A W Elson & Co
Belmont, Boston
A W Elson & Co were based at 146 Olive Street,
Boston around 1900. The company made photogravure plates and were
plate printers. They also produced carbon prints.
A book on the company titled: A.W.
Elson and company: makers of photogravure plates and plate printers was
published around 1904.
A copy of the title page, together with
examples of their photogravures, including several photos of the company's
works can be found on the Trove web site. (Key TROVE ELSON into Google to find the page.) |
Print for Sale
Pot of Gold Antiques
web site is currently (at February 2008) selling an A W Elson print (No 16
I have reproduced the details from the Pot of
Gold Antiques web site here in case the page on that site vanishes in the
event of the print being sold or withdrawn:
A W Elson
Carbon Print For Sale. This page also includes some background
comments about the company, A W Elson. |
A Few Questions
and far fewer answers!
Below are a number of questions that I have been
asked about the work of A W Elson & Co, Boston.
They refer to the following pictures. Please
click on one of the subjects below, or scroll down to see them all:
Abraham Lincoln
2. John White Alexander
3. John White Alexander
Boyhood of Raleigh
Cornwallis Surrender
6. Dartmouth College
7. Indian
8. Indian and the Lily
9. Paintings by
The Little Rose of Lyme Regis
11. Martha Washington
12. Portrait by
13. Presentation in
the Temple
Soldier by
Spirit of '76
The Sower
[unknown subject]
19. California
Spanish Missions
20. Yardale
21. By the River
22. Friend of the Humble
23. George Washington's Home
24. The Coming Storm
25. Betsy Ross sewing the First
American Flag.
Ann Hathaway's Cottage
27. River and Church -
Stratford on Avon
28. a)
Wake Up
Madonna and Saints
Boys of the Shell
Children of the Shell
Deer in the Forest
George Washington
32. Washington
and Lincoln
33. [Painting with two dogs]
34. [Photo;
formal dress and coaches]
Mount Robson
Print of an Ansel Adams photograph
36. a) Martha
b) George Washington
c) Sam Davis
d) Grant, Cornwall
e) Washington's home
38. a)
George Washington
Minuteman Statue, Concord, Mass.
The Capitol,
The Room where Shakespeare was born
Native Americans and Ships
The Coming of the White Man
(Geo Reid)
43. The Garden of Ann Hathaway's
Answer 1:
On eBay: Buy it now £115.34. Sale ends Jan 14, 2012
Answer 2:
On eBay: Buy it now £79.64. Sale ends Sep,
15 2012 |
and Answers
If you can help
to provide answers to any of the questions below,
email me so that I can pass
on details to the owners of the photos.
Thank you.
- Peter Stubbs |
and Answers
Update 1
Over the
last few years, I have received lots of questions about A W Elson prints,
but very few answers.
So, I
really don't think it is going to be worthwhile adding more questions or A W
Elson images to this page unless I begin to receive answers to the questions
already asked above.
Nevertheless, I'd like to thank those people who have sent comments and
answers for this page, and if I discover any more answers, I'll add them to
this page. In particular see items 43 and below on the list above.
Peter Stubbs,
March 20, 2010
"Abraham Lincoln"
Philip Morrow wrote:
"I have a print of Abraham
Lincoln showing him quarter-facing left and clean shaven. In small print
under the oval print is: 'Published
and Copyright 1894, by A. W. Elson & Co. Boston'."

Reproduced with acknowledgement to Philip Morrow
"Can you tell me more about
this particular print and perhaps its approximate value? It is in a
broad wooden frame (oak, I believe) with a cardboard backing. The
frame measures 31"W x 37"H and the oval is about 15"W x 18"H.
It had belonged to my
grandparents -- and probably their parents. There is a little moisture
staining into the bottom border, but not onto the oval itself. This is
a large print and seems to be remarkably well-preserved. (An example
of 'carbon printing'?)
Thanks for any help you can
Philip Morrow: February 2004 |
Another Lincoln Photo
Here is a message received in May 2005 about another
Lincoln photo:
"In our family we have a large carbon
print of Abe Lincoln sitting by the fire.
It is called Boyhood of Lincoln. This
print was made by AW Elson & Co. Boston.
It is in an old large oak frame. On
the back there is a number A5.
We know that the original of this
picture was painted by Eastman Johnson and hangs in a museum in
We are interested in any information
about this print, when it was made, how many are there, the value,
etc. Anything would be helpful.
Thank you much for your help."
Farrah, May 2005: North
Dakota, USA. |
3rd Lincoln Photo
Here is a message received in
March 2006. Angela Hall wrote:
"I have an identical print and was
wondering if anyone responded to you regarding the value.
Mine is in a fairly fancy Victorian
frame so I am only looking for some help on the print itself. Any
help you can give is greatly appreciated. Thanks!"
Angela Hall: March 15, 2006 |
4th Lincoln Photo
Here is a message received in
May 2007. Cindy Farmer wrote:
" I have the same photo that Mr. Phil
Morrow was describing. I also have had it in my family as long
as I can remember.
I was wondering what the value of this
photo would be, and how to care for it.
Any information you could share with me,
including who the artist was,
would be great.
My mother is very ill and she asked me at
one time to find out what I could about it. I would love to be able
to tell her something before she passes."
Cindy Farmer: May 2, 2007
Lincoln Photo
Gary, Colorado, USA wrote
" I also have the exact Abe Lincoln
portrait with the same clean shaven Lincoln along with the exact
border you have shown, but not the same frame.
I am
wondering if you have any more information on this as I track A W
Elson & Co from Boston, Mass."
Gary, Colorado, USA: February 4, 2008 |
Sorry Gary, I still don't have any answers - just
more people finding the same picture!
Peter Stubbs: February 4, 2008 |
Here is a message I received in response to the photo
"I have the same print as the one
pictured in your first question from Philip Morrow. In fact the frame
appears to be identical. I purchased mine along with prints of Jefferson,
Washington, Franklin and others about 35 years ago in Auburn, New York."
