Chessel's Court

Chessels Court lies to the south of Canongate
almost opposite the junction of Canongate and New Street


Old Etchings

Chessel's Court

   Etching of Chancellor Court, Edinburgh,  by Robert Smith Forrest ©

Robert Smith Forrest

Etching of Chessels Court by Frank W Simon from his book 'Bits of Old Edinburgh ©

Frank W Simon


Recent Photos

Chessel's Court

The back of the south  side of Chessel s Court, as seen from the back garden of No 6b  -  May 2006 ©       The south  side of Chessel s Court ©

 The west side of Chessel s Court and blossom -  photographed May 2006 ©    The north  side of Chessel s Court  -  photograph May 2006 ©    The south and west sides of Chessel s Court  -  photographed May 2006 ©


Recent Photos

Chessel's Court Gardens

Boswell's Garden, 4/1 Chessel's Court, Canongate, part of Edinburgh's Royal Mile  -  photographed May 2006  -  photographed May 2006 ©    Boswell's Garden, 4/1 Chessel's Court, Canongate, part of Edinburgh's Royal Mile  -  photographed May 2006  -  photographed May 2006 ©

 Garden, 6b Chessel's Court, Canongate, part of Edinburgh's Royal Mile  -  photographed May 2006 ©     Garden, 6b Chessel's Court, Canongate, part of Edinburgh's Royal Mile  -  photographed May 2006  -  photographed May 2006 ©     Garden, 6b Chessel's Court, Canongate, part of Edinburgh's Royal Mile  -  photographed May 2006  -  photographed May 2006 ©


Photos showing the location of Bob Lawson's Grandparents' House

Chessel's Court

    Old photo showing the location of Bob Lawson's Grandparents' House at Chessel'd Court, Canongate, Edinburgh ©            Old photo showing the location of Bob Lawson's Grandparents' House at Chessel'd Court, Canongate, Edinburgh ©


Chessel's Court Recollections

Canongate Recollections


Edinburgh Old Town

Around Edinburgh


