Lothian Buses
SE terminus of Route 33 |
Ferniehill - Ferniehill
Drive, Gilmerton

Copyright: Peter Stubbs
Photograph taken May 28, 2007
Ferniehill -
Ferniehill Drive, Gilmerton |
Gilmerton Crossroads
The Ferniehill
terminus of Route 33 is in on the south side of Ferniehill Drive,
beside the Lidl supermarket sign, a few yards to the east of
Gilmerton crossroads ( Newtoft Street / Gilmerton Road /
Ferniehill Drive / Drum Street).
This view looks to the
SW along Ferniehill Drive towards Gilmerton crossroads.
Route 33
'No 7' buses arrive
here from Newhaven, then change their route number to 'No 33' and
proceed NE then N to the new Edinburgh Royal Infirmary, then NW to
the centre of Edinburgh, then SW to Wester Hailes and Baberton. |
Here are more photos of buses on
Route 33 |