Andrew Young
Early Photographer - Artist - Historian
1854-1925 |
Andrew Young answered an advertisement placed in
The Scotsman newspaper by John Patrick: "Boy Wanted with a Bias for
He got the job and started to work for
John Patrick in his studio in Kirkcaldy, Fife,
Scotland in 1868, at the age of thirteen.
The comments here about the life and work of Andrew Young and the
photographs below are taken from a leading article in 'The
Practical Photographer' journal for December 1895
[pp. 353-360].
Andrew Young - 1871

from The Practical Photographer, December 1895,
by courtesy of Edinburgh Photographic Society
Andrew Young - 1887

from The Practical Photographer, December 1895,
by courtesy of Edinburgh Photographic Society
Andrew Young - 1895

from The Practical Photographer, December 1895,
by courtesy of Edinburgh Photographic Society
Kirkcaldy, Burntisland, Edinburgh
After working for some
time for John Patrick, Andrew Young worked briefly for Thompson,
another Kirkcaldy photographer, then at the age of sixteen he
bought Thompson's Burntisland branch.
Burntisland is a few
miles to the west of Kirkcaldy on the north shore of the Firth of
Forth, opposite Edinburgh.
While living in
Burntisland, Andrew studied art in the evenings at the Edinburgh
School of Art, crossing the Firth of Forth on the
Burntisland-Granton ferry and returning on the late evening
luggage boats to Burntisland.
Burntisland-Granton ferry
'William Muir'
Whilst studying at the
Edinburgh School of Art, he gained medals, certificates and a
legacy prize for his work. He exhibited works in oil and
watercolour at galleries in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Birmingham. |
In 1885, Andrew Young
moved to Paris to study there under the painters Bouguereau and
Fleury, but after nine months his money had run out so he returned
to Burntisland and re-opened his photographic studio. |
Return to Burntisland
He converted his
studio in Burntisland into a mounting and finishing room, and
opened a new studio on the opposite side of the street, fitted
with backgrounds and accessories and a dark-room.
The New Studio
'The Practical
Photographer' praised his work, both portraiture and
"Young's Portrait show
cases will not find fault with his every-day work, of which
two examples selected, almost at random, are illustrated
here. The lighting is good and the posing the best
that prosaic Scotch men and women are equal to."
© |
"But let the visitor
take up one of the landscape albums, of which there are many
on the side tables, and he will realise at once that the
photographs therein are the work of no ordinary 'view man'
but the world-famed scenery of which Sir Walter Scott
has so justly sung the praises, and brought home to us by
his powerful word painting, has also a photographer capable
of appreciating its beauties and impressing them on
sensitive plates, with the success that only a genuine
artist is capable of." |
'The Practical Photographer' went on to comment on the
prices for which Andrew Young's photos were sold, and the effort
involved in creating them.
"... for it is the
tourist who buys the prints ultimately produced, though Mr
Young's photographs are generally too good to sell at the
low prices which the market demands.
To supply a cabinet
print mounted in optical contact behind a gilt bevelled
glass, and fixed to a bevelled plush pad, all for the modest
shilling (5 pence) leaves the view man precious little
profit, when such conscientious work is put into the
negative. |
"Mr Young's preliminary
labours in connection with making some of the negatives are
enormous. He usually carries two cameras, a 12 x 14
and a 1/1 plate, the latter having adaptors for 1/2 plates
and stereoscopes; the whole, with twenty plates in slides,
weighing over 50 lbs.
'O'er many a winding dale
and painful steep
The abodes of cover'd grouse and timid sheep.'
Then, sometimes after
waiting several hours for suitable conditions of light, the
attempt is abandoned as fruitless, and the whole programme
must be repeated again.
Only those who are well
acquainted with the country surrounding the Trossachs, for
instance, understand what is involved in a partial ascent of
Ben A'an, or the wild pass of Beal-nam-bo" |
Andrew Young
featured on the Burntisland Online
web Site
Burntisland Web Site
Iain Sommerville has
created a Burntisland Online
web site for Burntisland, Fife. The site includes details of Andrew Young's work as a
photogrpaher, artist and historian.
Andrew Young
Year of Birth - 1854
Thank you to Iain Somerville for telling me that he has been
researching the year of birth of Andrew Young, often quoted
as 1855.
Iain writes:
"The 1855 date on my site came from
Young's memorial plaque in Burntisland Burgh Chambers, but it
turns out that it is wrong.
I've had a look at the IGI
(International Genealogical Index)
and it gives Young's date of birth as 25 April 1854 and the date
of his christening as 21 May 1854." |
With acknowledgement to Iain Sommerville,
Burntisland, Fife, Scotland: February 15, 2007 |
Andrew Young
Artist |
Thank you to Sue Hughes for telling me about
one of Andrew Young's paintings that was sold in November
The information below is taken from an
article that appeared in the Dundee Courier newspaper on
November 16, 2007
Paintings Exhibited
Photographer and Artist, Andrew Young,
exhibited his work in the Royal Scottish Academy and in the Royal
Glasgow Institute.
Summer Fair at Burntisland
One of his oil paintings, titled 'Summer
Fair at Burntisland', painted in 1912, was sold in auction in
London on November 15, 2007. It was thought ot have been
lost until it turned up at Christies where it sold for for £61,700.
It is believed that Andrew Young gave
this picture as a wedding present to the young couple in the
foreground of the picture.
Dundee Courier , November 16, 2007 |