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Photo 1
down on Granton Square and across to Granton Harbour -
Late 1950s

Reproduced with acknowledgement to the Robert Grieves Collection and to
Argyll Publishing
I wrote:
"This photo includes a
wealth of information for anybody interested in transport in
Edinburgh in the mid-20th century.
Perhaps somebody will
e-mail me with a few comments about the vehicles and ships in
this picture."
Answer 1 |
Walter Lyle Hume, Isle
of Wight replied, a few hours later:
The Closest Ship
"The closest vessel in the
picture is at Lighthouse Pier. It is
the twin
screw motor ship 'Pharos VIII', built at Dundee by Caledon
Pharos was used:
as a relief tender for North Carr Lightship,
Bell Rock, May Island, Bass Rock and Fidra Island
- for servicing
beacons and buoys on the East Coast.
- for conducting the annual
Inspection Commissioners
cruise around all the Scottish coast.
Pharos was sold to Windjammer
Cruises, Bahamas in 1988, renamed 'Amazing Grace', and is still in
service." |
The Distant Ship
"The ship berthed at the steam
crane on east side of middle pier would have ben loading coal, or
possibly laid up. The coal conveyor clearly visible at end
of middle pier, with trawlers on the west side." |
Drilling Rig
"The drilling Rig was moored in
Granton late 50's, having been used by the National Coal Board in
the area between Portobello and Port Seton." |
Taxi Office
"The taxi office and kiosk can be
seen on the left, in the middle of the picture" |
Walter Lyle
Hume, Cowes, Isle of Wight, England: November 23, 2006. |
Answer 2 |
Thank you to Patrick
Hutton, Edinburgh, who wrote: |
The Railway
excellent photo. The tramlines have gone, so I'd guess the photo
was taken in the late-'1950s.
I think the locomotive is a J35 or J37.
These lasted right until the end of Scottish steam in 1966-67.
if the engine has two windows in the cab side (which is not
possible to tell from the web photo), it would be a J38 (more
likely) or a J39 (almost indistinguishable). I've seen a photo
of one shedded at Seafield in the early '60s." |
Hutton, Edinburgh: November 27 + 30, 2006. |
Answer 3 |
I was also pleased to
receive this reply, from Grant King, Aberdeenshire: |
The Two Boys
two children coming up the steps are:
on the right, Paul Lorimer and
- on the left, John Harkness.
This I got from a good source -
Paul, who I grew up with."
Grant King, Aberdeenshire, now working in Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil:: December 13, 2006. |
Answer 4 |
Thank you to Hughie
Grey, Australia, who wrote: |
Post Office and
Police Box
"On Granton Square there used to be the
Post Office, good for sweeties. We used to buy cinnamon sticks to smoke.
I wonder if the old police box is still there.
I've been in it a couple of time I even remember
the Policeman's name. It was 'Big Archie' and he
had a big 'back hand'.
Many of the old police boxes can still be found in the
streets of Edinburgh, some now converted to coffee kiosks, but the one in
Granton Square (above the road sign at the left-hand side of this picture)
has been removed. - Peter Stubbs.
The Railway
We were always
getting caught in the railway yards jumping on the wagons. I lived
in Granton Medway, top stair. We had great fun as kids.
Oor Wullie couldnae dae better, eh!" |
Hughie Grey, Australia:: March 5, 2007 |
Photo 2
Victoria Day 1948 - Where is it?

