


John Dickson


-  Eagle Gates

Reply 1

Bob Rodger
Thunder Bay, NW Ontario, Canada

-  Eagle Gates


Bob Rodger
Thunder Bay, NW Ontario, Canada

-  Muirhouse Mansion


Peter Stubbs
Thunder Bay, NW Ontario, Canada

-  Muirhouse Mansion


Danny Callaghan
Falkirk, Stirlingshire, Scotland

-  Marine Drive

-  Muirhouse Mansion

-  Other Large Houses


Jim Little
Winnipeg, Canada

-  Eagle Gates

-  Muirhouse Estate

-  Growing up in Muirhouse


John Dickson
Silverknowes, Edinburgh

-  Muirhouse Towers


John Dickson
Silverknowes, Edinburgh

-  Old Drawings

-  Old Map

-  Place Names on the Old Map


Jim Little
Winnipeg, Canada

-  Muirhouse Towers


Robert Lettice

-  Eagle Gates


George Akers
St Thomas, Ontario, Canada

-  Salvesens

-  Eagle Gates

-  The Neighbourhood


Audrey Nelson

-  Growing Up

-  Milkman and Glen


Javier Justicia Salgardo

-  Jonathan Macleod


Javier Justicia Salgardo

-  Jonathan Macleod


John Dickson
Silverknowes, Edinburgh

-  Eagle Gates


Derek Cogle
Bellevue, Edinburgh

-  Muirhouse Towers

-  Farmer's Cottage

-  Eagle Gates

-  Tunnel

-  Well

-  Watering Trough


Bill Anderson
Hamilton, Lanarkshire

-  Eagle Gates

-  Silverlea Old Folks Home

-  School and Boys' Brigade


Mike Gardiner

Muirhouse Primary School

Muirhouse Green


Norman Garnett
Northampton, Northamptonshire, England

Muirhouse Towers

-  Muirhouse Avenue

-  Tunnel

-  Questions

  -  Tunnel



Reply 1.

to Recollection


Bob Rodger

Thunder Bay, NW Ontario, Canada

Thank you to Bob Rodger who replied to John Dickson's question in 1 above.

Bob's last address in Edinburgh was 19 West Granton Road.  Bob lived in Scotland until 1960.  He is now helping to build a gold mine at Red Lake, N W Ontario, Canada.

Bob wrote:

Reply 1

Eagle Gates

"I remember the Eagle Gates well.  They were at the top end of West Granton Road, at the entrance to the large house, still there I think, which overlooks the camp grounds to the north of Salvesen Gardens.

As a young guy in the late 1940s, I got on the bus at the Eagle Gates going to Royston school.  I don't have any photos of the gates, but the pillars were impressive, 10ft high, and then the griffins looking east.

The gates were knocked down around 1960, after I had left West Pilton.

Bob Rodger, Thunder Bay, NW Ontario, Canada:  September 10, 2010

Reply 2.

to Recollection


Bob Rodger

Thunder Bay, NW Ontario, Canada

Thank you to Bob Rodger who wrote again.

Bob wrote:

Reply 2


"I looked at Google Earth to see what is at Muirhouse now, near the roundabout at the end of West Granton Road and the start of Muirhouse Parkway.  A quarter of a mile down Marine Drive from here, there used to be an AA gun site."

Muirhouse Mansion

"I see that the big house is called Muirhouse Mansion.  There used to be an avenue of beautiful beach trees and a few small houses."

Bob Rodger, Thunder Bay, NW Ontario, Canada:  September 12, 2010


The address of Muirhouse Mansion is 36 Marine Drive.

Peter Stubbs, Edinburgh:  September 13, 2010

Reply 3.

to Recollection


Peter Stubbs


Reply 3

Muirhouse Mansion  -  1977

There is a photograph of Muirhouse Mansion, but without the gates, taken in 1977 by RCAHMS.  The photo is on this page of the Scran web site.

The caption below the photo describes the mansion as "an extravagant Gothic Tudor Mansion built 1830-32, with a plethora of ornamental chimneys, windows and gables, full of Gothic detail, and is crowned by a battlemented tower."

