Domestic Service' - around 1900

Reproduced with acknowledgement
to Kim
Thank you to Kim Traynor for allowing me to reproduce this
Kim wrote:
"This is a photo of my grandmother in
service. It’s probably from between 1900 and 1910, just possibly
even earlier.
My grandmother is on the
left. Her name was Isabella Westwater (a name derived from the
burn that flows under the road between Edinburgh and West Linton).
She married John Walker (seen on the photos
of the Menzies’ car) when he served with the Royal Flying Corps, before
becoming a chauffeur
Domestic Service
I assume the employer, whoever that was,
paid for it to be taken.
I remember seeing a statistic that 1 in 4 of
the working class before the Great War was in service. It makes you
Kim Traynor, Tollcross, Edinburgh:
September 18, 2009 |