Police Box
Heriot Row
Edinburgh New Town
Heriot Row - Police Box
- December 2007

Photograph taken
December 22, 2007
Heriot Row - Police Box
- December 2007 - (Negative Image)
I felt that the main features of this photo,
the cobbles and the police box,
stood out better when this picture was displayed as a negative

© peter.stubbs@edinphoto.org.uk
Photograph taken
December 22, 2007
Notice inside the Heriot
Row Police Box
enlarged copy
of this Noticeshould be easier to read

© