Looking towards the West End and Tollcross
Photo 1 -

Copyright: Peter Stubbs - please contact
Photograph taken April 11, 2011
Photo 2 - 1995

Al Lorentzen, Inverness, Illinois, USA
Photograph taken 1995
Photo 1 |
Looking towards the West End and
In the first photo above:
- The road on the left is West Maitland Street, leading to the West End.
- The road on the right is Morrison Street, looking towards
Tollcross. |
The Clock
changes to the road lay-out can be seen in the foreground. The clock
and war memorial that used to stand in this triangle have been removed to
make way for the tram lines. They are likely to be replaced (when?)
somewhere in the Haymarket area. |
Road Works
There have
been road works in Shandwick Place (the section of road linking West
Maitland Street to the West End) for several months, in preparation for
Edinburgh's trams.
This phase of the work has come to an end and the road is now open to
traffic again, but the road sign on the left of this photo announces that
6 months' work has now begun on renewing the gas mains at Queensferry
Street at the West End. |
Photo 2 |
Earlier Photo
© About an
hour after I added the the first photo on this page to the web site, Al
Lorentzen send me the second photo above. He took it on a return visit
from USA to Edinburgh in 1995.
It shows
the position of the clock at Haymarket, on the triangular island
surrounded by roads.
Acknowledgement: Al Lorentzen, Inverness, Illinois,
(Al was based at RAF Kirknewton with US Air Force, 1959-62) |