you to the
following for helping me with my research: |
A |
David Anderson, |
for information on
William Crooke and
RA Dakers and on
The Imperial
Artists' Guild |
Fred G Anderson
(Wardie Edinburgh) |
for information on an old engraving of
Trinity Church, Edinburgh |
Zella Ashford
(Edinburgh) |
for lending me some of her
family photographs and allowing me to make copies. |
John Aston
(Hampshire, England) |
for giving me details from the backs of cartes de visite from the
studios of Turnbull & Sons |
B |
Mark W Bailey
(Guildford, Surrey, England)
for providing details of the numbering system used
Pelham postcards. |
Colin Baker (Warminster,
Wiltshire, England)) |
History of UK postal rates for
postcards. |
Ballingall |
who's great grandparents were photographed
in Leven by George Aitchison. |
Alan Barden
(Akron, Ohio, USA) |
for information on the production of
Valentine postcards. |
(Australia) |
who is compiling a list of
photographers, world-wide. |
Charles Bath
(Montreal, Quebec, Canada)) |
for comments on the history of South Queensferry
Post Office, the subject of one of the postcards on this site. |
Maureen Bartlett |
for information and questions relating to
TAA Morrison |
Stephen Beadle |
for information on photographs by
Horatio Ross |
Bean |
who provided information on Edwin
Debenham and Edwin Holford Debenham, and who is putting
details of the Debenham family onto his web
site. |
Douglas Beath |
from Burnie, Tasmania,
Australia [formerly of Granton, Edinburgh] for helping me to identify
the locations of three of my photographs of lifting the
old tramlines in Edinburgh. |
David E Beets
(Letchworth, Hertfordshire, England) |
for information on:
1.Artist, Reginald P
Phillimore, who produced probably over 700 different postcards.
2. Edinburgh Floral Clock in West Princes Street
Gardens |
Berridge |
who provided information on the artist James
McIntosh Patrick |
Alastair James Berry
(Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, British Colombia,
Canada) |
for recollections of Granton in the 1930s |
Berry (Edinburgh) |
for his advice on
identifying and preserving old photographs.
James Berry works for the Scottish National
Gallery |
Bethune (Edinburgh) |
and other staff in the
Edinburgh Room of Edinburgh
Central Library, for all the time spent providing Edinburgh Directories
and photographs for me to consult. |
Andrew Boath
(Granton, Edinburgh) |
Chairman of Granton History
Group, for information on the history of Granton. |
(Edinburgh) |
for information on Edinburgh
photographic dealers including J B Watson. |
Neil Boyd
(Rosyth, Scotland) |
for advice that helped me to
keep my
PC working. |
Bridgeman (London, England) |
for further
information on detail in the D O Hill painting of the
Disruption. |
Bob Brindle (Nottinghamshire) |
for further
information on the studio address of
D Wilson Fraser |
Brock (Edinburgh) |
of the 'Penny Tenement' collapse. |
Brodie (Auckland, New Zealand) |
for helping me
to identify the
Leith Academy schools beside Leith Links |
Ian Brooks (Oxfordshire) |
Durie Brown,
Princes Street, Edinburgh |
Brotchie (Kirkcaldy, Fife, Scotland) |
Edinburgh transport history |
Brown (Edinburgh) |
National Archives of Scotland, HM General
Register House, Edinburgh for advice on how to discover what
is held in their collection |
Brown (Toronto) |
for answering my question on
the relationship between James Valentine and other members of his family.
Patty Brown is a Member of
Toronto Postcard Cub) |
Bruce |
A founding member of the Scottish Society for
the History of Photography and Director of the David
Octavius Hill Bicentenary Festival - for information on the
early work of DO Hill. |
Thomas Brunt |
OutFront web site is a
Microsoft FrontPage Learning Community giving advice on building web
sites. |
David Burder |
3-D/stereoscopy worker and Daguerreotypist for advice and demonstration of
Daguerreotype process given at APIS (Alternative Processing
International Symposium) at Dunfermline, Scotland in September 2004. |
Paul Burford |
for comments on some of the early stereo views of Edinburgh |
Bill Buchanan
(Glasgow, Scotland) |
formerly head of Fine Art at
Glasgow School of Art - for information on J Craig Annan and
DO Hill |
Fiona Burgess
(Dunbar, Scotland) |
for information about old post cards. |
Gareth Burgess (Dunbar, Scotland) |
for information about old post cards. |
John Burnett (Edinburgh) |
for his views on an engraving of
Shinty being played at Bruntsfield. (John Smith has written
books on early sport in Scotland.) |
Jim Butt (Alberta,
Georgia, USA) |
for details of a painting restored by
James Douglas. |
C |
Alan Cameron (Edinburgh) |
Bank of Scotland Archivist |
N Campbell
(University of Stirling) |
for information on the EPS
lecturer J Stephens Orr. |
Malcolm Cant
(Edinburgh) |
author of Edinburgh local
history books for his knowledge of Edinburgh and for the encouragement he
has given to me for my research. |
M H Catford
(Edinburgh) |
for information on the photographs taken by Edwin
Osmond Catford |
Francis Robson Clayton
(Wells, Somerset, England) |
for information on the rotogravure printing process. |
Denis Cloutier
(Canada) |
for details of the recent discovery of an 1863 album of photographs by
Robert MacPherson, and an associated
web site*.
