Campbell Harper Photos - Family Group
The Pentland Family
The Pentland Family

© Reproduced with
permission of Ann Campbell and with acknowledgement to Mrs
Walker (Pentland family)
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The Pentland Family |
This group above was photographed at
the family house, Rosetta, at Inverleith, Edinburgh by
Campbell Harper in July 1937.
Thank you to Jane Szepesi of Ottawa, Canada, a
member of the Pentland family, for providing the details below: |
Jane Szepesi wrote:
The Occasion
"Sorry, I don't know that the gathering was
for any particular occasion, can't see any birthdays or anniversaries
which might have been the cause. It might have been the only time my uncle
Ronald Thomson had a few days off from his parish in Huntly - maybe he
came to Edinburgh for the General Assembly and the grandparents invited
everyone at that time?"
The Family
"My grandparents David White Pentland and
Annie Collie are in the middle, their children Robert back row left, David
middle row second from left, Elizabeth (the youngest and only unmarried
one at that time - she married David McQueen in 1940) back row second from
right, W. Ogilvie back row right, his wife Hersey Ballantyne (with me)
middle row right, Ronald back row middle, David's wife Muriel back row
second from left, Robert's wife Nell Hunter (with second daughter Joan)
middle row left, their oldest Dorothy front row left, Doreen (Pentland)
Thomson (with Anne) front row second from left, and David's son Michael
front row right"
"David White Pentland was head of the family
company White, Burns and Co., Skinners, Tanners, and Wool Merchants, in
Leith. Ogilvie and Robert took over after DWP's death in 1941. David jr.
was a lawyer."
1. Walter
Pentland IV Phoenix
Arizona, USA |
Thank you to Walter Pentland
IV for telling me where more details of the
Pentland family history can be found.
Walter wrote:
Pentland Family History
"In the 1940s, George Pentland compiled a
pretty extensive family history. It's about 100 pages long, and dates
back to Baron Alexander Pentland, b. 1513.
My father has had this book in his keeping for
about 20 years. Last week he finally released the scanned results
(in .pdf format) to the family at large.
To read more, please click on this link to the
University of Arizona web site
Walter Pentland
IV, Phoenix, Arizona, USA,
now living in Shenzhen, China: October 23, 2007
But see 'Note' below |
2. Graham
Marshall Phoenix
Arizona, USA |
Thank you to Walter Pentland
IV for telling me where more details of the
Pentland family history can be found.
Walter wrote:
Web Site Link -
"The web site link you have provided above is
to the infamous George E. Pentland book, a significant part of which has
been comprehensively discredited in recent years.
- There is little doubt that the North
American part of the book is mainly accurate and a useful source for
researchers from the US and Canada.
- Unfortunately, however, the earlier
history and the link from Canada to Scotland are not accurate but the book
is often used as a prime source."
Marshall: March 21, 2011 |
3. David
King Trinity,
Edinburgh |
Thank you to
David King, Trinity, Edinburgh, who
Pentland Family History
- Book
You may like to know that Joyce Wallace (author of a number of
books including 'Traditions of Trinity and Leith' recently revised and
re-published, privately, a book on the subject
'Victorian Recollections - A History of the Pentland
ISBN 5 800032 910231
I understand that it is available from local shops in the
Goldenacre area, Edinburgh.
She covers two centuries in some detail, including the actor
Frank Worthing and numerous other family members. THe book includes
a number of illustrations."
King, Trinity, Edinbuergh: March 22, 2011 (2 emails) |