Kenneth Rive

Kenneth Rive

Kenneth Rive's birth certificate was signed by Adolph Langfier [uncle of Kenneth Rive] because the baby's father was abroad. The baby's mother was  Emily Langfier,  daughter of Adolph Langfier.

Kenneth Rive became a film distributor (Gala Films) but spent his childhood acting in silent movies, usually filmed in Berlin.

[Frances Rive  -  whose father in law is Kenneth Rive]


Kenneth Rive's Family


Kenneth Rive's father

If you can provide any information about the father of Kenneth Rive, please email me so that I tell Frances Rive who is currently looking for detail.  Thank you.

Kenneth Rive

Thank you to Therese Sahlberg who replied:

I don't know who Ken Rives father was, but I would like to know a little bit more about Ken. You see, I knew him when I was a child, he's my godfather.

Unfortunately we had no contact at the end.  He was a good friend to my mother, Dagmar Strandberg and to my aunt Inger Westin both from Sweden.

 I was so sad by the news that he's no longer with us. I just moved to London from Sweden and was looking forward to make contact with him.

And now I would like to know more about him, his family, his life till the end. I would love to see pictures of him, the ones I have is so old. Is there anyone I could talk to?

It would really mean a lot to me, because all my life I've been wanting to meet him again. Please, can you help me? This is really important to me.

Therese Sahlberg, London, formerly Sweden.  19 August 2005

If you are able to provide any more information, please e-mail me so that I can  pass it on.  Thank you.     Peter Stubbs




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