Where and When?
Answer 1: The Pond at Inverleith Park

© Reproduced
with acknowledgement to John Stirling, Currie, Edinburgh: November 6, 2009
Photographer not known
Sailing Model Yachts |
Old Photo
Thank you to John Stirling for allowing me to reproduce this
photo. The photo is taken from a
collection of
lantern slides that John rescued from being destroyed in 1974. The photographer is not known.
Some of the other slides from this series are known to have
been taken between about 1910 and 1920. |
When and Where?
Is it Inverleith Park?
If you can suggest
when and where this photo might have been taken,
please email me.
The location may be
the south side of the pond in Inverleith Park. This was a
popular place for sailing model yachts for many decades.
The slope of the land looks about right, and there are railings
where (if it is Inverlieth Park) the path ran along the south
side of the pitch and put course.
There are now mature
trees lining this path, but perhaps they were still to be
planted when this photo was taken almost a hundred years ago.
Perhaps other
photographs of the detail on the side of the pond in Inverleith
Park might help to identify whether or not this is the location.
Peter Stubbs: November 22, 2009 |
Danny Callaghan
Falkirk, Stirlingshire, Scotland |
Thank you to John Danny Callaghan for sending me a reply, a
couple of hours after I added this photo to the web site.
Danny wrote:
Inverleith Pond
"I would say, for
sure, that this picture was taken at Inverleith Pond. If
you look at the
second picture on this page of the Edinburgh Model Boat Club
web site, you will see the launch pier from the other side."
"I used to go to the pond in the
1950s and I am sure there used to be rowing boats for hire.
The pond was created in 1898 and has been used by the Edinburgh
Model Boat Club since then."
The Boys
"The boys look as if they could be
Cubs. Or could they be from one of the private schools in
the area? - Not Fettes, as they have striped blazers.
They look too well dressed for local
kids. All have their socks up, and the shoes of the
boy with cap are not those of a working class kid, for sure."
Danny Callaghan, Falkirk, Stirlingshire,
Scotland: November 23, 2009 |
Walter Lyle Hume
Cowes, Isle of Wight |
Thank you to Walter Lyle Hume who wrote:
Inverleith Pond
"For my pennyworth, it
looks like Inverleith, looking north."
Walter Lyle Hume, Cowes, Isle of Wight:
November 23, 2009 |
Douglas Beath
Burnie, Tasmania, Australia |
Thank you To Douglas Beath who wrote:
Inverleith Pond
"It's unmistakably near the
north-west corner of Inverleith Pond and early in its life,
judging by the rough grass on the hill and the not yet grassed
slope of the excavation."
Concrete Pier
"I remember that concrete 'pier'
well. I can remember, as a lad, laying face down, looking into
the water. I fell (or was I tipped?) in!"
Douglas Beath, Burnie, Tasmania, Australia:
November 23, 2009 |
George T Smith
Nanaimo, Vancouver Island,
British Columbia, Canada |
Thank you to George T Smith who wrote
Inverleith Pond
"The pictures recovered from the
glass plates look to me as being of the 1920s or even 1930s,
judging by the clothes worn, especially those of the boys.
It must have been a good schools as
their knee socks were worn up to the knee, rather than turned
down to the ankle. The adult clothing such as collars and ties
does show a mixture of styles and dates however."
George T Smith, Nanaimo, Vancouver Island,
British Columbia, Canada |