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André Orange


André Orange was born in France in 1810 or 1811.  His wife was also born in France.  [Census: 1861].  

He was originally a daguerreotype photographer in Edinburgh (and presumably, later, a wet collodion worker) from 1853 to 1867.  

He became a Member of PSS in 1856, the year the Society was established. 


4th PSS Exhibition, Dec 1859

At the 4th PSS Exhibition in 1859, he exhibited a frame of 36 stereoscopic photographs of statuary.

9th PSS Exhibition, Dec 1864

At the 9th PSS Exhibition in 1864, he exhibited 11 cartes de visite.

Carte de Visite of Brewster

Here is a carte de visite of Sir David Brewster taken by André Orange.

Carte de Visite  -  Sir David Brewster ©

Copyright:  Courtesy of the Trustees of the Science Museum - from the National Museum of Photography Film, and Television


The first advert that I have found for André Orange appeared in The Scotsman in 1852.


The Scotsman 24 July 1852, page 1


MR. A. ORANGE from PARIS, has the honour to inform the Nobility, Gentry and Public of Edinburgh and its vicinity, that he has Opened a PHOTOGRAPHIC PORTRAIT STUDIO, at 63 GEORGE STREET

For the convenience of Ladies and others who may dislike the public room, Mr A.O. has Private Apartments suitably fitted up.

All kinds of PAINTINGS carefully Copied.



