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Charles Wright

Charles Wright advertised:

"Copies of this carte may be had at any time.

Portraits enlarged and copied in Oil or Water colour. 

 Terms moderate."


Charles Wright

1881 Census

Charles Wright was listed in the 1881 census as:

Artist Photographer:  aged 44

Born:  Edinburgh

Resident:  313 Leith Walk, Edinburgh

Wife:  Betsy W


1.  Jane

aged 20

(born:  Edinburgh)

2.  Charles

aged 18

(born:  Edinburgh)

3.  Andrew B

aged 16

(born:  Edinburgh)

4.  Cecilia

aged 14

(born:  Edinburgh)

1.  John B

aged 11

(born:  Edinburgh)

2.  Alexander

aged   9

(born:  Edinburgh)

[DR Torrance]