James F Plugh, 12 January 2005
If you feel
that you can help to answer any of the questions above, or any other
questions on this page, please
e-mail me so that I can pass
on your answer to the owners of the photo.
Thank you - Peter Stubbs |
"Painting by
John White Alexander"
Sarah Imbruglia wrote:
"I am writing in concern of a
picture I purchased at a yard sale. The picture is a beautiful portrait
of a person the name on the bottom says John Alexander 91'. A.W. Elson &
Company Boston Carbon Photographs.
If you could please help me
find out more information about this portrait please contact me. If not
please point me into the right direction.
Thank you for your time."
From Sarah Imbruglia
August 2001 |
There was a John White
Alexander. I don't know whether this was the same person or not.
He was born in Allegheny,
Pennsylvania on 7 Oct 1856 and died in New York, 1915. He was a
society portrait painter, painting mainly women, 1887-91.
Some of his paintings are
included in a catalogue of a Memorial Exhibition in 1941, published by the
Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh.
Peter Stubbs - August 2001
"Painting by John White Alexander"
Here is another query that I have
received about a carbon photograph by A W Elson of a painting by John White
Alexander. Tim Rodgers of Salt Lake City writes:
"I was wondering if I could get some/any info. on a
piece I have at home. It is a photo of a painting by John White
Alexander titled Isabella and the Pot of Basil. Below the photo, with in the
frame work is a stamp on the matting. It says "A.W. Elson & Company Carbon
I believe my Mother got the picture from an old school
in Illinois in the 1950s. The picture itself is about 16 inches wide
by 25 inches tall. The whole thing including the frame is about 2 feet by
3.5 feet.
I found the poem that the actual painting is about, and
later on I saw a drink tray at a flea market with the Isabella picture in
the middle of it. On the drink tray picture it appeared as if the pot was a
fish bowl and Isabella was tapping on the side of the glass playing with a
fish inside.
Any further information would be greatly appreciated.
Of course, I'd love to find out the value if this photo but I doubt I would
ever sell it."
Tim Rodgers, Salt Lake City, Utah - February 2005
If you can help to answer
the question above, please
e-mail me.
Thank you.
- Peter Stubbs
Tim also gave
details of the poem:
"It's all about Isabella and how she was in love with some guy that her
brother didn't approve of. The brother thought she should marry a
Nobel man. So the brother killed Isabella's boy friend. Isabella
found out about it and later found where the body was.
don't know if she did or her servants did but somehow they cut the
boyfriend's head off. Isabella put the head in a pot and planted some
basil on top. There she mourned for her lost love.
Apparently the Basil pot with the head in it flourished noticeably more than
the rest of the pots of basil nearby. So the evil brother took the pot with
the head in it to find out why. The poem ends with poor Isabella now
searching for the lost pot with the head in it."
Tim Rodgers, Salt Lake City, Utah - February 2005 |
"Boyhood of Raleigh"
W Foster wrote:
"I have a carbon print with Boyhood of Raleigh
written on the back of the matting with A. W. Elson & Co. Boston Mass embossed
in the mat.
Do you know how old this is?
wfoster2@triad.rr.com -
September 2003 |
'The Boyhood of Raleigh'
was painted in oil on canvas by John Millais in 1869-70. It is is in the Tate
Gallery, London.
I don't know when the carbon print was produced by AW Elson,
but I believe that the company published many carbon prints in the 1890s and
early 1900s
Peter Stubbs - September
"Cornwallis Surrender"
Kip Legaard wrote:
have this large portrait and I was wondering what its value is and what
exactly this picture is of?"

Reproduced with acknowledgement to Kip Legaard
Kip Legaard
- February 2004 |
If you can help to answer
the question above, please
e-mail me.
Thank you. - Peter Stubbs
"From what I found out the picture is a carbon
print of Cornwallis Surrender"
Kip Legaard -
February 2004 |
Aerial View of
Dartmouth College |
I have received two messages about this picture:
Patricia Corliss wrote:
"I am hoping you can help me.
I have an
original print signed by Richard
Rummels. it is an aerial view of Dartmouth College.
It also has A.W Elson & Co Boston on the right hand corner and in the
middle, below the picture it has 1906 WT Littig and Company. It is
framed, looks pretty old, and has water rolled glass, quite beautiful and
is matted in great shape.
Well i guess if you can help
me figure out the worth, how many copies were made and how Littig came
into play with this and also A.W. Elson, and also where i can find info
on the net to get some more history on where to sell this piece.
I do know
Rummels is in the
museum.. So any info on this piece would be greatly appreciated."
Patricis Corliss
- November 2005 |
Bonnie wrote:
have an original print signed by Richard Rummels. I think that it is
an aerial view of Dartmouth College.
Printed on the right hand corner below picture
is: Photogravure by A. W. Elson & Co. Boston with Richard Rummels
Printed in the middle under the picture is:
Copyright, 1908, by W.T. Littig & Co. New York.
Also has a small print of a shed like building
with trees and a keg or barrel on the building ledge.
It is a 31" X 19" print with glass and 3"
finished wood frame. Very nice picture of which we get many compliments
and inquiries.
I would appreciate any information you could
give me regarding the picture and its worth."
Bonnie: January 7, 2006 |
Blair Lockwood wrote:
"I also have a print of Dartmouth that I
recently inherited. My grandfather was a Dartmouth grad about 100 years
ago so this sounds like the same print as described above.
Perhaps it was sold/given to Dartmouth grads
during that time. I am interested in either giving it to Dartmouth or
selling it if I can find a buyer but also don't have any idea of its
Blair Lockwood, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA: February 10, 2007
Blair Lockwood subsequently wrote
"I have just contacted Dartmouth to see if
they were interested in the picture as a gift. They have a few copies of
the picture, so they were not.
I think it was distributed widely. I
will hang on to my copy for now, but I was quite interested in finding out
that others had copies and were also interested in its history."
Blair Lockwood, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA: February 13, 2007 |
If you can provide any more information about this photograph, please
e-mail me.
Thank you. - Peter Stubbs
Message from the EdinPhoto
"I have a print that is black &
white it is approx 2 ft. by 2ft. there is no artist that signed on the
print except the publisher which is A.W Elson & Co Boston.
