Auty & Heaven

The cabinet print below appears, at first sight, to have been produced by Alex Asher. 

However a closer reading shows it to be by to Auty & Heaven, successors to Alex Asher.

    -  Alex Asher's studio was at Baxter Place, 1882-1897.

    -  Auty & Heaven's studio was at Baxter Place, 1898-1908.

Cabinet Print


IAuty & Heaven  -  Cabinet Print 2  -  front

©  Copyright: For permission to reproduce, please contact

Cabinet Print


Auty & Heaven  -  Cabinet Print 2  -  back

©  Copyright: For permission to reproduce, please contact


Auty & Heaven


Can anybody tell me anything more about 'Auty & Heaven' or about the Auty part of this partnership.  Please email me if you have any details so that I can pass it on to Russell Auty who is researching the history of the Auty family. 

Thank you.


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