Visitors to EdinPhoto

from around the world

©   With acknowledgement to for permission to use the clip art above.

Please click on the map above, or scroll down to one of the links below.




59 countries 3 have still to visit EdinPhoto



37 countries 0   has still to visit EdinPhoto

Middle East

15 countries 0 have still to visit EdinPhoto


Europe - EU

27 countries 0 have still to visit EdinPhoto

Europe - not EU

21 countries 0  have still to visit EdinPhoto



26 countries 1 has still to visit EdinPhoto


Central America

8 countries 0 have still to visit EdinPhoto

North America

5 countries 0 have still to visit EdinPhoto

South America

16 countries 1 has still to visit EdinPhoto

The Caribbean

23 countries 0 have still to visit EdinPhoto


EdinPhoto visits

In January 04, there were 87,149 visits to the EdinPhoto web site.  22,183 of these did not specify the country they came from.

The remaining 64,966 sessions did specify the country.  These have been included in the stats on the pages above.

Corresponding figures have been added to the pages above for January 2005 and 2006.

This chart shows where the visitors come from in January 2006.  Please click on the image below to enlarge it.

Visitors to the EdinPhoto web site in January 2006 ©

Here is a link to a page that shows the 'new countries' that have visited the EdinPhoto site each month and here are a few comments on how the lists of countries were compiled.