It is a
portrait of an male Indian appears to be from the southern states do to
the back ground. The time must have been before 1913 - found a
newspaper behind the print.
Wish to know the artist, the tribe of which
this Indian is from and state, and the value of this print?"
From GuestBook [anon]
- February 2003 |
Comment 1
could have a look at the
Appalachian Arts web site.
(Despite its opening screen, it does not
appear to need a password!)
This site refers to the
Wanamaker Collection
of Indian photographs at Indiana
University, and to photogravure prints of Indians by Elson
of Boston, some published 1913 and others in 1925.
Peter Stubbs - February
Comment 2
Thank you to Bill and
Vickie Doherty, Arizona, USA, who wrote:
"We have a sepia version of this picture. It
is incredible in detail. The picture is
'The Indian and the Lilly, 1887', oil on canvas by George
DeForest Brush
article on the painting, and the collection of paintings done at the same time,
can be found on the
National Gallery
of Art web site"
Bill and Vickie Doherty, Arizona, USA: February 17,
2009 |
"Indian and the Lily" |
Message from Victoria Ellis:
"I have a beautiful picture from the Wanamaker Collection. The
outer frame is wooden, 2 inches and 27 by 29 inches.
The subject is an Indian. He appears to be from the South due to the
vegetations around him. The trees have moss hanging off the branches
touching the lagoon that surrounds the back drop. He is Kneeling down to the
lagoon and with his right hand gripping the vines from the trees so he may
not fall into the water as he picks a fresh flowering water Lilly from the
water line. It's obvious he's on the journal home from a hunt.
A large white feathery fowl
(maybe a crane, it has long legs and a very long neck) is draped over his
back. He is bare chest with a wide, thick belt around his waist and thigh
high Moccasins that depict his tribe's colors, drawings symbolisms of their
way of life.
Unfortunately when the picture
was shipped the glass shatter scratching the surface in two places not deep
but the picture was in mint condition before that. It must have been the
originally glass. In fact, the Boston Newspaper was behind the frame. I
had new glass put in and kept the originally frame.
This portray moves me in many
ways, so I have many questions:
1. Indian from what tribe ?
2. What area of the south?
3. Date?
4. Who was the photographer and the passion
for his work?
5. Is A. W. Elson and Boston Co. still intact?
6. Where do you go for an appraisal on this
I'm insuring all my personal items
Victoria Ellis - Kodiak, Alaska, USA -
August 2005 |
You could have a look at the
Appalachian Arts web site. (Despite its opening screen, it does not
appear to need a password!)
This site refers to the Wanamaker Collection of Indian photographs at Indiana University,
and to photogravure prints of Indians by Elson of Boston, some published
1913 and others in 1925.
I have never e-mailed this web site, but
if you were to do so, they might be able to answer some of your questions.
Peter Stubbs -
August 2005
"Indian and the Lily"
I have received a further e-mail (from
Rick Garrett, address not known, October 2005) telling me that he also
has an Indian photo. He is trying to discover more about this photo.
He describes it as:
"an Indian in a swamp, with a goose( I think)
on his back. He seems to be picking a pond lily." |
Rick Garrett - October 2005 |
"Indian and the Lily"
This appears to be another copy the photograph referred to above. Dave
Chaszewski, from northern Manitoba, Canada, who sent the photo below, tells
me that it is titled: 'Indian
and the Lily'.

Reproduced with acknowledgement
to Dave Chaszewski, northern Manitoba, Canada
Detail from the bottom of the frame above
showing A W Elson's logo

Reproduced with acknowledgement
to Dave Chaszewski, northern Manitoba, Canada
Dave Chaszewski: July 21 + 22, 2006 |
Dave Chaszewski wrote again in August 2006 telling me:
Value of the Picture?
"I tried to contact Victoria Ellis of
Kodiak, Alaska, USA concerning this picture, but have not had any
I think now it is more important to
contact someone on the value of this print for I have been offered
Can$1000.00 without any questions asked from a lady at a garage sale
that has an antique store
I did not accept the money, thinking that
it might be worth more. Was I stupid or should I take whatever I
can for it?
I did
not have it for sale. I just wanted to ask her what it might be
worth. Any help with information on possibly selling it would be
Dave Chaszewski, northern Manitoba, Canada:
August 14, 2006 |
"Indian and the Lily"
Carolyn Fisher from Minnesota e-mailed me in March 2007 to tell me
that she also has a copy of 'Indian and the Lilly'.
Carolyn wrote:
"We just inherited this print.
Do you have any ideas on the value or know
where we can get a current value?
Any more information on it would be great!!"
Carolyn Fisher, Duluth, Minnesota: March 16, 2007
"Indian and the Lily"
The Original Painting
Thank you to Lynn Myers who wrote:
Oil Painting
"The Indian and the Lily is an
oil painting by George de Forest Brush which now hangs in the Crystal
Bridges Museum of American Art in Bentonville, Arkansas.
It was originally painted in 1887.
You can 'Google' the artist’s name to get
additional info on on his background."
Lynn Myers, Rogers, Arkansas, USA: October 31, 2011 |
Lynn Myers added:
The Artist
"I have been searching for additional
information which states that Brush lived with various tribes to steep
himself in the Indian culture of his subjects.
He wanted to paint “habits and deeds in which
we (Americans and Native Americans) have feelings in common.”
One site said this picture is of a Seminole
Indian was painted in Florida."
Lynn Myers, Rogers, Arkansas, USA: October 31, 2011 |
"Paintings by Kever"
Here is a query that I
received by e-mail:
"I have a print by the artist
J S H Kever, published by AW Elson & Co of Boston. I would like to learn
more about dates, people etc. and also the value if any."
masloan@telus.net -
Another e-mail, three years later referred to a
painting by the same artist, but but made no mention of A W Elson & Co.
Karen Smith wrote:
am interested in finding out more about the artist J. H. S, Kever.
