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More detail from painting by David Octavius Hill RSA

The Disruption

The Chair

Close up of detail on the chair in DO Hill's painting of the Disruption.

©  Copyright: Free Church of Scotland and


Disruption Painting

The Chair

The dates on the chair in this paining are the dates that the Disruption painting was started and completed.  

-  The initials on the chair are of DO Hill and his wife, Amelia Paton..

-  The dates on the chair are the dates that the painting was started and completed.

-  The legend on the top of the chair reads:

"veritas superabit montes"

 "Truth will overcome the mountains"

or perhaps 

"Truth will overcome the Hills"

This is possibly a reference to the fact that it was DO Hill's wife who completed the painting.    [Duncan MacMillan]


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