West Granton

Homes before demolition

On the south side of West Granton Road opposite Granton Gas Works

Housing at West Granton and the Gas Holders at Granton Gas Works

'Reply 1' below identifies these streets

 West Granton Row and the Gas Holders at Granton Gas Works ©

©  Andrew Shortel, Muirhouse, Edinburgh


West Granton

When might this photo have been taken?  The home here appear to be in good condition and may be quite new.

They were demolished around 1994-95?

Granton Gas Works' three gasholders can be seen in the background.  Only the middle one in this picture has survived.

Here is another view of West Granton housing, with the gas holders in the background.

West Granton Row and the Gas Holders at Granton Gas Works ©




Eddie Duffy

Fox Covert, Edinburgh

Thank you to Edddie Duffy for identifying the streets in this photo.

Edward wrote:

West Granton

     West Granton Row and the Gas Holders at Granton Gas Works ©

"This photo shows the scene before the demolition of the homes had begun.

-  The two-storey blocks in the foreground are Nos. 1-15 West Granton Drive.

-  The four-storey block to the right is West Granton Row.

-  Further to the right is West Granton Terrace.

-  The adjoining block in the background to the left is actually the rear part of West Granton Crescent where my Grandfather lived at No.180."

Social Housing

" 'Social housing at its best!'  - and for a while it really was!  Ask anyone who grew up there from when they were built in 1967, to when we eventually moved out 20 years later."

Eddie Duffy, Fox Covert, Edinburgh:  November 16, 2011 




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