Scottish Railway Stations

Wemyss Bay

Scottish Railway Stations  -  Wemyss Bay   -  11 Sep 2002

©  Copyright: Peter Stubbs                                                Photograph taken: 11 Sep 2002

Wemyss Bay

Wemyss Bay lies on the Firth of Clyde.  A ferry sails from Wemyss Bay to Rothesay on the Isle of Bute.

The first station at Wemyss Bay opened in 1865.  The station in this photograph was built in 1903.  It was designed by Donald Mathieson and James Miller who also designed the railway hotels at Turnberry and Gleneagles.

The station with its splendid architecture is spacious, designed to accommodate the large number of holidaymakers travelling from Glasgow to Rothesay.

There is a long, curved, covered passage linking the station to the ferry pier.  I have been told that at one time both sides of this passage were lined with models of old ships and ferries, displayed in glass cases, and that there were hanging baskets of flowers throughout the concourse above.

The photograph above is taken from the top of the passage leading to the ferry.  It looks away from the ferry and towards the station's booking office.

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    Scottish Railway Stations  -  Wemyss Bay   -  11 Sep 2002 ©

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Joyce Gardner (née Ward)

Kelty, Fife, Scotland

Thank you to Joyce Gardner who wrote:

Flower Displays

"I've just been looking at your photos of Wemyss Bay Station, and can vouch for the flower displays which used to be there.

There was a central display, in a circle, about three or four stories high, and all the flower baskets were always filled with geraniums.  It was a sight to behold."


"I was always taken over from the Isle of Butee on the ferry to buy school clothes to Greenock or Glasgow.  On the paddle steamers, from 1949 to 1952, my daddy would take me to the engine room to see all the big workings of the pistons going up and down operating the boat

There would be bands on the boat and people singing.  Ii can still smell those engine rooms to this day."

Glasgow or Greenock

"When you left the steamer, you would be whisked on to the waiting train and alight either in Greenock or Glasgow, where the first stop was the upstairs Caféteria of a department store for hot pies and gravy, and tea and bread and butter.

I can't remember the store, but I remember that there were about a hundred cups arranged on the counter and the waitress would fill them all at once with the giant teapot.   That's where I got the best pies I ever tasted."

Return to Rothesay

"I would return to Rothesay, at night, with the required school skirts and blazer etc for the new term.   I got a pair of brogues every winter and leather sandals every summer from Clarks.  I was a lucky wean.

Joyce Gardner, Kelty, Fife, Scotland:  November 17, 2010



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