EPS Publications


EPS Transactions

EPS Transactions  -  1880-1900

©  Reproduced by courtesy of Edinburgh Photographic Society

For about forty-five years from 1880, EPS events were recorded in the Society's monthly transactions.  These transactions have been bound into large volumes, each covering about a decade.


EPS Syllabuses

Syllabuses for Sessions

1923-24,    1925-26,    1934-35

EPS Syllabuses  - 1923, 1925, 1934

©  Reproduced by courtesy of Edinburgh Photographic Society

Above are the covers of three different EPS Annual Syllabuses:

The Syllabus listed the Society's activities for the forthcoming season.  Each bears the same logo but a different address for the Society

1999 Syllabus

EPS Syllabus  -  1999-2000

©  Reproduced by courtesy of Edinburgh Photographic Society

EPS Syllabuses are still produced today.  Now they are a little larger and contain many more pages.  The logo remains the same, despite a competition in the 1990s to design a new logo.


EPS Syllabuses


EPS Logo

There has now been a change in the EPS logo, but it still features the Canongate Tolbooth.  The new logo appeared on the EPS Syllabus for the first time for session 2010-11 (or was it perhaps a year or two earlier.

The new logo can be seen on the most recent syllabus below.

Syllabuses for Sessions

1990-91,    1999-2000,    2012-13

©  Reproduced by courtesy of Edinburgh Photographic Society


For fuller details of EPS literature, please see  Appendix