Reproduced by
courtesy of Phil Wilson, Aberdeen
Thank you to Phil
Wilson, Aberdeen, Scotland. for sending me this photo in February 2006.
Phil wrote:
Where is it?
"I've been trying to work out
where the railway line in the above photo could have been.
It must have been within walking distance of
Victoria Park, Leith, as my mother and brother had been there on the
same day (Victoria Day, 1948).
It's also unusual as people seem to be able
to walk across the line. Could it have been down at Granton, or near
Phil Wilson, Aberdeen: February 19, 2006 |
Patrick Hutton, Edinburgh, wrote:
It's Probably Granton
"It's probably Granton. There are no rails
at Newhaven harbour. The wall at the back looks like that in the pic of
the steam loco shunting wagons onto the pier ~ 1955.
Patrick Hutton, Edinburgh: February 20, 2006 |
Walter Lyle Hume,
Cowes, Isle of Wight, wrote:
Granton Harbour - Middle Pier
"They are always easy, if you know!
I recognised it instantly, situated on the left-hand side at the
entrance to Granton Harbour Middle Pier.
my immediate post-war years with the Northern Lighthouse Tenders, the
Pharos was based at Middle Pier and the May was based at the shore end
of the West Pier.
Sweet Shop
used to call at the wooden shop immediately behind the baby's head,
known as 'Koskie Joes', a sweet and newspaper shop, to pick up a paper.
Taxi Office
The smaller wooden hut to the right of
the shop was a taxi office, operated by Peter
King*, employed with Granton Harbour as a
Crane Driver.
*Actually Hugh King: See notes from Grant King (below).
Kenneth Williamson
Silverknowes, Edinburgh |
Kenneth wrote:
Granton - Middle Pier
"This is Hardies Newsagents beside the
Middle pier at Granton. I think there may have been other businesses
besides the newsagents but we were only concerned with the sweets, money
I was brought up in this area. As a
child we used to cross the railway
line to buy sweeties, you would never get away with that now.
Trains used to pass taking coal up to
Granton Gas Works as well as going along to the West Pier to collect
esparto grass and also the Ruberoid Company just below the Gas Works.
Once the wooden building was demolished
the shop was transferred to a corner of Granton Square besides HMS
Claverhouse (formerly The Granton Hotel). The shop is now a takeaway
called 'Jaws'.
Kenneth G Williamson, Silverknowes, Edinburgh: April
19, 2006 |
Kenneth added:
Brotchie's Coal Merchants
"I used to work as a coalman when I was
about fifteen for Brotchie's coal merchants where the houses are being
built at the entrance to Middle Pier from Granton Square.
Kenneth G Williamson, Silverknowes, Edinburgh: April
21, 2006 |
Grant King
Aberdeenshire, Scotland |
Grant wrote:
Granton - Middle Pier
"It's a bit late in the day as picture
has been well identified. Just a couple of points for Walter Lyle Hume.
If my memory serves me right, the taxi
office was run by Hugh King. Peter King was actually West Pier Manager
/ Foreman."
Grant King, Aberdeenshire, now working in Trinidad:
October 23, 2006 |
Thank you to Grant King, for also sending me
information about the dredger,
Rockchime, in October 2006.
Deano Griffin
Michigan, USA |
Deano Michigan, USA, wrote:
The Couple in the Photo
"My Cousin, Alan, found your web site.
He e-mailed me and told me to have a look at this picture. He said
the lady with the man could pass as either his mother or mine, as they
both look alike.
Betty's Comment
Right away she said:
Oor Margaret and she's wearing my wedding suit'!
Betty informed us that Margaret went to
a dance that day (Victoria Day, 1948) without informing her
that she was going to wear Betty's suit.
My Mom
My Mom married Bobby Griffin (not the
man in the photo) who she met while he was in the Air Force stationed at
Deano Griffin, Michigan, USA: March 26, 2008 |
Photos 3 to
these are all on the web site.
20 of
them still have to be identified.
Recent Photos
Granton Harbour
Royal Forth Yacht Club Boat Yard on Middle Pier
Bernard Hunter's crane lifts one of the yachts
into Granton Harbour

© Copyright: peter.stubbs@edinphoto.org.uk
Photograph taken April 5, 2008
Granton Harbour
Royal Forth Yacht Club Boat Yard on Middle Pier
Bernard Hunter's crane lifts one of the yachts
into Granton Harbour

© Copyright: peter.stubbs@edinphoto.org.uk
Photograph taken April 5, 2008
Granton Harbour
A yacht, having just been lifted into the water,
starts its engine to make its way across Granton Harbour.

© Copyright: peter.stubbs@edinphoto.org.uk
Photograph taken April 5, 2008
Granton Harbour
A yacht, after being lifted into the water makes
its way across Granton Harbour
In the background are more yachts, the Island of
Inchkeith in the Firth of Forth and Granton Eastern Breakwater

© Copyright: peter.stubbs@edinphoto.org.uk
Photograph taken April 5, 2008
Granton Harbour
Looking to the north from the decking in Royal Forth Yacht Club Boat Yard on Middle Pier
This view looks towards the harbour entrance.
The modern building is a base for Forth Ports' Pilot Boats.
The older building on Middle Pier is the old
gunpowder house, possibly due to be converted into a restaurant.

© Copyright: peter.stubbs@edinphoto.org.uk
Photograph taken April 5, 2008
John Dinwoodie & Sons
old building that you describe as the gunpowder house,
above, was the base for John Dinwoodie & Sons, sail makers,
riggers and ships painters.
The trawlermen's motto
for the company was jokingly,
'If it don't move, paint
also had a small fleet of tugs.
Anybody who had anything to do with Granton Harbour will remember
them. They used a lot of casual labour, if I recall
Andy Hall, Newcastle-upon-Tyne,
England: April 9, 2008 |
Granton Ice Company
"You describe the old building on
the pier as the old gunpowder house and as John Dinwoodie's depot.
I'm sure I've seen a photo of it somewhere with 'Granton Ice
Company' (or similar) on it."
Patrick Hutton, New Town Edinburgh:
April 9, 2008 |
Aerial View - early 1970s

Reproduced by courtesy of Scotsman
Publications. Click here
for web site details.
Aerial View - early 1970s - with key

Reproduced by courtesy of Scotsman
Publications. Click here
for web site details.
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