(*The site is no longer at its original address. I am trying to
discover what has happened to it.) |
Frances Coakley |
for details of the Isle of Man then Edinburgh professional
photographer, Marshall Wane. |
Bill Cochrane
(Ottawa, Canada) |
for details of the departure points of some of the stage coaches that
travelled from Edinburgh in the early 19th century;
and for research into
Mr Astley who exhibited daguerreotype photographs in Edinburgh in
1839. |
Devin Cole (Harvard,
Massachusetts) |
for giving me the names for some of the places in my
Boston, Cambridge and
Harvard photos. |
Clair Connelly |
info on the model for the
Royal Scots Greys statue in West Princes Street Gardens, Edinburgh |
Angela Conroy
(West Lothian, Scotland) |
George Waterston's, following my visit to photograph their sealing wax
works in 1994. |
Deborah Cornish
(Dunfermline, Fife, Scotland) |
reminiscences: Methodist churches in Granton, Edinburgh. |
Corstorphine Trust
(Edinburgh) |
Thanks to staff for details of
Sidney C
Salmon, a photographer based at Corstorphine |
Ron Cosens
web site:
author of www.cartedevisite.co.uk |
for knowledge and comments on
cartes de visite and tintype photos, for searching through his own
collection, and for providing copies of some of his cartes de visite.
Ron has a collection of over 100,000 photos.
Ron is currently
[2003] writing a series of articles on old
photographs for Photographica World, a magazine published by The
Photographic Collectors' Club of Great Britain. |
Andrew Cowan |
for information
relating to
Horatio Ross and for his opinions on whether several photos from the
Ross family might have been taken by Horatio. Andrew Cowan has
studied Horatio Ross and has a collection of his photos. |
Cranston (St Andrews) |
for showing me a few of the
photographs in the St Andrews University Library's collection of 30,000
photographs. |
Cathy Craft |
for information on
Turnbull studios. |
Croft (Birmingham) |
for details of the Edinburgh
photographer, John Fraser Lessels and
his family. |
Karen Crosbie |
for information about a postcard from
Elsmore studio, Glasgow.. |
William Crossan |
for comments on the location of
two photographs on this web site, suggesting that the location was
Gullane, East Lothian. |
D |
Patrick Davidson
(Aberdeen) |
for a details of
glass negatives of George Washington Wilson's house in Aberdeen, taken by
George Washington Wilson. |
Dick Dougal
(Edinburgh) |
Trustee of the James Clerk Maxwell Foundation, for information on
James Clerk Maxwell and
his early demonstration of colour photography. |
Alex Dow
(Fife Scotland) |
for recollections of Bellevue, Edinburgh
and of Edinburgh
buses and bus garages. |
Steve van Dulken
(London) |
for information on the Edinburgh photographers,
Julia Bonne and
Frederick Davidson |
Rod Dumbreck |
for details of his Dumbreck family, owners of hotels
and a coaching business in
St Andrew
Square. Thanks also for information on the photographers AG Ingram for whom
Rod worked, and details of his father's photographic business in
Edinburgh around 1960, the Polycolor Company |
John Duncan
(Newtongrange, Midlothian, Scotland) |
for identifying several
military uniforms and medals from WWI |
Storm Dunlop
(West Sussex, England) |
for information on the
cloud photography of
Piazzi Smyth. |
Jim Dunnett
(Somerset, England) |
for his memories of life at
Altnabreac station in the far north of Scotland |
Durham (Edinburgh) |
for loan of old photos. |
F |
Kathy Eremin |
National Museum of
Scotland, whose team is analysing the calotypes and prints of Hill
& Adamson's. Preliminary results were presented to the
DO Hill
Bicentenary Conference in May 2002. |
Graham Ferguson |
identifying the location of one of my photographs of trams in
Edinburgh as being
Slateford Road, Edinburgh. |
Archie Foley (Joppa,
Edinburgh) |
for help in locating one of
William Lees' studios and
Patrick Banks' studio and
other topics relating to the history of Portobelle.. |
Duncan Forbes
(Edinburgh) |
The Scottish National Portrait
Gallery, Edinburgh |
Ian Foster
(Perth, Western Australia) |
of West Granton, Edinburgh. |
S Frame
Edinburgh |
Remaining structure on or near the site of Granton
Castle. |
John Francis
(Calgary, Canada)) |
information on the photography and family of the Edinburgh professional
photographer, John Drummond..
