family made between South Queensferry and Kinghorn.
Please click on the small image above to enlarge it, and to read
Bryan's comments on it.
Bryan Gourlay, Biggar, Lanarkshire, Scotland,
April 19, 2007 |
Bryan Gourlay, Biggar, Lanarkshire,
Scotland, June 13, 2006 |
Bryan Gourlay
Biggar, Lanarkshire, Scotland
My Dad's Lorry
"For several years, I used to go
on the ferry in my dad’s lorry. Lorries were much smaller then and the
ferry could take at least a couple at a time. The lorry was a six ton
Bedford, very often overloaded, with its load roped extra tightly so it
could handle the embarking, disembarking and pitching of the boat."
Loading the Ferry
"The ferrymen loading the ferry
would get the lorries to wait until they had loaded cars to the left and
right of the entrance, leaving a space in the middle for lorries.
Everything was done at a brisk
pace, with lots of hand signals and loud instructions from the
good-humoured ferrymen, so the ferry wasn’t delayed."
Margaret and
Robert the Bruce
"I remember the ferries (Queen
Margaret and Robert the Bruce) had a wooden, sleeper-type deck with a
large turntable in the middle.
Cars would drive on to the
turntable when instructed to do so, and be turned left or right through 90
degrees, so they could fit closely together facing forward or aft.
If you wanted to get out the car,
you had to do so quickly as the one parked next to yours would often be
too close for you to open the doors." |
Bryan Gourlay, Biggar, Lanarkshire,
Scotland, June 13, 2006 |
Bryan Gourlay
Biggar, Lanarkshire, Scotland
The Last Ferries
"I was last on the Queensferry
crossing two or three months before they were cast aside in 1964.
It was a sad day when the
Queensferry ferries were replaced by the road bridge – and equally sad
that no-one thought to preserve one of these well-loved boats.
Thank you, also
to Graham Ferguson for sending me this photo of one of the
ferries at South Queensferry in the early 1960s.'
© |
Bryan Gourlay, Biggar, Lanarkshire,
Scotland, June 13, 2006 |
Michael McRitchie
Biggar, Lanarkshire, Scotland
Michael wrote
"My great-grandmother,
Ann Elizabeth
Gawn of Granton (1842-1907) married John McRitchie in 1862. The
McRitchies were ferrymen and innkeepers in North Queensferry for centuries. The
ferry crossing was described as slow, difficult and dangerous, faithfully
reflecting the family traits.
Parish records show that Alexander McRitchie married
Helen Walwood in 1687 though I can't link them to my own line beyond 1716 when
gt-gt-gt-gt-gt grandparents David McRitchie and Janet Douglas were married.
The last McRitchie in North Queensferry, Alex the piermaster, died in 1914.
"Do you know where I might be able to find any
old pictures of the ferry crossing, especially sail vessels? We know the family
owned some as we have the will of John McRitchie (d.1823) which describes one
sloop in great detail.
I'm working on a book for the family (nothing
fancy, probably A4 or A5 stitch bound) and I have several accounts and booklets
relating to the crossing, but the ferry pictures are elusive.
Any help gratefully received!"
Michael McRitchie,
Comber, Northern Ireland: October 20, 2009 |
period that Michael is speaking of is too early for photography, so
any pictures that are found are likely to be old engravings,
etchings, paintings or sketches.
you can suggest anywhere that Michael might be able to find such
pictures, please email me, then I'll pass your message on to him.
Thank you.
Peter Stubbs: October 23, 2009 |
Melville Watson |
Thank you to Melville Watson who wrote: |
Queensferry Crossing
"I used to live at
Craiglockhart. We used to use the Queensferry Crossing when we went
to Blairgowrie. It was a huge adventure for me, especially in winter
Melville Watson: August 5, 2010