Muirhouse Mansion

36 Marine Drive, Edinburgh

Muirhouse Mansion -  Chimneys and Crest  -  2010

 Muirhouse Mansion, 36 Marine Drive, Edinburgh

©  Peter Stubbs  Please contact                                                     Photograph taken September 12. 2010


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    Muirhouse Mansion, 36 Marine Drive, Edinburgh ©


Muirhouse Mansion

Marine Drive

Muirhouse Mansion stands on the north side of Marine Drive, across the road from Edinburgh Caravan Club campsite, about half a mile to the east of the beach at Silverknowes.

Early HIstory

RCAHMS (The Royal Commission on the Ancient & Historic Monuments of Scotland describes the mansion as "an extravagant Gothic Tudor Mansion built 1830-32, with a plethora of ornamental chimneys, windows and gables, full of Gothic detail, and is crowned by a battlemented tower."

The Crest

This house was built for Captain William Davidson.  The motto on the crest above the door is the Davidson family motto:


i.e. Virtue Flourishes After Death

The Gate Posts

There is a griffin on either side of the crest above (and possibly a baby griffin at the top of the crest).  So it is, perhaps not surprising to hear about the house's gate posts surmounted by griffins.

There have been questions and answers about these griffins in the Muirhouse Recollections page on this web site.


Muirhouse Recollections

including Eagle Gates and Muirhouse Towers


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