The Edinburgh Society of Professional Photographers


Swan Watson

The death of the ex-President of ESPP, Swan Watson, was reported to the ESPP Meeting on 6 October.

[BJP 1930, p649]

Gold Medal

At a Meeting on 6 October, Drummond Young was congratulated on having been awarded the Gold Medal at the Milwaukee Exhibition, USA

[BJP 1930, p649]


At a Meetings on 6 October and 3 , suggestions were made for subjects to be discussed in the 1930-31 session.  These included:

-  Assistants to be invited to Campbell Harper studio.

-  Visit to Mr Balmain's studio on 1 December to see a demonstration of his new lighting installation

[BJP 1930, p649]

Free Sittings

The subject of 'free sittings' was discussed.  The report of the meeting states that:

"It was agreed to do nothing further in the meantime to prevent photographers from carrying on their business in the way they chose."

[BJP 1930, p649]

Oleobrom Lecture

A W Hill gave a lecture on 3 November.  His subject was Oleobrom, a simple and practical method of making oil prints, devised by Messrs Wellington & Ward.  He described it as a process that can be done without the special training that is required for making bromoil prints.