G |
Garlington |
information on exhibits by the Preston photographers, John Burton and
Robert Paterson, in the
7th PSS
Exhibition of 1863. |
Gibson (Edinburgh) |
for information concerning photography in 1860 by F W L Thomas, a
Member of the Photographic Society of Scotland. |
Sheila Gilbert
(Maryland, USA) |
for information on John Sellers, engraver |
Goode (Edinburgh) |
for her recollections of
events and names of the members at Edinburgh Photographic Society. |
Michael Gormley (Edinburgh) |
Michael Gormley works for the
National Galleries of Scotland. He gave me information on the
Playfair Project for extension of galleries at the Foot of the Mound,
Edinburgh. |
Dr Alfred Grand
(Germany) |
for helping to date an old photograph of
John Knox House. |
Alan Grant (Edinburgh) |
collector of photographs by
Edinburgh photographers. I bought photographs from this
collection at auction in 2001. |
Roger Grant |
for sending me
information on an Alex
Ayton studio in Londonderry. |
Michael Gray
(Lacock, England) |
for information on John Moffat.
Michael Gray is based at the Talbot Museum Lacock. He encouraged the
late John Moffat (descendant of the Edinburgh Photographer of the same
name) to write a booklet on John Moffat's photography in Edinburgh. |
Jennifer Greenhill-Taylor
(Florida, USA) |
early Edinburgh Dance Halls |
Ian Greig (Edinburgh) |
President, Edinburgh Model Boat Club, for details of
sailing model boats on Inverleith Park pond. |
David A M Grierson |
who has been
researching the Grierson family, but is probably not a descendant of
Grierson G Mitchell.
He is
author of what he describes as 'The Grierson &
MacGregor World Project & Information Exchange, an ongoing
tome'. |
Robert Griffin |
who supplied an image of an enamel badge of
Photographic Convention of the UK. |
Christine Grover
(Newport on Tay, Fife, Scotland) |
for details of the professional photogapher,
S C Ednie |
Stewart Guthrie (Edinburgh) |
for details of
Robert Turnbull's studios in
Edinburgh and Glasgow. |
H |
Juliet Hacking (London) |
Information contained in her
PhD, from London University, 1998:
Subject: Art and Identity in British Photography 1857-1869. |
John Hadden (Edinburgh) |
for providing responses to several of the questions
that I have asked on the
www.edinphoto.org.uk web site. |
George Haggarty
(Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh) |
for providing comments on
potteries in Portobello. |
Hugh Hainey (Loanhead,
Midlothian, Scotland) |
recollections of
Granton and Royston in the 1940s |
Hall (Liverpool) |
for support when I sought
permission to use Daguerre's painting of Ruins
of Holyrood Chapel held by the Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool. |
Michael Hallett
(Worcester) |
RPS Historical Group Member,
for his advice on carrying out research into the history of photography. |
Hamilton (Bonnyrigg, Midlothian, Scotland) |
Earl Haig Gardens,
Edinburgh |
Hamilton |
Exhibition Committee Secretary at Edinburgh Photographic
Society |
John Hannavy
(Bolton, Lancashire) |
Comments and
advice on interpreting the history of photography. |
Colin Harding |
Comments on Eastman Ltd's printing-out-paper on
The Wizard of Photography web page. |
Liam Harkin
(Jedburgh, Roxburghshire, Scotland) |
info on the model for the
Royal Scots Greys statue in West Princes Street Gardens, Edinburgh |
Bill Hare
(Edinburgh) |
Lecturer in History of Art, Edinburgh University -
for details of prominent Edinburgh figures in the
18th century. |
Russel Harris (London) |
for information about the
Irish professional portrait photographer,
Russell Harris
has compiled an
archive of
Lafayette negatives held by the Victoria & Albert Museum. He has made it
available, together with further information on Lafayette, on the
internet. |
Frank Hay
(Queensferry History Group) |
for photographs of and comments on Post Offices
in South
Queensferry High Street, and for restoring one of my South Queensferry
images. |
Helen |
from the
PhotoArk.co.uk web site for providing some helpful advice on the subject
of copyright. |
(Chagrin Falls, Ohio, USA) |
for information on Morrison's postcard portraits.
