W J Rhind
writes about the
Mission Yacht
"Albatross" |

permission to reproduce, please contact peter.stubbs@edinphoto.org.uk

permission to reproduce, please contact peter.stubbs@edinphoto.org.uk
W J Rhind
Edinburgh |
I know very little about this card. Perhaps somebody will be
able to enlighten me. Was W J Rhind the publisher of the card or
the photographer?
What is known about W F Stewart's Mission Yacht, "Albatross" |
I don't yet have answers to the questions above. However I would
like to thank John Geater for his message.
John wrote:
I have a painting dated
1927 of a yacht about the same size called Albatross carrying the
same rig but with altered bow and flying the blue ensign. It could
be the same boat.
Did you have anything more
about it? ***
John Geater, Hastings, Sussex,
England, April 4, 2006. |
*** Not yet!
- Peter Stubbs |
The Back of the Card
The date that the card was posted appears to be 31 January 1904.
The card carries a simple message:
"Pray for Crew"
Rachel Cairn
Northamptonshire/Leicestershire Border,
England |
Thank you to Rachel Cairn for sending me further information about
the Mission Yacht, 'Albatross'.
Rachel wrote:
"I am in possession of the
memories of a relative who was born in 1885 in Inverness. He wrote:
Albatross Mission came to town (Inverness) and we teenagers (boys and
girls) were emotionally caught up in the preaching and singing.
The 'Albatross' was a luxury
yacht (owned by the Brothers Stewart from Edinburgh) which followed the
herring fishing fleet to the various ports all round the coast, conducting
successful religious missions.
We were so moved by this Mission
at the time that we became active members of the Church and Y.M.C.A.
Many of us became enthusiastic and eloquent speakers at the meetings.'
This person left Inverness in
1905 for the Midlands, so the dates coincide with the date on the postcard
on your website."
Rachel Cairn: Northamptonshire/Leicestershire
border, England: February 24, 2007 |
Rev Alexander Muir
Inverness, Inverness-shire, Scotland |
Thank you Rev Alex Muir, Inverness, Scotland, for sending me
information about the 'Albatross Mission'.
Here are some extracts from the message that Alex sent to me: |
Rev Alex Muir wrote:
Revivals in Religion
"I have a great interest
in revivals of religion which were relatively common throughout the 19th.
century in Scotland.
Every 10 years or so, locally or
nationally, there were such movements which brought new life to the
churches and raised the moral tone of society. They were not worked
up by emotional hype or organised into being by any methodology.
Rather they were happenings which
Christians put down to the sovereign working of God. In the manner of true
revivals, they were also Christ- centred and Bible- focussed and leaders
discouraged extremism."
Rev Alex Muir quoted from writings by Rev. Alexander MacRae.
These appear in a book tilted 'Revivals in the Highlands and Islands in
the 19th. Century' but the quotations below actually refer to the
early part of the 20th century.
Rev. Alexander MacRae wrote:
Albatross Mission was a 20th. Century Revival. In February, 1905,
the mission yacht, Albatross, under the command of Mr. W. F. Stewart of
Edinburgh, visited Wick.
Christian people throughout the
land were deeply moved by stirring accounts of the Lord's work in Wales.
These accounts were read at the Albatross mission meetings with growing
interest each night. The hall in which the work began soon became too
small and the meetings were transferred to the United Free Church, Wick.
Country people came
flocking in from all the surrounding districts and villages. Great
solemnity and deep earnestness ( other features of genuine revival as
distinct from “revivalism”) pervaded the gatherings which, on Sabbath
evenings filled the Parish Church which is seated for 2000 people.
A healthy revival of religion had
been experienced."
"The Albatross is next found in
Thurso, in Spring, 1905, with the same results: the Sabbath evening
services had audiences of from 1400 to 1500 people."
"From the commencement of the
mission, there were many evident tokens of the Spirit's presence and power
and a most gracious revival of religion was experienced.
For five weeks, congregations of
from 1,000 to 2,000 gathered every night to hear the gospel proclaimed in
speech and song." |
Rev Alex Muir added:
"The involvement of the yacht is
of practical interest in relation to the nature of the communities touched
and the fact that travel by sea within the United Kingdom was still
It must not be imagined, however,
that the people fishing communities were more religious than other
people." |
Rev Alex Muir,
Inverness, Inverness-shire, Scotland: March 8, 2008 |
Eileen Hughes
Stirling, Stirlingshire, Scotland |
Thank you to Eileen Hughes for writing (appropriately on Christmas
Eve, 2013) to tell me a little about the religious history of the
Mission Yacht, 'Albatross'.
Eileen wrote:
Family History
"I've been doing some
background research on my family and stumbled upon this postcard and the
questions about it:"
Mission Yacht
The Blind Evangelist
"My great uncle, Rev Neil McIntyre, who was
known as 'The Blind Evangelist', spent a number of years on this boat
before emigrating to New York in 1926."
"He wrote a book which was published in New
York in 1946, titled 'Courage! Go on!' The book is basically a memoir of
his religious life, and is written in a couthy style. The yacht
would appear to have been in service until at least 1916.
In his book Neil mentions numerous ports of
call and names of people who were involved. Apparently in addition to
preaching, he did a bit of the cooking as the crew were depleted by WW1.
Here is an extract from the book:
'Courage! Go on!'
Author: Neil McIntyre
Death of a Daughter
"In Edinburgh, Scotland, a family by the
name of Stewart, engaged in the wool business, had their home shaken
when death removed a daughter. The death of that beautiful young
woman brought the whole family to Christ."
"One of the sons, William, was a great
yachtsman, plying his yacht up and down the River Forth.
Now that he was converted, he saw that
he had no time to spend yachting when souls were perishing.
Gospel Work
"He was about to give it up when The
Lord showed him that he could bring his yachting experience into the
gospel work.
Why not get a good sized yacht, find
some young men with good voices, and make up a singing party and go
among the fishermen?"
"Mr Stewart went down to the docks of
Leith, where he saw a nice yacht for sale. Painted on the side was
the name 'Albatross'
Mr Stewart purchased the Albatross and
as news of it was spread, it was soon widely known as 'the mission
[extract from
'Courage! Go on!', published 1926]
I've split this extracts above into
paragraphs and added paragraph headings.
Peter Stubbs, Edinburgh: January 4, 2013 |
Eileen Hughes,
Stirling, Stirlingshire, Scotland:
December 24, 2013 |
Charles Harris
Leith, Edinburgh |
Thank you to Charles Harris for writing to tell me about a leaflet on
the subject of the Mission Yacht, 'Albatross' that has been lent to him
by a relation, James Brown.
Charles wrote:
"I have, on loan, a rather battered
40-page leaflet titled 'The "Albatross" Yacht Mission', printed by J. Bain
& Sons Ltd., 32 York Place, Edinburgh."

