The Floral Clock

in West Princes Street Gardens, Edinburgh

Photo 1958

Floral Clock in Princes Street Gardens  -  1958   

© Oliver Leach, Edinburgh                                                                                                                                         Photographed 1958


Enlarge this photo

   Floral Clock in Princes Street Gardens, Edinburgh  -  1958 ©


The Floral Clock

1958 Colour Slide

Thank you to the family of Oliver Leach for allowing me to reproduce some of Oliver's colour slides on the EdinPhoto webs site, including this photo of the floral clock in West Princes Street Gardens.

It can be difficult to reproduce the blues of flowers well in colour photographs, but this slide taken on Kodachrome film over fifty years ago has survived well.

1958 Postcard

Here is another view of the same clock, this one reproduced as a postcard by Valentine & Sons:

Valentine Postcard  -  Floral Clock in Princes Street Gardens, Edinburgh  -  1958 ©



Floral Clock

Background Notes

Floral Clock


Floral Clock


Floral Clock

Each Year