Henderson |
who is carrying out research into EPS lecturer, James
Paterson RSA |
Brian Hillyard
(Edinburgh) |
Head of Rare Books at the National Library of Scotland,
for details of plans to scan AH
Rushbrook and other photos from the NLS Collection for publication
on the web. |
A Homoutova
(Newton Stewart, Scotland) |
Details of portraits in oil painted by
John A Horsburgh |
Michael Sellers
(Sparta, Tennessee, USA) |
Sellers, engraver |
Walter Lyle Hume
(Cowes, Isle of Wight, formerly
Newhaven, Edinburgh.) |
for further information concerning a postcard of
the Granton fishing trawler
Blue Bell and old paddle steamer William Muir, the cruise ship
Ocean Mist
berthed at Leith, and several other queries concerning ships. Also,
thanks for reminiscences of Edinburgh and Leith. |
John Humphrey |
for details of the Ayrshire and Edinburgh photographer, James
Millar Mackay. |
Elizabeth Hulse
Toronto, Ontario, Canada |
for information on the early photographer and PSS Member, George Wilson
and his brother Daniel. Elizabeth is the
editor of a volume of essays by Daniel Wilson. |
Stanley Hunter |
for details of early Edinburgh and Glasgow Exhibitions. Stanley
Hunter is a member of the
Scottish Exhibitions Study Group.
(Stanley Hunter died 2004.)
The Study Group's web site used to be:
www.biggar-net.co.uk/sesg/sgnews.htm but this site seems to be no longer
available (April 2005). |
Alister Huth
(Melbourne, Australia) |
for information
on Alexander McGlashon, but unfortunately this appears not to be the same
man as the Edinburgh Photographer,
Alexander McGlashon. |
Patrick Hutton
(New Town, Edinburgh) |
identifying the locations where two of the railway photographs on my site
were taken: i.e.
Woodmuir Junction and
the back of Shrubhill. |
I |
Inglis (Lanarkshire) |
for telling me about his photographic
business in Edinburgh from around the 1940s until the
1970s, and showing me some of his work. |
Margaret Innes (Bathgate,
West Lothian, Scotland)) |
Occupants of the
City Chambers, Edinburgh |
Debbie Ireland
(Bath) |
for assistance in consulting
Royal Photographic Society records. |
Sheena Ireland
(Hove, Sussex, England) |
for comments on photos by
Moffat, McKean and other early Edinburgh photographers. |
J |
Donald Jack |
for giving me information on
ships that sailed from Leith to Orkney and to the Baltic. |
(St Andrews University Library) |
for information on Valentine's
post cards and other photographs held in the St Andrews University Library
collection. |
Michael Jacob |
who is researching
Harold Raeburn
and his sister
Ruth Raeburn, mountaineers and EPS lecturers |
Jacobs (Dalkeith) |
for his recollections of old EPS events and
members. |
David Jameson
(Edinburgh) |
Lothian Post Card Club, for
comments on early photographers, particularly
George Washington Wilson and
also for finding a letter written by the Edinburgh professional photographer,
John Lamb. |
Mark Johnson |
for supplying an image of a painting and
inscription by one of the Horsburgh
family. |
Johnston (West Wemyss, Fife) |
who, together with Mary Cameron, is writing a book on John
Patrick and his photography. |
K |
Suzanna Kerr (Edinburgh) |
For assistance in looking
through the photographic collection held by The Scottish National
Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh, and for information on
John Horsburgh oil paintings |
(Edinburgh) |
The Scottish Life Archive, The National Museum of
Scotland, Edinburgh |
Peter Kirk
(Swanston, Edinburgh) |
The location of the original
Edinburg Infirmary. |
Lee Kindness
(Joppa, Edinburgh) |
identifying the location of one of my photographs of trams in
Edinburgh as being
Slateford Road, Edinburgh |
Martin Knibbs |
for telling me of a letter in 1879 addressed to
James L Mack, 1 Hanover Street dated 22 April 1879. This was
possibly James Logan Mack who gave a lecture to EPS on 11 Jan 1888. |
(Hong Kong) |
for translation of a poster that I photographed
in Hong Kong. |
L |
Ann Landels (Aberdeenshire) |
The history of
Boroughmuir School |
Julie Lawson
(Edinburgh) |
The Scottish National
Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh |
Brian Liddy
(Bradford, Yorkshire, England) |
and others at the National
Museum of Photography, Film and Television for help in consulting NMPFTV
records. |
David Likar
(Melbourne, Australia) |
