Looking south up Anderson Place - towards the
junction with Bonnington Road

John Stewart, Livingston, West Lothian, Scotland:
Photograph taken Summer 2009
John Stewart
Livingston, West Lothian, Scotland |
Road Surface
Thank you to John Stewart, Livingston, West Lothian, Scotland
(formerly of Leith) for allowing me to reproduce this photo that
he took in summer 2009.
This view looks to the south up Anderson Place, towards its
junction with Bonnington Road.
looking south
Here is a photo taken three years earlier, looking in the
opposite direction - down the street towards Ferry Road:
looking north
© |
Commenting on his photo at the top of this page, John wrote:
Granite Setts and
Smooth Tracks
"I took this photo in Summer 2009. It
shows the old smooth tracks set into the granite setts in Anderson
Place on the incline to Bonnington Road.
These were to assist the horse drawn
coal carts coming up with their full load from the coal depot
further down the road.
As the carts approached this incline,
a waiting trace horse was attached to assist the harnessed horse
to get up the slope.
This stretch of road is protected as a
listed piece of thoroughfare."
John added:
Other Remains from the Past
"In some parts of the city, there can
be seen on buildings that bordered tram routes, signs of where the
overhead trolley cables were attached.
At the height of the first flat
between windows, there are traces of where the anchor plate was
bolted. If you imagine a diamond shape of about 12 inches high.
Round off the top and bottom points and there can be seen the bolt
holes now filled but a different shade from the surrounding
stone. The whole plate was shaped like a shield.
These can be seen clearly in Gorgie
Road as you pass Smithfield coming into town on the left on the
original tenements. They are about two lamp posts apart.
Glasgow never removed its plates."
John Stewart, Livingston, West Lothian, Scotland:
December 9, 2009 |
John Gray
Stenhouse, Edinburgh |
Road Surface
looking south
After seeing this photograph of Anderson Place, John Gray
wrote: |
Steel Tracks
"Were there not steel tracks tracks on
the incline in Anderson Place before the paving style track was
installed, around the time of the bond being refurbished?
I may be getting confused about the
area, but I have definitely seen steel tracks on a road
surface somewhere around Edinburgh and always wondered why they
were there."
Gray, Stenhouse, Edinburgh: December 10, 2009 |
Reply to John?
I don't know the
answer to John's question above. If you know the answer,
please email me, then I'll pass the message on to John.
Thank you.
Stubbs: December 10, 2009 |
John Stewart
Livingston, West Lothian, Scotland |
Road Surfaces
Thank you to John Stewart for replying to John Gray's question
John Stewart wrote:
"In the days of the horse drawn,
flat top, four-wheeled lorries and for that matter the large,
two-wheel, high sided carts, the wheels consisted of wooden spokes
and rim. The rim had a steel band around its perimeter. The band
would be replaced at intervals.
Obviously, if the insets in the
road had been of metal, there would have been some reaction
between the two metal surfaces. No, in my recollection the insets
were always stone.
Forbye, if you look at the
surface of these road insets, you can see they have been worn by use.
At the refurbishment of the bonds into flats/offices, the horse
drawn vehicles were lost in history." |
John Stewart, Livingston, West Lothian, Scotland:
December 10, 2009 |
Peter Stubbs
Edinburgh |
Reinforced Road Surfaces
The only place in Edinburgh where I can recall having seen any
lengths of metal inset into the road is at Calton Hill, the steep
road that leads down from Waterloo Place towards the junction of
Calton Road and Leith Street.
Here there are metal gullies at the edge of the road for
drainage. This road is currently closed to traffic, but I
expect the metal gullies will still be in place there.
Peter Stubbs: December 10, 2009
John Gray
Stenhouse, Edinburgh |
Reinforced Road Surfaces
Thank you to John Gray for emailing me on 30 May 2010 and
telling me that he now remembers where he saw the
metal reinforcement in the road. It was at the top of St John Street,
where it meets Canongate.
John sent me this photograph that he took of St John Street,
and asked:
"Why is this reinforcement on just one
side of the street?"
Peter Stubbs: December 10, 2009
Reply to John Gray?
If you know the answer
for John's question,
please email me, then I'll pass on your message to him.
Thank you.
Peter Stubbs: June
6, 2010 |
James Greig
Edinburgh |
Thank you to James Greig who wrote: |
Metal Tracks
"Regarding the metal tracks, I
remember seeing tracks coming from the middle of the old bond in
Anderson Place. They seemed to point in the direction that
the old Chancelot Mill clock used to face.
I'm not sure if this is what the chaps
were talking about. I think these steel tracks are still
Greig, Edinburgh: 9 may, 2013 |
Donald Grant
Penicuik, Midlothian, Scotland |
Thank you to Donald Grant who wrote: |
Metal Tracks
"James Greig, in his Recollections
5 and
6 (above),
refers to metal tracks in the road. Please also see my
comments on this page:
House of Clydesdale"
Wooden Setts
"I wonder if at any time in the past
the metal track on the left and large granite setts on the right
were replacements for wooden setts.
Here in Penicuik there is a pend near
the Old Crown Inn. This pend gave access to the rear of the inn
and has wooden cobbles in it, the idea being that coach wheels
going over them wood would not disturb guests sleeping in the
bedrooms of the inn. I'd be interested to know if any such
wooden setts survive in Edinburgh.
Invention of Bovril
"In this photo of St John Street, on
the right hand side at the top of the pend there used to be a
butcher shop at 180 Canongate in the mid-19th century. It
was in the basement of this shop that Roslin-born John Lawson
Johnston invented Johnston's Fluid Beef which is known nowadays as
There are incorrect accounts of
Johnston's life, stating that he invented Bovril in the 1870s
after emigrating to Canada and, sadly, even the Bovril company
website perpetuates that myth.
I read a book in the college library
that had photos of the shop and gave brief details on the
invention of Bovril, but that was nearly 40 years ago now so I
can't remember what the book was. However, here are two
references which show the differing versions of the story:
STV scottish-inventor-of-Bovril
Donald Grant, Penicuik, Midlothian, Scotland:
20 May 2013 |