Adam Lothian

Peter Lothian


Peter Lothian

Peter Lothian was a professional photographer in Edinburgh from 1867.  He was also a miniature and portrait painter.

He became an EPS member in 1865 and gave lectures to EPS:  

  - 1868-69:   Notes of Experiments by New Printing Process of Mr WH Davies

  - 1869:         On Printing Photographs on Prepared Printers Canvas and Similar Surfaces

  - 1871-72:   Composition Pictures by A Diston


Adam Lothian

Adam Lothian was a photographer living in Edinburgh in 1881.  Did he have an Edinburgh studio?  Was he related to Peter Lothian?

1881 Census

Adam Lothian was listed in the 1881 census as:

Photographic Artist:  aged 46

Born:  Dunfermline, Fife

Resident:  3 Cottage Lane, Allen Street, Edinburgh

Wife:  Helen L


1. (daughter):  aged 12    (born:  Alloa, Clackmannanshire)

2.  Isa:  aged 10    (born:  Glasgow

3.  Euphemia:  aged 8    (born:  Inverkeithing, Fife)

4.  Madelene:  aged 3    (born:  Dunfermline, Fife)