for information on Photographic Medals
and about Traill
Taylor. |
Donald Lindgren
(Gifford, East Lothian, Scotland) |
for background
information on subjects sketched for postcards by the Victorian artist,
Reginald Phillimore. |
Michael Lindsay
(Muirhouse, Edinburgh) |
for photographs
and information on the
district of Edinburgh. |
Deirdre Long |
a distant descendant of the
early daguerreotype photographer, John
Counsell, who later used the name John Counsell Stephens |
Tom Lovelace
(Texas, USA) |
who provided
images of his oil painting by the Edinburgh painter and photographer, John
Horsburgh. |
Mac / Mc |
Ian MacCormick (Leicester) |
for information relating to
J Moffat's
Photographic Art Gallery. |
John McCulloch
(Edinburgh) |
for loan of old photos. |
(Edinburgh) |
for identifying the location of
Roadworks - 1 photo as being Corstorphine Road, Edinburgh |
Scotland) |
for giving me details of
watercolour paintings by William
Truefitt, father of the Edinburgh photographers, William and Peter
Truefitt |
A J McIntosh (Edinburgh) |
for details of gravestones in Warriston Cemetery, and for
research into the
Howie family of
photographers. |
McKenzie (Glasgow) |
Senior Lecturer in Art History
at the Glasgow School of Art - for information of lithography and
engraving of DO
Hill's paintings. |
Agnes MacKinnon (Edinburgh) |
for recollections of her
working life with Edward
Yerbury (1881-1952) then with David
Stenhouse Yerbury (1925-1980). |
Fraser MacLean (Edinburgh) |
who gave me details of the
bird-stuffer who shared the address, 64 Princes Street with James Howie |
Sandy Maclean |
answered the question about where one of the
railway photos on this site was taken. |
Frances MacLeod |
descendant of Horatio
Ross |
Graham McLeod
New Zealand) |
who gave me details of the
Edinburgh photographer, George
Finlay Inglis |
Dan MacMeekin
Washington, USA |
for sending me details on a
Turnbull & Sons cabinet
print. |
MacMillan (Edinburgh) |
Curator of the Talbot Rice
Gallery and of the University Collections - for information on the Disruption
Painting |
Craig Kimberley
McLernon (Perth,
Western Australia) |
for sending details and photographs of bagpipes made
by the Edinburgh photographer and bagpipe maker,
John Center,
after he emigrated to Australia
Brian McTernan
(Durban, South Africa) |
for identifying
the location and approximate date of one of the
Edinburgh transport photos on this web site. |
John McWilliam
(Rainham, Kent, England) |
for information on S Hildesheimer & Co Ltd postcards.
M |
Jimmy Macdonald (Bonnyrigg,
Midlothian, Scotland) |
Grand Secretary,
The Trotters Club,
for emailing me to tell me of The Trotters Club's continued existence and
future programme. |
Harry Magee |
for information
relating to the
Collotype process and other printing processes, given at APIS (Alternative Processing
International Symposium) at Dunfermline, Scotland in September 2004. |
Martin |
for telling me of a photo taken by Imperial Arts
Guild, a company not previously on my list of photographers. |
Margeorie Meikie (Portobello, Edinburgh) |
a member of the Knott family,
for providing a copy of the Knott
Family Tree, Lugton census details and advice on postcards. |
Mel |
for identifying
Leith Tram Depot in one of my photographs on this web
site. |
Amanda Melrose |
for identifying
Gorgie Bus Depot in one of my photographs on this web
site. |
Padraig Meddan
(Doncaster) |
for suggesting contacts with
knowledge of early Scottish photography |
Lilian Menzies |
web site with epitaph for
Thomas A Morrison. |
Scott Miller
(Portobello, Edinburgh) |
for comments
on photograph of trains at Corstorphine railway station. |
Ann Mitchell (Edinburgh) |
for information on Talbot in
Edinburgh |
L Moak
(Jackson, Mississippi, USA) |
of Durie Brown, Edinburgh
photographer and postcard publisher.. |
(Bridgham, Norfolk, England) |
information on her great great
uncle Anthony Hall who modelled for the Golden Boy statue on the dome of
the Edinburgh University building at the Old Quad. |
Morris (England) |
Chris was a Member of Edinburgh
Photographic Society) until leaving Edinburgh.
Thanks for comments on early
photography in Edinburgh in EPS Bulletin, January1992 |
Morris |
[in 2002] the immediate Past
President of the Historical Group of the Royal Photographic Society.
