1. Waddell's Garage 2013 © Copyright: Peter Stubbs - peter.stubbs@edinphoto.org.uk Photograph taken on February 13, 2013 2. Waddell's Garage Date? Here is the same view as above, but a few decades earlier when the garage was 'The Colinton Motor Garage' Might the flags be celebrating the 1937 Coronation? By the time of World War II or earlier, this garage had become Waddell Bros: see Photo 5 below. © Reproduced with acknowledgement to Gordon Boyd, Waddell's Garage, Colinton 3. Waddell's Garage 2013 © Copyright: Peter Stubbs - peter.stubbs@edinphoto.org.uk Photograph taken on February 13, 2013 4. Waddell's Garage Greg, Daren and Ryan 2013 © Copyright: Peter Stubbs - peter.stubbs@edinphoto.org.uk Photograph taken on February 13, 2013 5. Waddell Bros. Garage Early-1940s This looks like "Dad's Army" - The Home Guard The vehicle is parked outside Waddell Brothers' Garage in Spylaw Street. © Reproduced with acknowledgement to Gordon Boyd, Waddell's Garage, Colinton