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Oil Painting in a Gold Frame

The portrait below is reproduced with acknowledgement to Mark Johnson.

Oil Painting by Horsburgh - in a gold frame

©  Reproduced with acknowledgement to Mark Johnson

The inscription on the photograph appears to be from the 1860s.  The date is not easy to read,  but  the style of the inscription is very similar to one on a painting by John Horsburgh b.1835 held by the Scottish National Portrait Gallery.

John Horsburgh b.1835 is reported to have flourished 1878-1899.  Might this be one of his earlier works?

Here is the signature from the bottom-right corner of the painting:

Signature:  Horsburgh  Edin. 1892

Inscription on an Oil Painting by Horsburgh - in a gold frame

©  Reproduced with acknowledgement to Mark Johnson



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