The Stewart Family


 LEFT:  Richard Stewart (uncle of Davis Stewart - see Recollections 1 below)

RIGHT:  James' father, William Stewart (grandfather of Davis Stewart, below)

Davis Stewart's uncle and grandfather from Craigmillar, Edinburgh

© Reproduced with acknowledgement to Davis Stewart, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada




Davis Stewart

Richmond, British Columbia, Canada

Thank you to Davis Stewart who wrote:

The Stewart Family

"Can anybody help?  I'm looking for descendants of my Great Uncle James Stewart and his wife Katie Jane Trench Thomson.

They are likely to have lived at 15 Station Road, Craigmillar from the early-1900's through the 1950s.

His brother John and sister Lilias Tait Stewart are  also likely to have lived in the area."

Family Photo

"Here is a picture of my grandfather, William Stewart, and my uncle, Richard Stewart, taken in the 1940s.

Davis Stewart's uncle and grandfather from Craigmillar, Edinburgh ©

Richard Stewart is not a very common name in history, but there has been one in almost every generation dating back my Great, Great, Great Grandfather, Ritchart who was born in 1787."

Davis Stewart, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada:  July 29 + August 14 + 16, 2012

Reply to Davis?

If you think you may be able to assist  Davis in finding any descendants of his Great Uncle, James Stewart, please email me then I'll pass on your message to him.     Thank you

Peter Stubbs, Edinburgh:  August 15, 2012




Craigmillar 1940s + 1950s       Craigmillar 1960s + 1970s        Craigmillar 1970s + 1980s

Craigmillar Castle        Craigmillar Castle Estate        Niddrie      Edinburgh


Niddrie and Craigmillar Photos       Edinburgh Photos