He is related to the early photographer Llewellyn, who corresponded with
Richard gave a demonstration of the Calotype
process in Edinburgh on 11 May 02) for his comments on Talbot's Photogenic
Drawing and Calotype
processes and other aspects of early photography. |
Alison Morrison Low
(Edinburgh) |
for details of
Sir David Brewster,
and of early photography in St Andrews |
(Edinburgh) |
for helping me to
source and caption Edinburgh transport photographs from the mid-1900s. |
Christine Munro
(Edinburgh) |
for loan of old photos. |
Stephen Wallace Murray
(Frankfurt) |
for information on the 19th century professional photographer and
journeyman joiner, Charles Wallace |
N |
Michael Nagel |
for extensive notes on his
recollections of the work at the photographers,
Campbell Harper Group, Edinburgh,
a company for which he used to work. |
Neilson (Edinburgh) |
for information on the
family of photographers. |
Ian Nelson (Edinburgh) |
for advice, from the Edinburgh
Room, Edinburgh Central Library, on copyright) |
Gael Newton
(Australia) |
for help in
providing copies of
Diston photos from the collection of the National Gallery of
Australia. |
Niel (Glasgow) |
whose research includes PSS
Member David
Rhind. |
Nix (Edinburgh) |
for making the arrangements for
reproduction of images from the collection at Edinburgh City Library. |
O |
Lewis Orans |
information about
Piazzi Smyth, astronomer and photographer. |
Colin Osman (Barnet,
England) |
for advice in the early stages
of my research. |
OutFront Members
(worldwide) |
OutFront is a web-based community. Thank you to the following
OutFront members who have given advice to me when I have encountered
problems in building this web site
- abbeyvet, carnold1, Edie, Gil, Goober, Michael, MysticNight,
SBSGUY, Shirley, Speedy Edie,That1Guy and garyb. |
Ovenden (Edinburgh) |
Edinburgh University Special Collections Librarian, for his advice on records
held by
the National Library of Scotland |
P |
Parke |
for details of her own
photographs and details from 1881 census. |
Jenny Parkerson |
for help in identifying several old Edinburgh buildings on maps in
the National Library of Scotland's collection. |
David Patterson (Edinburgh) |
allowing me to view the Ebsworth
views, looking North, South, East and West from the Scott Monument,
held in his Edinburgh City Art Gallery collection. |
Brett Payne
(Tauranga, New Zealand) |
for details of the Edinburgh
professional photographer, H Graham Glen. |
Mike Pettigrew (Hampshire) |
sending me details of the photographer,
FGOS (Francis Godolphin Osborne
Stuart) and his business, and for information relating to several early
postcard publishers.
also for providing information on several postcard publishers, much of it
taken from one or both of the following books:
- A Dictionary of Picture Postcards
of Britain (A
W Coysh)
- Picture Postcards and their
Publishers (Anthony
Byatt) |
Charles Phipps |
for sending me some interesting background details on
Ross and his family. |
David Pierson (Edinburgh) |
for information on
Campbell Harper
business |
James Polson |
recollections of
Royston, Edinburgh in the 1940a and 1950s. |
Pope |
for details of a photograph by Violet
Banks |
Bill Porteous
(Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia) |
for recollections of Slateford, Edinburgh, where Bill lived in the 1940s
and 1950s. |
Helen Price
(Edinburgh) |
for details of some social documentary photographs
of Edinburgh |
Bob Pullen |
for details of
Claudet and his
Daguerreotype licence. |
R |
Reilly (Edinburgh) |
for sharing his knowledge on post cards through the Lothian Post Card
Club. |
Jim Read |
who produces Cyanotype images using the original formula
from the 1840s. |
Rex (Edinburgh) |
webmaster for the EPS web site until summer 2005, for his suggestions for
this EdinPhoto web site and linking to the Edinburgh Photographic
Society's web site. |
Riat (Spain) |
for comments
on the sizes of
glass plates. |
Frances Rive |
Langfier family history details. |
Joe Rock (West Barns, East Lothian, Scotland) |
for his comments on making prints from the
photographs of Edinburgh. |
Stuart Rorrison
(Penicuik, Midlothian, Scotland |
for comments on the photograph of
Colinton station. |
Mrs E Ross (Midlothian) |
for comments on some early
photographs |
John S Ross |
for his e-mail in which he gives an
informative account of some of the characters in DO Hill's Disruption
painting |
Jim Rothery |
who worked for
James Bacon & Sons, photographers, 130
Princes Street, in 1929. |
Beverley Charles Rowe
(London) |
Low's address in London. |
Hugh Rock, (Twyford,
Berkshire, England |
for providing postcards of Edinburgh's Floral
Clock in West Princes Street Gardens. |
Royal Archives, Windsor Castle. |
for information on Edinburgh material in the Royal
collection of photographs at Windsor Castle |
John Ruffell,
(Warwickshire) |
for information on the photography of