Muirhouse Mansion  -  2010

Here are a couple of photos that I took of Muirhouse Mansion today.

1.  Please click on this thumbnail image to enlarge it, and to read a little about the history of the house.

Muirhouse Mansion, 36 Marine Drive, Edinburgh ©

2.  Please click on this thumbnail image to enlarge it, and to see the crest and read about the motto above the door.  The crest  includes two or three griffins.

Muirhouse Mansion, 36 Marine Drive, Edinburgh ©

The Eagle Gates

This page on the ScotlandsPeople web site gives a little history of Captain William Donaldson and Muirhouse Mansion.  In particular, it refers to the 'Lyon Gates':

"Three noble avenues, each nearing half a mile in length, formed of old oaks, limes, and other stately trees, lead to the house from the west, north and east, the gate terminating the latter, being ornamented with two griffins."

Peter Stubbs:  September 12, 2010



Danny Callaghan

Falkirk, Stirlingshire, Scotland

Thank you to Danny Callaghan who wrote:

Marine Drive

Muirhouse Mansion

"In the 1960s, Muirhouse Mansion was used by Ferranti as offices.  I have installed office furniture there.   I remember the house having some quite ornate carved panels and fireplaces."

Other Large Houses

"There were two other large houses on Marine Drive:

-  Silverknowes House was to the east of Muirhouse Mansion.  In the 1960s, Ferranti also used Silverknowes House as either offices or R&D.    The entry to it was in West Shore Road, opposite the opening for what was then the Scottish Gas Board offices.

- The Commodore Hotel was to the west of Muirhouse Mansion.  It was a popular function venue and now one of the Globetrotter Inns.

Danny Callaghan, Falkirk, Stirlingshire, Scotland:  September 13, 2010



Jim Little

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Thank you to Jim Little who wrote:

Eagle Gates

"In 1947 at age 10 we moved from Leith to the prefabs (the asbestos ones) in Pennywell Drive.

Muirhouse Parkway was just a narrow road.  It went through the Eagle Gates into Muirhouse Estate.  This was before the roundabout was built at West Granton Road and Pennywell Road."

Muirhouse Estate

"A St. Cuthbert's grocery van used to come to Muirhouse Estate, 3 days a week.  I believe Silverknowes golf course (9 holes then, I think) was part of the estate.

There were two old towers*** there, part of an old house or castle, and there was a huge orchard behind the towers.  I was caught by the police getting apples there.

A road wound through the estate leading to a mansion house close to Marine Drive.  I think that's the house where my mother worked.  It was the home of the owners of the Munrospun factory."

Growing up in Muirhouse

"At that time it was a young boys' paradise to grow up and play at Muirhouse.  We used to get tatties out the fields and roast them.  Our tumshee lanterns came from the same place, and there were some big conker trees in the estate.

From what was then Pennywell Medway west to Silverknowes road to Davidson Mains it was all still farm land. The Salvesen houses were not built at that time and there were no Muirhouse houses or flats.

Six of us travelled to the Boys' Brigade in Davidson's Mains, through the fields, every Friday.  Ah,  the good times!"

Jim Little, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada:  September 17, 2010

***  See Recollections 4 below



John Dickson

Silverknowes, Edinburgh

Thank you to John Dickson for finding this photograph of the two Muirhouse towers mentioned by Jim Little in Recollections 3 above.  Please click on the thumbnail image below to enlarge it.

Muirhouse Towers

   Muirhouse Towers, demolished 1950 ©

Acknowledgement:  John Dickson, Silverknowes, Edinburgh:  September 19, 2009



John Dickson

Silverknowes, Edinburgh

Thank you to John Dickson for sending me another email.

Old Drawings

John sent me:

-  a drawing by John P Wood of Muirhouse Mansion form 'The Parish of Cramond' collection.

-  a drawing by John Geddie, titled 'Ruins, Old Muirhouse', published in the book 'The Fringes of Edinburgh'

This drawing includes  a wall, gate, trees and two towers.