I know that he was Dutch and died in about
1922. I have a painting of his of a seated lady sewing with a small
blonde child next to her watching,
It is framed in an ornate gold frame with a
small plaque at the bottom with the artists name inscribed. The painting
is also signed KEVER ..
I would like to know more about the artist and
this work in particular. I hope someone can help.
Thank you.
Karen Smith: 14 January 2006
If you can help to answer
the question above, please
e-mail me.
Thank you.
- Peter Stubbs
"The Little Rose of Lyme
Message from Robin:
"I recently purchased a truly
haunting portrait in an antique shop. It was only $10, yet has a
lovely frame and the little girl just, well, takes possession of whomever
view her. She does seem forlorn, so perhaps that is why I was lucky
enough to get her.
At the bottom of the picture
on the left corner, it says James McNeill Whistler Pine (? I think its pine)
In the middle in larger print is says 'The Little Rose of Lyme Regis' and in
the right corner is says copyright A.W. Elson & Co. Boston.
I know that this is a copy or
something like, the painting of the same name by Whistler. However,
when I wrote to an expert on his work, she told me that I must have a page
from a book or old catalogue. I knew this was not so. You can
see that the actual picture portion is impressed into the paper and the
tonal grey brown qualities are exceptional. I think it may be just the
kind of photograph you discussed.
I wonder if you know anything
more about my lovely girl and if she has any worth, other than that of my
heart. I'd be happy to send you a jpeg of the portrait if you would
I am a teacher/
photographer....however I did work in an Antique Shop as a teen, and this
just strikes me as a forgotten treasure."
Robin, Rochester, Michigan: February 2004 |
Message from Doris Livezey:
"I too have a sepia tone print
of 'The Little Rose of Lyme Regis'. It was in my grandmother's
house in Connecticut.
It was framed at the Sterling Art
Shop in Schenectady, NY. The print is older than I am (I'm 65).
I wonder if there is any more
information about it.."
Doris Livezey, San Jose, California: December 17, 2006
Reply to Doris Livezey:
"LITTLE ROSE OF LYME REGIS" (including the inverted commas) into Google.
It should find quite a few links.
It found 73 links when I tried it today.
- Peter Stubbs,
December 17, 2006 |
Martha Washington |

Reproduced with acknowledgement
to Dolores Fogelsinger
Message from Dolores Fogelsinger
"I have portrait of Martha Washington that is oval under
Martha it states copyright 1893 by A.W. Elson & Co. Boston. Under this
Martha Washington and under it has From the Athenaeum portrait by Gilbert
I would appreciate any information a value of this."
Dolores Fogelsinger, Michigan, USA: August 2004 |
If you can help to answer
the question above, please
e-mail me.
Thank you. - Peter Stubbs
Portrait by Thomas Sully Finx |
received by e-mail:
have a black and white portrait by Thomas Sully Finx. the torn hat,
copyright A.W.Elson Boston mass, do you know anything about it, age value?
it is framed in an old oak frame. Thank you."
e-mail received 15 March 2004 |
If you can help to answer
the question above, please
e-mail me.
Thank you.
- Peter Stubbs
Presentation in the Temple |
Message from M Brindamour
"I have an old print or something, not a photo, of a young
girl playing a lute. It is dated 1904, A W Elson, Boston.
She is barefooted and seems to be sitting up on a shelf or
terraced table of some kind. There is a small piece of paper attached
to the edge of the table just below her right foot - her legs are crossed,
left foot up - that says (?)
Victor Carpathvis. Under that is like a chemistry formula 2 M something X
only the numbers are smaller than the letters like a formula.
Have you ever seen this or know anything about it?
It is entitled Presentation in the temple - detail - Carpaccio. If you have any information about this I would be
grateful to hear from you. It is a very intriguing picture because of
the strange paper with the name and formula." |
M Brindamour Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA:
February 2005 |
I don't know the significance of the
letters and numbers, but this will be a copy (carbon print or photogravure)
by A W Elson & Co of detail in the painting Presentation of Jesus in The
Temple by the Italian
painter, Vittore Carpaccio (1472-1526).
The painting has a group of standing
figures, including Mary holding Jesus. Beneath them are three angels,
seated, playing instruments, a
crumhorn, a lute and a lyre.
The painting is now
in the Gallerie dell'Accademia, Venice. A copy can be found on the The
World Gallery of Art web site. Key wga carpaccio temple
into Google to find the page.
Peter Stubbs -
February 2005 |
Shakespeare's Birthplace |
Message from Bob Freedom:
"I have a picture of the room where Shakespeare was born. On the bottom of
the picture or photo are the words-"The room where Shakespeare was born" and
Copyright 1898 by A.W.Elson & Co. of Boston. Could you give me an idea of
its value? It is in good condition. How can I find the value of this
Thank you." |
Bob Freedom, New York, USA: March 2005 |
September 15, 2007
James Chrismond, West Haven
Connecticut, USA also has a copy of this photo and is keen to discover more
about it. |
If you can
tell Bob or James anything about this picture, please
e-mail me.
Thank you. - Peter Stubbs
Soldier by Fireplace |
Message from Mary Ann:
"I currently own a large
photograph with a raised stamp on bottom indicating it is by A W Elson of
Boston. The photograph is a very rustic picture of a young soldier by a
fireplace. Have you gotten any information on this type of photograph? It
is in a very old frame and the print is very large." |
Mary Ann: August 2004 |
If you can help to answer
the question above, please
e-mail me.
Thank you. - Peter Stubbs
'Spirit of 76' |
Thank you to Tana Pinkerton of Roundup,
Montana, USA who sent me the photograph and comments below.

Reproduced with acknowledgement to Tina Pinkerton
"I believe I have a carbon print
of the "Spirit of '76". It is framed similar to the 1st picture of
Lincoln on your website.
There is a little water damage on the
bottom of the picture and also some water marks on the upper portion of
the picture. It has a mat with the AW Elson & Company Boston Imprint on
Any information you could send me would
be much appreciated."
Tana Pinkerton, Roundup, Montana, USA, 1 December 2005 |
If you can provide any info on this or on any of
the other photos mentioned on this page, please
e-mail me.