Reproduced with acknowledgement to Charles Harris and James Brown
Extract from leaflet: 'The Albatross Yacht Mission'
Date of the Leaflet
"This leaflet is a record made well after the
event of "A Story of Joyous Christian Adventure"
No date of publication is given, but it was
after 1926, and probably in the 1930s, as can be seen from these Contents
and Foreword pages:"

Reproduced with acknowledgement to Charles Harris and James Brown
Extract from leaflet: 'The Albatross Yacht Mission'

Reproduced with acknowledgement to Charles Harris and James Brown
Extract from leaflet: 'The Albatross Yacht Mission'
The Crew
"This leaflet is a record made well after the
event of "A Story of Joyous Christian Adventure"
My brother-in-law's grandfather was for some
time Mate on one of the Yachts (There would appear to have been four of
them). I believe, that he was the Mate in this photo:"

Reproduced with acknowledgement to Charles Harris and James Brown
Photo from leaflet: 'The Albatross Yacht Mission'
'Pray for the Crew'
Despite the dramatic postcard on the website
asking people to pray for the crew, 'Albatross' was not lost or missing at
any time; perhaps this was sent during stormy conditions.
There were, sadly, two fatalities during the
mission, but these were of crew rather than missionaries themselves."
Further Questions
"If this item raises any further questions I
will be happy to try to answer them using information from the booklet."
Charles Harris,
Leith, Edinburgh:
May 2, 2014 |
John Stewart
Livingston, West Lothian, Scotland |
Thank you to John Stewart who wrote:
My Family
"W F Stewart, mentioned in
Questions above, near the top of this page,
was my grandfather.
He passed on to his sons, some
snippets from the period when he owned the yacht to his sons, Leslie and
Information Discovered
"Leslie is my father.
He was a hoarder -
not a bad thing!
After his death in 2011, aged 90,
we uncovered in his bureau, a lot of information about The Albatross
yachts - there were a few of them - and their missions.
Sharing Information
Maybe some of the people who sent
messages above, on this page, might have questions that I could help to
answer. I would be happyt o provide some missing pieces of the
jigsaw to them.
John Stewart,
Livingston, West Lothian, Scotland: July 9, 2014 |
Bruce Manson
Shepparton, Victoria, Australia |
Thank you to Bruce Manson who wrote:
A Distant Relative
distant relative was a Captain of the Missionary Yacht 'Albatross'.
His name was Andrew Cow. He married Robina Jamieson from the
Shetland Islands in 1901 after which his name changed to Andrew Cowe.
They lived in Aberdeen.
Any information related to this family would be
very welcome."
Bruce Manson,
Shepparton, Victoria, Australia |
Reply to Bruce?
If you know anything about the family that Bruce
mentions, and would like to send a message to him,
please email me to let me know, then I'll pass on his email address to
Thank you.
Peter stubbs, Edinburgh: June 29, 2015 |