I have not added these to the web site  because I do not know who owns the copyright on them.

Old Map

John also told me about William Roy's map from his Military Survey of Scotland, 1747-55.  Roy's map shows Muirhouse Mansion, apparently situated in about the middle of Muirhouse Parkway.

This map actually shows an earlier Muirhouse Mansion, probably on approximately the same site as the present house.  The map pre-dates the building of the present Muirhouse Mansion, and probably the building of the Eagle Gates, by about eighty years.

Here is a link to William Roy's 1747-55 map on the National Library of Scotland Maps web site.  To find Muirhouse Mansion on this map, zoom in to the top-centre part of the map.  Muirhouse Mansion is a short distance to the SE of Cramond Island which is fairly easily located in the Firth of Forth.

Place Names on the Old Map

The places named on the 1747-55 map make interesting reading.

Many of the place names on or near the southern shore of the Firth of Forth near Edinburgh are familiar today, though the spelling may have changed:

-  Barnbugle

-  Cramond

-  Barntoun

-  Lauriston

-  Muirhouse

-  Granton

-  Caroline Park

-  Roystoun

-  Wardy

-  Lavrock Bank

-  Newhaven

-  Leith

Some of the other place names are less familiar today:

-  Broompark (south of Caroline Park)

-  Clapper Know (north of Lauriston)

-  Muttonhole (Davidson's Mains)

Acknowledgement:  John Dickson, Silverknowes, Edinburgh




Jim Little

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Thank you to Jim Little who wrote:

Muirhouse Towers

"As I have not been in Muirhouse for 41 years I had to go to Google maps to try and figure out where the Muirhouse Towers were.

It seems to me that Muirhouse Parkway goes through where the towers stood. My guess is that they were between Pennywell Medway and Silverlea Residential Home.  They would have been about half a mile or so west of Pennywell Medway."

Jim Little, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada:  September 17, 2010



Robert Lettice


Thank you to Robert Lettice who wrote:

Eagle Gates

"The Eagle Gates were at the junction of Marine Drive.  They were the gates to a big mansion house set in the woods.  We used to play there.  The owner used to have two dogs so he could chase us."

Robert Lettice, Edinburgh: March 21, 2011



George Akers

St Thomas, Ontario, Canada

Thank you to George Akers who wrote:


"I was born in 11 West Pilton Gardens and went to Pennywell school for my first year. We moved to Salvesen Gardens and I then went to Craigmuir school . (My father worked as a teleprinter operator for Salvesens of Leith)

Eagle Gates

"I grew up in Salvesens and recall the Eagles Gate. I believe there were some broken parts of what could have been griffins.  They were situated just west of Salvesens on Muirhouse Parkway.

The Neighbourhood

"I remember there were the remains of a nurseryI collected quite a few plants thereIt would have been at the top of Silverknowes golf course and up the road from the caravan site, the houses at that end of Salvesens we called the 'lighthouse keepers houses' as most of the people who lived there were lighthouse keepers.

When we first moved to Salvesen Gardens, there was a (wheat) cornfield to the north, which was later bought by the Civil Service.  They put in a club with lawn bowling, soccer and tennis courts. The main gate was opposite Ferranti's offices on Marine drive and the road that led to the foreshore at the foot of the gypsy brae

I don't recall any Muirhouse mansion, but the Commodore Hotel overlooked the foreshore at Silverknowes and the golf course would be to the south."

George Akers, St Thomas, Ontario, Canada



Audrey Nelson


Thank you to Audrey Nelson for posting messages in the EdinPhoto guest book.

Audrey wrote:

Growing Up

"I was born there at 20/3 Muirhouse Park in 1965.  I grew up there with my older twin sisters and brother.  I moved from there in 1975 but would love to here from anyone who remembers me me from when I lived there."

Milkman and Glen

"Between 1965 and 1975, we had a black Labrador named Glen.  He used to follow the milkman around Muirhouse and protect him.  He got a pint of milk at the end of the run.

Does anyone remember Glen?  Are there any milkmen or boys who worked on the floats and remember him?  His name was even printed on the delivery books so that any new milkman would know who he was and expect to see him."