Thank you. - Peter Stubbs |
Print for Sale
Pot of Gold Antiques web site, Colorado, USA, is currently
(February 2008) offering this print for sale for
I've reproduced the details from the 'Pot of
Gold Antiques' web site here in case the page on that site
above vanishes in the event of the print being sold or withdrawn. |
Peter Stubbs: February 5, 2008
AND thank you to Gary Huber, Colorado, USA for telling me about this sale. |
"The Sower"
Here is a question that was left in the EdinPhoto Guest Book.
"I have a very large carbon photograph of "The Sower".
It is in sepia type tones.
The frame is quarter sawn oak
with a smaller brass engraved label reading "A Gift to the Palisade School"
The glass is hand rolled with
all the normal flaws.
The photo has an embossed matt
"A W Elson & Company: Carbon Photograph"
J F Millet painted "The
Sower". He is a famous French artist who did many peasant
scenes. The original painting has hung in the Boston Museum since
around 1880, about fifteen years after it was first painted (I believe).
The photo is huge and measures
26"W x 34"H without matting or frame.
This thing is stunning and
causes everyone to ask of its history. Please fill in the blank
expression on my face with an intelligent comment."
- Was it common to photograph paintings?
- Do you know anything about this
- What of the Palisade School in Boston?
- Was it linked to photography?
- Do you know who worked
there doing projects like this?
GuestBook [anon]
September 2002 |
If you can help to answer
these questions above, please
e-mail me.
Thank you.
- Peter
[unknown subject] |
Here is another query
received by e-mail:
"Hello, Can someone tell me where to look
for information on A.W. Elson and Co. of Boston? I have a print dated
1904 and it is way to cool. I would love to find info on it, but I'm
drowning in the Web.
Thanks." |
- December
2002 |
Much of
the work of AW Elson appears to have been photogravure images, produced
in the 1890s, often portraits for illustrations in books including some
for limited editions.
However the
Appalachian Arts web site refers to AW Elson
photogravures in a book published in 1925. This site also gives a very
brief definition of the photogravure process.
Peter Stubbs -
December 2002
"California Spanish
Ben Sherman, USA wrote:
am trying to find out more information about A.W. Elson and Company of
Boston who did a series of photogravures of the old California Spanish
are copyrighted in 1906 and show many of the missions prior to 20th
century restoration.
I have eight of these photogravures and am
trying to determine their rarity/value.
If any one can assist please email me.
This site has provided most info I have been able to find so far."
GuestBook - Ben Sherman, USA:
March 18, 2006 |
If you can help to answer
the question above, please
e-mail me.
Thank you.
- Peter Stubbs
Bob Reid wrote:
have a colored A W Elson print, copyright 1901, printed by I believe
Yardale (?). The size 5.75 by 8 inches.
The picture
is of two women walking along the side of a waterway in a lightly wooded
area. One woman carrying a sack over her back and the other carrying a
This picture looks like water color. I
would love to find out more if I can."
Bob Reid: July 6, 2006 |
If you can help to answer
the question above, please
e-mail me.
Thank you.
- Peter Stubbs
"By the River"
Melanie Morris, Canada wrote:
"I have a print produced by A. W. Elson
and Company around the turn of the century. The writing on it is very
small and hard to make out but I think the artist name is 'Leiolle' or
something like that.
The print is called 'By the River' It is of
two women walking by the river, one hold a baby and the other with a sack
over her shoulder. There are cattle in the background.
Would you be able to tell my the name of the
artist? and maybe a little about him? That would be great."
Melanie Morris, Canada: September 23, 2006 |
If you can help to answer
the question above, please
e-mail me.
Thank you.
- Peter Stubbs
Thank you to Judy Sadowsky who replied:
"This picture was painted by H Leiolle,
copyright A W Elson.
I would appreciate receiving more
information about the print."
Judy Sadowsky: July 3, 2010 |
"Friend of the Humble"
Debbie Peters, Chillicothe, Northeastern Ohio, USA wrote:
"I have a carbon print by Lhermitte, called
'L'Amides Humbles', also called 'Friend of the Humble'. It is very
dark, but in good condition.
It also says Copyright by A. W. Elson and
Company Belmont, Mass.
It is of Jesus at a table with bread in his
left hand, two man sitting at the table and a woman and a boy standing
behind them.
Do you know anything about this picture?
I would like to know if you know:
- when was it printed?
- how many copies were made?
- What else is known about this print?
Debbie Peters, Chillicothe, Northeastern Ohio, USA:
October 5 + 6, 2006 |
This painting was painted by Lhermitte in 1892
and would have been printed as a carbon print by A W Elson some time
between 1892 and 1925.
Perhaps you knows more about it.
If so, please
e-mail me.
Thank you.
Peter Stubbs - October 6, 2006.
"George Washington's
Tom wrote:
"I have a 34''x27'' carbon photograph of
George Washington's home in Virginia, Mount Vernon.
It is matted and embossed with A W Elson &
company, Boston.
Can you tell me anything about it?"
Tom: January 6, 2007 |
If you can help to answer
the question above, please
e-mail me.
Thank you.
- Peter Stubbs
"The Coming Storm"
Peter Costello, Lorain, Ohio, USA asks for more information about this
Peter writes:
"I have a E.W. Elson & Co. print or whatever.
It's called of "The Coming Storm" by G. Inness (It looks like he signed
it but I doubt it).
Its in a heavy wooden frame that looks like it
has some sort of black coating on the wood. The print has a glass over it
and it looks very old.
The is also a Bronze Plate on it (bottom from
of frame ) that reads
"The Coming Storm - George Inness"
The Albright Gallery - Buffalo
(New York, I presume).
I bought this at a garage sale here in
my town (Lorain, Ohio).
On the back it has a hand written note that
"Inness Bronze - $ 500.00?"
It looks quite old."
Peter Costello,
Lorain, Ohio, USA, January 25, 2007 |
assume that this is another A W Elson carbon print from around 1900. If you can
provide any more information about it, please
e-mail me.