H John Podmore
Graham Rule (Edinburgh) |
of the Edinburgh Astronomical Society for details from his research
into the history of Calton Hill |
Denny Russell (Edinburgh) |
for background information on his company, Edinburgh Cameras. |
S |
Deborah A. Sabalot
(York, Yorkshire, England) |
for details of the sporting achievements of
Horatio Ross and his
family. |
Marcel Safier
(Queensland, Australia) |
for details about Victorian
photograph albums and sizes of photographs. |
Catherine St John
(Ontario, Canada) |
for providing
copies of photographs from some Scottish studios. |
Ken Sandler |
information on a carte de visite by
Micciullo. |
Larry Schaaf
(Baltimore, Maryland, USA) |
independent historian and consultant, who is
currently leading The Correspondence of William Henry Fox
Talbot project at Glasgow University - for details of Talbot's
early calotype work and Talbot in
Edinburgh. |
Schumacher |
information on a book of etchings by George
Aikman |
KM Scott (Lesmahagow)
gave me details of some of the photographs in his collection. |
Joseph Shanahan |
For details of photographs taken by
John Pettigrew |
Sharples (Liverpool) |
Walker Art Gallery, for
information concerning Daguerre's paintings. |
Monica Shaw
(Boswall , Edinburgh,
Reminiscences of the Boswall district of Edinburgh |
Scott (Lesmahagow) |
who gave me details of some of
the photographs in his collection. |
Eoin Shalloo (National Library of Scotland) |
who created
the Pencils of
Light web site to record the images in the
Edinburgh Calotype Club Albums. |
Simkin (Brighton) |
who is researching the photographers of
Sussex, 1841-1910, for information on
John Counsell,
who worked in Edinburgh in 1842, and for providing details of a few
early professional photographers in Edinburgh from a book The
Faithful Likeness by Bernard & Pauline Heathcote. |
Roddy Simpson
(Linlithgow, Scotland) |
Secretary of the Scottish Society for the History of Photography, for details of early Scottish
photographers. |
Bob Sinclair
(Queensland, Australia) |
for reminiscences of Edinburgh. |
Colin Sinclair
(Gullane, Scotland) |
for comments on the possible location of a photographs
building No 1 on
this web site. |
Brian Smith
(Alabama, USA) |
for sending details of an old photograph by
Moffat |
J Smith
(Edinburgh) |
author and researcher - for
information on JCH Balmain |
George Smith
(Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, British Colombia,
Canada) |
for recollections of Edinburgh in the 1930s and
1940s. |
Nick Smith
(Henley on Thames) |
for providing photocopies of
cartes de visite. |
Ian Sommerville (Burntisland,
Fife, Scotland) |
for information
on the Burntisland photographer,
Andrew Young (1854-1925) who worked for
John Patrick before John Patrick moved to Edinburgh. |
Souter (Portobello Library, Edinburgh) |
for help in finding copies of
advertisements placed by early Portobello photographers. |
Spiller (Aberdeen University) |
for information given on early
stereoscopic photography. Edinburgh Portrait Gallery Lecture March
01 |
Stewart (Bedfordshire) |
for 1871 census details on Thomas
Pringle. |
George Stevenson (Edinburgh) |
Recollections of
Dumbiedykes district of the Old Town of Edinburgh in the 1950s. |
John D Stevenson (Edinburgh) |
for sharing his knowledge and
photos of
shipping in Leith and elsewhere. |
Sara Stevenson
(Edinburgh) |
Chief Curator for the The
Scottish National Photographic Collection in the National Galleries of
Scotland, Edinburgh - author of several books on the work of DO
Hill. |
Carol Stubbs (Edinburgh) |
for checking Old Parish Records and other sources of family history for
some of Edinburgh's early photographers. |
John Sullivan
(New Zealand) |
for information on the work of the professional photographer,
G McKenzie, who had studios in
Paisley and Edinburgh |
Kevin Sullivan
(Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA) |
for advice from his company, Bostick &Sullivan, on
carbon printing, including books, materials and
practitioners. |
Douglas Swanson
(Musselburgh, East Lothian, Scotland) |
for advice on dating Edinburgh photos from the street lighting that
appears in them. |
Jane Szepesi
(Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) |
for information about a photograph of the Pentland family taken by
Campbell Harper. |
T |
Ian Taylor (Bradford) |
for identifying
of one of my postcards as being of
Greenbank Farm. |
Roger Taylor
(Bradford) |
for comments and advice on my
earlier research and for making the suggestion that I might consider
creating a web site. |
Jim Thomson
(West Jefferson,
North Carolina, USA) |
for information on the family of Sir Joseph Noel Paton. |
Elizabeth Thomson
(Troon, Ayrshire, Scotland) |
for identification of landmarks on an early photograph of
Docks, Scotland. |
V Toft |
bromoil photographer, who plans
to write a Monograph of John
M Whitehead's life and work.