Audrey Nelson, Edinburgh:  Messages posted in EdinPhoto guestbook: October 22, 2011

Reply to Audrey

I don't have Audrey's email address, so am not able to pass a message on to her.   However, you could try leaving a reply in the EdinPhoto guestbook below the message that she left there on October 22, 2011, and hope that she finds it there.

Peter Stubbs, Edinburgh:  October 23, 2011



Javier Justicia Salgado

Javier Justicia Salgado wrote:

Photo of Jonathan Macleod

"I'm searching for a photo of Jonathan Macleod who used to live in Muirhouse and went to school there.

He has never seen himself as a young lad before and even less as a toddler.  If anybody has a pic with Jonathan there, I would be happy to pay for it. This would mean the world to him."

Javier Justicia Salgado:  November 21, 2011

Reply to Javier?

If you have any ideas where a photo of Jonathan might be found, please email me then I'll pass on your message to Javier.

Peter Stubbs, Edinburgh:  October 23, 2011



Javier Justicia Salgado

Javier Justicia Salgado giving more information about Jonathan Macleod.

Javier wrote:

Photo of Jonathan Macleod

"Jonathan Macleod went to Muirhouse Primary School from 1976 to 1978, then to Craigroyston from 1978 to 1982.

He lived at Muirhouse Crescent."

Javier Justicia Salgado:  November 21, 2011



John Dickson

Silverknowes, Edinburgh

Eagle Gates

Several people above have mentioned the 'Eagle Gates' at  the entrances to Muirhouse Mansion near the top of West Granton Road.  Thank you to John Dickson for sending me this photo of the gates.

Muirhouse Mansion  -  Eagle Gartes, demolished around 1960 ©

Acknowledgement:  John Dickson, Silverknowes, Edinburgh:  January 15, 2012




Derek Cogle

Bellevue, Edinburgh

Thank you to Derek Cogle who wrote:

Muirhouse Towers

"I was born in the prefabs in 39 Pennywell Grove, then we moved to Salvesen Crescent in 1953,  I remember climbing on the Muirhouse towers and was surprised to find a photograph of them on this site.

      Muirhouse Towers, demolished 1950 ©

The towers were where the Silverlea Home is now, just to the east of them was a walled orchard with a row of workers' cottages which later became riding stables."

Farmer's Cottage

"Further west, between the towers and where Silverknowes Golf Club is, was a farmers cottage, I cannot remember his name.

Eagle Gates

"When the Salvesen houses were first built the Eagle Gates were at the east end of Muirhouse Parkway, which was just a rough roadway."

    Muirhouse Mansion  -  Eagle Gartes, demolished around 1960 ©


"I can remember some of the older boys saying there was a tunnel that led down to Muirhouse Mansion and that they had been through it,

There was an entrance there, but I don't know where it went, as the mansion was probably a quarter mile away. It did not seem possible to me that they had been through the tunnel."


"I can remember a well hole covered by large stone slabs in the field to the north of the towers.  This field became part of the riding school."

Watering Trough

"I can also remember a stone watering trough.   It was on a path we called the cattle track, between Salvesen and the woods at the shore, The path now goes between the playing fields to the East and the Caravan site.

Derek Cogle, Bellevue, Edinburgh:  July 9, 2012




Bill Anderson

Hamilton, Lanarkshire

Thank you to Bill Anderson who wrote:

Eagle Gates

"I was brought up at 23 West Pilton Path, opposite the Gypsy Brae.  My Dad and I played golf at Silverknowes and we passed the Eagle Gates on our way to the golf course.

    Muirhouse Mansion  -  Eagle Gartes, demolished around 1960 ©

By the time we moved to Pennywell Medway in 1958, the Eagle Gates had been demolished and Muirhouse, Pennywell and West Pilton were being redeveloped, sadly.

Silverlea Old Folks Home

"My mother was Assistant Matron at Silverlea Old Folks Home."