Thank you. - Peter Stubbs
"Betsy Ross sewing the First
American Flag" |
Charles Davies writes:
"I recently purchased an old print at a garage
sale of Betsy Ross sewing the First American Flag.
This very large picture is in excellent
condition. The mat has an Impressed mark that says 'A.W. Elson &
Company, Boston' and 'Carbon' and something else that I cannot make out.
Could you tell me about what year this was
made and Possibly what it is Worth?"
Charles Davies, May
4, 2007 |
This sounds like another A W Elson carbon print,
probably from around 1900. - Peter Stubbs |
"Ann Hathaway's Cottage" |
Mark Spear writes:
"I have a photo, that I am interested in
getting some information on.
It says Ann Hathaway's Cottage (bottom center
of photo) copyright 1897 by A.W. Elson & Co. Boston
(bottom right corner).
frame size is 9ins x 12ins.
photo itself measures 8ins x 5 3/8ins.
Any information would be appreciated."
Mark Spear,
Moorcroft, Wyoming, USA:
June 25, 2007 |
September 15, 2007
James Chrismond, West Haven
Connecticut, USA also has a copy of this photo and is keen to discover more
about it. |
October 4, 2007
Kris, near Albany, New York, USA
also has a copy of this photo and is keen to discover more about it. |
October 25, 2012
A copy of
this print is currently available on
eBay at a 'Buy it Now' price of US$120 +
postage. The date that the print is given as 1899. The eBay site
also has an image of this print with the cottage in the background and a
figure in the lower left corner. |
If you can tell Mark, James or Kris anything
more about this print,
please e-mail me then I'll pass on your message to them.
Peter Stubbs,
Edinburgh |
River and Church - Where is
it? |

© Reproduced
with acknowledgement to Cindy
Gebo, Carthage, New York, USA

© Reproduced
with acknowledgement to Cindy
Gebo, Carthage, New York, USA
Cindy Gebo has asked about the photograph below:
Cindy wrote:
"I'm wondering if you can tell me anything
about this picture. It has a seal on the back and says 'carbon
It looks
like a church in there by the water. My husband thinks it could be in
France due to the way the bridge is made.
I'm wondering if it might not be in Scotland.
I would appreciate any help you can give me."
Cindy Gebo, Carthage,
New York, USA:
July 27+31, 2007 |
October 15, 2007
Parker-Kolnick, Albany, New York, has also found a copy of this photo.
It is in a large frame. She would like to know more about it. |
July 14, 2008
Johnny Mo
has emailed me to tell me that he also has a copy of this print and
would like to know more about it. |
September 8, 2008
Butler has emailed me to tell me that he also has a copy of this print and
would like to know it value. Ian also sent me a photograph of his
print. It's mounted on brown card, with three thin black lines around
the picture and an embossed stamp in the middle of the mount below the
picture. |
March 18, 2009
Colby, Savannah, Georgia wrote.
"I too have a copy of the church / river image.
Was anybody able to provide you with any details."
Unfortunately, the answer (so far) is "No". |
If you have any suggestions as
to where this photo might have been taken, or if you can tell me
anything else about it,
please e-mail me and I'll pass on your message to
Cindy and Linda.
Thank you. - Peter Stubbs |
Answer |
Thank you to Cal Casey,
Dallas, Texas, USA, who
"I have a copy of this photo. It is titled:
'Stratford from Memorial Theatre'
Copyright 1897, A.W. Elson & Co. , Boston
The church in this photo is Holy Trinity Church,
viewed from Memorial Theatre, Stratford-on-Avon, England."
Cal Casey, Dallas, Texas, USA: April 1+2, 2009 |
A Google search for images of Holy Trinity Church,
Stratford will bring up lots of pictures of the church. These will
confirm that this is, indeed, the church in the A W Elson print. |
Wake Up
Madonna and Saints |
JoAnn Finley, Michigan City, Indiana, USA has asked if
anybody can tell her the approximate date and value of the
following two A W Elson photos:
a) 'Wake Up'
b) 'Madonna and Saints' (Frari) Giovanni Bellini |
If you can help to answer these
please e-mail me
and I'll pass on your message to JoAnn.
Thank you. - Peter Stubbs:
September 7, 2007. |
Boys of the Shell
Children of the Shell
The A W Elson Print

© Reproduced
with acknowledgement to Cindy
Gebo, Carthage, New York, USA
Bonnie Shane, Shickshinny, Pennsylvania, USA has asked for
information on the artist, the exact type of print and the value
of this print before she frames it for a customer.
Bonnie tells me that handwritten on the back of the matting is:
'Children of
the Shell'
with another word beneath, appearing to end in
Bonnie adds that the condition of the print is fair for its
age. It has some moisture staining and edge. She is
looking for advice on whether she should trim away the damaged
mat before framing the picture. |
If you can help to answer
Bonnie's questions,
please e-mail me
and I'll pass on your message to her.
you. -
Peter Stubbs: September 7, 2007. |
Answers |
Answer 1
The original painting hangs in the Prado Gallery, Madrid, Spain. It
was painted by the Spanish artist, Murillo (1612-1682). The
inscription on the painting (in Latin) is 'Behold the Lamb of God'.
- Peter Stubbs: November 24, 2007 |
Answer 2
Thank you to Grace Anthony Zemsky for telling me
that the
Spanish Arts
web site gives more details of the original painting by Murillo. In
particular :
"The title of the painting is 'The Boys of the
Shell' ('Los Niños de la
Concha'). It was painted in 1670 and measures 40.9 ins x 48.8
It represents Jesus giving a drink to St. John
under the heavens populated by
the little angels. Again obvious Italian influence, reflects with mastery
children with adult gestures without resulting extravagant
Grace Anthony Zemsky: February 6, 2008
The Spanish Arts web site (above) also includes a
coloured thumbnail image, and slightly larger coloured image, of this
painting by Murillo.
Peter Stubbs: February 7, 2008 |
Answer 3
Thank you to Bonnie
Shane, who sent me the original painting for providing the the
following information.
Bonnie wrote:
"I talked to an art conservator about the piece.
