enamels provided to EPS on 19 June 1867 were referred to in the British
Journal of Photography:
[BJP: 1876, p.318]
McCraw then exhibited a number of enamels, which were examined with much
interest and were very much admired, several of them being considered
quite equal to the best of those that have hitherto
been done only in France.
was stated that Mr McCraw was willing to produce them for the trade,
and, if necessary, could supply the copies within twenty-four hours
after getting the negative.
members promised to bring specimens of M. Camerasac's enamels to the
following meeting for comparison with Mr McCraw's, and the latter kindly
offered to make one of the President for presentation to the Society.
The following EPS Meeting, on 17 July 1867 examined enamels by McCraw
and Camerasac. It was reported that:
arranged at the previous meeting, Mr McCraw showed several more of his
enamels, and there were also some of Camarsac's exhibited.
latter are well known, and it his high praise, but not more than the
truth, to say that some of Mr McCraw's were quite equal to Camerasac's.
were much admired, and the general opinion seemed to be that there was
now no need to send out of Edinburgh to get enamels made.