Heriot Hill Terrace

Street Party

Coronation - 1953

Street Party about to commence

Heriot Hill Terrace  -   Coronation Street Party  -  1953

©  Reproduced by courtesy of Evening News.   Click here for web site details.


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     Heriot Hill Terrace  -   Coronation Street Party  -  1953 ©


Street Party  -  Coronation 1953

Thank you to Jim Duncan for sending me this photograph showing the street party in Heriot Hill Terrace about to commence.

Heriot Hill Terrace is a short cul de sac leading to the NE from Rodney Street, Canonmills/Broughton, opposite the Ritz Cinema.

The party was held in June 1953 to celebrate the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II *

* or Queen Elizabeth, as some preferred to call her, as she was the first Queen Elizabeth to reign over Scotland.

More Photos

Here is another photo of the street party, and a photo of what may have been the organizing committee for the party.

Heriot Hill Terrace  -   Coronation Street Party  -  1953 ©     Heriot Hill Terrace  -   Coronation Street Party  -  1953  -  Possibly the Orgainizing Committee ©

Acknowledgement:  Jim Duncan for sending this photo to me:  May 3, 2009.


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