She felt this type of print usually is worth $80-120. She also gave me some
tips about treating the mildew.
We ended up framing it with conservation
materials, trimming off the worst of the mould and mildewed edges. I matted
it with a nice deep tan cotton rag mat cut to show the original borders and
stamp on the print's mounting board. It really looked nice and I'm anxious
to hear how Jim's wife liked it.
has been interesting to know the background of the painting, and now we have
the correct name. I guess the first translator thought "niños" meant
Bonnie Shane, Shickshinny, Pennsylvania, USA: March 2,
2009 |
Answer 4
Thank you to Héctor de la Concha for
sending the message below about the title of this picture.
Boys or Children?
The word niños in
Spanish does mean 'boys'. However,
this word also means 'children' depending on the
intention of the writer. You see in Spanish if someone has, say for example
two sons and two daughters, they would be referred ot as 'mis niños'.
I just tell you this
for you to understand that the Spanards are very sensitive about their
language. I should know, I've been criticized for having made that same
mistake myself in the past. Oh well!
I checked on Google and found that:
- a search for 'Boys of the Shell' brought
up 658,000 results BUT
- a search for 'Children of the Shell'
brought up 6,360,000 results - almost10 times as many!
Peter Stubbs
P.S. Now, my
question would be, where can someone obtain a copy of the same print at a
price? Thank you.
Héctor de la Concha: December 27, 2010 |
Reply to Héctor
If you'd
like to send a message to Héctor, please
email me, then I'll pass on your message to him. Thank you.
Peter Stubbs, Edinburgh: January 1, 2010 |
Deer in the Forest Twilight |
Thank you to Larry Jordan, Kamloops, for sending me a copy of
his sepia print. The print is by A W Elson, Boston (copyright 1907). It shows three
deer, one of them standing, surrounded by trees without leaves.
Larry wrote:
"My print is titled
'Deer in the Forest Twilight' by Rosa Bonheur, 1883. It is
above print 'From the original in the Metropolitan Museum of Art
New York'. Also printed below the print 'Marie- Rosa
Bonheur, Pinx'.
I have searched the
internet for anything on this and can find absolutely nothing
related to this particular artwork. Thank you for any
information you might be able to give me."
Larry Jordan, Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada:
November 14, 2007 |
Mari-Rosa Bonheur (1822-1899) was a French realist painter and sculptor.
She produced many paintings of animals.
On the internet I have found reference to her works
'Scotch Deer' and 'Resting Place of Deer' but
no reference to 'Deer in the
Forest Twilight'
- Peter Stubbs: December 6, 2007. |
George Washington |
Thank you to
Mark Loter who wrote from Fitchburg,
Massachusetts, telling me:
"I have a print
that was done by A.W. Elson & Co. in Boston, MA. It has a
copyright date of 1893
and is mounted and framed (9.5" x 11.5") and matted in original
condition. the print is the Gilbert Stuart 'George Washington'
as he appears on the American dollar.
Mark added:
"I am wondering if
there is any value or interest in this piece."
Mark Loter, Fitchburg, Massachusetts, USA: December 11,
Lincoln |
I received another message similar to
31 above in January 2008. This time it was Stephanie Flohr
who wrote:
"Where can I find the
value of two portraits that I have?
They are both by A W
Elson and Co.
- Lincoln: 1894
- Washington:
Any help that you can
give would be greatly appreciated."
Stephanie Flohr: January 8, 2008
When I started adding the
information about A W Elson photos to the web site (above) I hoped to
receive some feedback about the company, their photos and possibly the
values of some of the photos.
Unfortunately, almost all
the e-mails that I have received about the company are from people asking
the values of their photos. I don't currently have the answers to such
If you can help to answer
please e-mail me.
you. - Peter Stubbs:
September 7, 2007. |
Lincoln |
Liza Owens
"I have a print
copyright 1904 by A.W.Elson and Co. of Boston. The picture
shows two dogs, a beagle and a small white dog, looking out of a
dog house that has a chain attached to the house trailing off
the picture.
I have tried to learn
the artist, but have been unable to. A friend mentioned a
William Aulden, but I was unable to find anything about that
My print has not been
taken care of. Does it have value?
Thank you."
Eliza Owens, Forest City, North Carolina,
USA: February 17, 2008 |
I have not received many
answers about the value of AW Elson prints, but Answer 3 to
Question 29 above may be of interest.
It anybody
recognises this picture,
please e-mail me
and tell me more. Then I'll pass on your message to Liza.
you. - Peter Stubbs:
February 17, 2008. |
Reply |
Barb Kohuth replied:
"We have the same picture. My
sister-in-law is an antique dealer and she thought the print was an
original, but we don't have any information, either.
If anyone finds anything out,
please let us know!"
Kohuth, NE Ohio, USA: August 16, 2008 |
If you
know anything more about this picture
please e-mail me,
then I'll pass on your message to Liza and Barb.
Thank you.
- Peter Stubbs: October 16, 2008 |
What was the Event?

© Reproduced
with acknowledgement to Roy Murphy, Houston, Texas
What was
the event depicted here, with all the formal dress and coaches?
Murphy, Houston, Texas writes
"Could you please help
me find out what this print is? What is it called?
What do I have?
It is copyrighted 1899,
A W Elson, Boston."
Roy Murphy, Houston, Texas: August 9,
2008. |
If you can help to answer
Roy's question,
please e-mail me.
Then I'll pass on your message to Roy
you. - Peter Stubbs:
February 17, 2007. |
Mount Robson
of an Ansel Adams photograph |
Kerry Hall
"I have what I think is a carbon
print from A W Elson, of a photograph taken by Ansel Adams. It
is a picture of Mt. Robson (the back view) in British Columbia,
Canada. The whole thing measures about 5x7,
the print itself 5 1/2 x 4".
Printed below the picture is:
by Ansel Easton Adams
W. Elson & Co., Belmont, Mass.
Can you tell me if this has any
Thank you for any information you
might have."
Kerry Hall, September 12, 2008 |
Several Elson Prints |
To date, I
have had very little response to questions about the value of AW Elson
prints. However, the message below gives an idea of what one person
thinks that some of prints may be worth.