School and Boys' Brigade

"That part of Edinburgh was a wonderful place to be brought up in the 1950`s.  I have so many happy memories of:

-  Craigmuir Primary School

Ainslie Park Secondary and in particular

10th Edinburgh BB Company, based in the White Church in Pennywell Road.

I remember George Akers from Craigmuir Primary School and 10th Edinburgh BB Company."

Bill Anderson, Hamilton, Lanarkshire:  March 11, 2013




Mike Gardiner

Livingston, West Lothian, Scotland

Thank you to Mike Gardiner who wrote:

Muirhouse Primary School

"I came across this photo recently.  It was taken at Muirhouse Primary School, around 1967.  I hope it fires up memories for someone."

Muirhouse Primary School Class - around 1967

©  Reproduced with acknowledgement to Mike Gardiner, Livingston, West Lothian, Scotland

"That's me, 3rd from the left in the back row.  I think the teacher is Miss Helliwell or Hellewell."

Muirhouse Green

"I moved to Muirhouse Green around 1960, from Great King Street, when the block next to us was still being built. 

My brother and I spent our pre-school days down on the building sites.  We spent all day, every day, with the workmen, who brought us sandwiches and juice.

We moved to Clermiston around 1969, and I continued to travel back and forth to Craigroyston High School."

Mike Gardiner, Livingston, West Lothian, Scotland: 




Norman Garnett

Northampton, Northamptonshire, England

Thank you to Norman Garnett who wrote, telling me that he had recently bought a book, published in  1926, that mentions the history of 'Muirhouse Castle'.   When he looked up the castle on Google, he found the EdinPhoto web site, so contacted he contacted me with his message below.

Norman wrote:

Muirhouse Towers

Muirhouse Avenue

"I am a former resident of Muirhouse from 'way back'. We lived on the pre-fab estate (Muirhouse Avenue) from the late-1940s until I left around 1962.

As kids we used to play around what I am guessing now was the old,  walled garden of the house.  I think that I remember the ruins of a  tower in the area too."


"I was about 12 then, so it would have been around 1955 when a few  of us found the entrance to a tunnel outside the garden wall.  We  squeezed into the opening and ended up in a gradually descending tunnel,  stone lined on the roof and  sides.  We had torches and followed the tunnel  down for, and I'm relying on memory here, what seemed to be maybe  60+ feet, until it disappeared into standing water.

I remember that, about half way down to where the tunnel became submerged,  there was a small chamber at a higher level cut into the side of the  tunnel. The chamber was about 5 feet square, as I remember.

 I've often wondered what the function of this tunnel was.  Was it, perhaps,  it a  water supply (too big!) or an emergency escape?

 I remember the tunnel as being well built, with stone slabs to the roof,  stone blocks to the sides and (I think) stone flooring further in.  I  guess that it was at least 4 feet high and about 3 feet wide."


"I wonder:

if any other kids found this place.

-  if it was  destroyed when the area was developed.

- what would have  happened if the roof had collapsed; when you're kids, that's not high on the agenda!"

I realise that this is a long shot, but if you have any information about this tunnel, it  would be appreciated." 

Norman Garnett, Northampton, Northamptonshire, England:   12 June 2016

Reply to Norman

Unfortunately, I don't have any information about the tunnel to pass on to Norman.

However, if you know anything about it, please email me to let me know, then I'll give you Norman's email address and you can try sending a message to him.  I'm sure he would appreciate that..

Peter Stubbs, Edinburgh:  12 June 2016



North Edinburgh

Cramond - Granton - Royston - Trinity -  Wardie


Granton:  transport map 1932

Granton:  small map 1870

Granton:  large map 1870


Cramond:                        from 1940s

Cramond Island:              1970s

Granton:                           1930s   1940s   1950s   1970s

Granton, Trinity, Wardie:  1940s   1950s - 60s   Shops

Lower Granton Road        all dates

Muirhouse                         from 1930s

Pilton:                               1940 bomb

Royston:                            from 1930s

Wardie School:                 1930s    1940s   1950s

                                         1960s    1970s   1980s


Granton, Trinity, Wardie:  from 1544


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