St Andrew's & St George's Church Church

St Andrew's & St George's church (formerly St Andrew's church) is on the north side of George Street, close to St Andrew Square in Edinburgh's New Town.

The church was built in 1785.  Its spire was added in 1789.  The church is oval shaped.  It's claimed that there are no corners for the Devil to hide!

The Clock

The plate on the workings of the clock is dated

The clock at St Andrew's  & St George's Church, George Street, Edinburgh ©

The Bells

The bells in the church steeple were removed for restoration in 2003:

St Andrew's & St George's Church   -   September 2003   -   Removing the Bells - 1 ©

Here are a couple of photos of the bell ropes, near the base of the church tower:

The Bell Ropes at St George's & St Andrew's Church, George Street, Edinburgh ©      The Bell Ropes at St George's & St Andrew's Church, George Street, Edinburgh ©


Ritchie St Andrew's & St George's Church

 Edinburgh at Work