"I'm trying to find an estimated
value on Elson prints. I believe they are from the
1900's. There are several containing pictures of:
Martha Washington
George Washington
Sam Davis
Grant, Cornwall Jackson
Washington's home
There are about 20 or so prints. Do
you have a rough idea as to their value? An old man said he
would sell them all to me for about $300 each. I'm just trying to
find out what they are worth and if it's a good investment.
He's also got a set of 29 etchings
from the Confederate War he said he'd let go. Any ideas?
Dennis, Sabina, Ohio, USA: January 11, 2009 |
Update |
Thank you to Dennis who wrote again, saying:
"I've just done a little research and found an
identical complete set of the Elson prints for sale at 'The Old Print Shop'.
The item number is 30638 and they are asking
$9,500 for the set. This is a truly beautiful set."
Dennis, Sabina, Ohio, USA: January 17, 2009 |
Spring |
Joe Yates
"I have found a print of horses
under a tree with the title of 'SPRING'. It is copyright S W
Elson & Co and dated 1903, by Edward G Douglas Prinx on the left
side of the picture.
Can you give me any more information
about this print?"
Joe Yates: March 18, 2009 |
don't recognise this print myself. However, if you can help to answer
Roy's question,
please e-mail me.
Then I'll pass on your message to Roy
you. - Peter Stubbs:
March 18, 2009 |
George Washington and his Wife |
Douglas wrote:
"I have pictures of Martha and
George Washington. They are both from A W Elson Co. 1893.
They are in color and there are gray brush marks in both their
hair on both pictures.
George Washington

© Reproduced
with acknowledgement to
Barry Douglas
Martha Washington

© Reproduced
with acknowledgement to
Barry Douglas
Pictures Touched-up
People have told me that someone has
touched them up. I have looked and looked at both pictures and I
cannot see any reason to touch up anything. The border around
the outside edge, is about 1 1/2", bright white. It looks
like it is a mat but it is part of the picture. |
Can you tell me anything about these
picture and what they would be worth? I think they
are still in the frames they came in. The tag of A W Elson
is still on the back."

© Reproduced
with acknowledgement to
Barry Douglas
Barry Douglas, Alexis, North Carolina, USA: August 28, 2009 |
The brush marks
in the hair look to me as if they may be just one of the elements of
colouring these prints. However, this is not a subject that I have any
expertise in - and I don't know the worth of these pictures.
Perhaps somebody will email me to tell me more
about these pictures.
Peter Stubbs: September 4, 2009 |
Minuteman Statue
Concorde, Massachusetts, USA |
Christie, Lebanon, Kentucky, USA wrote:
"I have an antique Sepiatone or
Carbon (not sure which) photograph of the Minute Man Statue in
Concord, Massachusetts.
The photo measures 18 ins x 24 ins.
It is still in the original frame (24 ins x 32 ins), mat, and
original glass. The mat which surrounds the frame has a makers
mark at the bottom in the middle (A W Elson & Company).
copyright date, 1888, is embossed into the
bottom right-hand corner of the photo with the name. I
know from my research that the statue was washed out a few years
after this photo was taken and a replica statue was put up in
its place.
I know this photo has historical
value, it is in excellent condition.
Do you have any idea of its value and who would be interested in
purchasing it?"
Donna Christie, Lebanon, Kentucky, USA:
September 4, 2009 |
The Capitol, Washington |
"I have a carbon print by A.W. Elson
of the Capitol in Washington.
The print is size 20 1/2 ins x
34 ins.
The print with matte is size 30 ins x 43 1/2 ins.
The size of its original frame is 31 1/2 ins x 45 ins
Any information about when this
print was made, how many copies and possible value would be
Acacio, Dallas, Texas, USA: March 14, 2010 |
The Room where Shakespeare was Born |
1898 Carbon Print
Randy F
wrote, asking me for more information about a carbon print by A W
Elson, dated 1898, that he has bought in a box of 1890s photos. Randy
also sent me photos of this print and wondered if it had any value.
Question received from Randy F, Kewaunee, Wisconsin, USA:
March 20, 2010 |
and Answers
Unfortunately, I'm not able to answer this question. Over the
last few years, I have received lots of questions about A W Elson prints,
but very few answers.
So, I
really don't think it is going to be worthwhile adding more questions or A W
Elson images to this page unless I begin to receive answers to the questions
already asked above.
Nevertheless, I'd like to thank those people who have sent comments and
answers for this page.
Peter Stubbs:
March 20, 2010
Native Americans and Ships
'The Coming of the White Man'
see Reply 1 below) |

© Reproduced with acknowledgement to Mitch Durst, Keyser, West
Virginia, USA: July 15, 2010
Durst wrote:
"Here is a 'Carbon Photograph' produced by A W Elson of a group of Native
Americans looking at three ships in a bay (assumed to be Columbus).
assume the Elson Co. copied/reproduced this work from a old painting.
I am interested in the name of the picture and the artists associated with
the original painting.
Any information would be appreciated."
Mitch Durst, Keyser, West
Virginia, USA: July 15, 2010
Answer 1
Thank you to Steve Strack for email me to tell me:
"This picture is titled 'The Coming of
the White Man'.
It was painted by the Canadian Artist, Geo Reid in 1860
It depicts Champlain's fleet."
Steve Strack, Maryland, USA: September 15+20, 2011
Answer 2
I found this print for sale on eBay at a 'Buy it
Now' price of US$39.95 (=£24.76) + postage with a final date for purchase of
13 Jan 2013
It is described as a Photogravure by AW Elson
(size ot given), 1914.
Peter Stubbs, Edinburgh: December 14, 2012
The Appeal to the Great Spirit |
This photo is of a statue of a figure on horseback.
I found this print for sale on eBay at a 'Buy it
Now' price of US$39.95 (=£24.76) + postage with a final date for purchase of
13 Jan 2013
It is described as a Photogravure by AW Elson
(size ot given), 1914.
Peter Stubbs, Edinburgh: December 14, 2012