I also attended one of his workshops on bromoil
printing held at Shipley, West Yorkshire, England.
Thanks also for research into the history of the brometching process of
the 1930s. |
Richard Torrance (Edinburgh) |
who has published Scottish
Genealogy Society booklets on Edinburgh
and other Scottish Photographers
He has also extracting photographers' details from 1881 Census, many
of which are included on this site. |
Miles Tubb (Edinburgh) |
who, while working for
Community Service Volunteers, worked on an Edinburgh local history web
site - soon to go live. |
(Colorado, USA) |
Liverpool photographers Brown, Barnes & Bell. |
V |
Donald Campbell Veale
(South-East Kent) |
for his reminiscences of Edinburgh and Newhaven. |
Sheila Veitch |
for helping me to identify
the locations of photographs of lifting the
old tramlines in Edinburgh. |
Robin Vyrnwy-Pierce
(Diss, Norfolk, England) |
for giving me information on the photographer,
John Weir, in Moffat, before he
established a studio in Edinburgh. |
W |
Frank Walton |
History of UK postal rates for
postcards. |
Mark Walport
for details of the engraver,
William Miller, from whom his wife is descended. |
Tom Ward |
The history of
Granton Gas Works. |
Mike Ware |
Consultant to the
National Museum of Photography, Film and Television and
Researcher into the Science and Art of early photography - for
information on Hill &
Adamson's printing. |
Warwick (Edinburgh) |
for supplying images from glass
negatives, and information on the Moffat family. |
Helen Watson |
The Scottish National Portrait
Gallery, Edinburgh for assistance in looking through photographs in the
SNPG Collection |
Ken Watson (USA) |
who is a practitioner of the
wet collodion process. Ken has provided useful
information for this site both on the historic and present
methods used for producing wet collodion negatives. |
Jean Watts (Wales) |
for details of the
Scott family of photographers. |
(Berwickshire) |
for telling me about the
Victorian photographer R A Rayner whose photos were used in many of
the postcards produced by J B White Ltd, Dundee. |
(V & A Museum) |
for advice on
recognising etchings and engravings. |
Alan Wilson
(Edinburgh) |
for details of photographers'
gravestones in Edinburgh. |
Andrew Wilson
(Near Biggar, Lanarkshire, Scotland) |
for providing the dates of his
photographic business in Edinburgh, and of his move to Lanarkshire,
near Biggar. |
Phil Wilson
(Aberdeen, Scotland,
formerly Edinburgh) |
for details of photographs
from: -
Popular Studio, 30
Dalry Road, Edinburgh - JE Dougherty, New
Studio, 72 Dalry Rd - JE Kilgour, 54 Cockburn Street
and for restoring a photograph of
Sparta Boxing Club |
Scott Wishart (London) |
for details of GR Mackay's Crown
70, Leith Walk, Leith, and for photographs from other Leith photographers
displayed in a
Wishart Family Album |
Judy Wms
(Texas, USA) |
for passing on to me details
of the Stamp Boxes on Kodak paper, which give an indication of the dates
of postcard prints. |
Derek Wood (Kent) |
for his web site that includes
information on early dioramas in Edinburgh and elsewhere. |
Y |
Sheila Yeo
(Newton Abbot, Devon, England) |
for sending details of John S
Yeo, after whom the Yeo Pavilion at
Fettes College was named. |
P Yerbury
(Edinburgh) |
for compiling a collection of Yerbury press
cuttings and to Trevor Yerbury (Edinburgh) for allowing me to borrow this collection. |
Martin Yerbury
(Oxfordshire, England) |
family history details of the Yerbury
and Stewart families. |
Peter Yerbury
family history details of the Yerbury
family. |
Yanul (Oak Lawn, Illinois, USA) |
for information on Chicago photographers at the
time of William Crooke's
tour of the USA. |
Young (Edinburgh Photographic Society). |
for advice on web site
hosting |
Young (USA) |
Post- graduate researcher
from USA, researching
the use of diffusion in the history of photography at St Andrew's
University - for comments on the influence
of DO Hill on other photographers |
Paul Youngs
(Portobello) |
for providing copies of
photographs. |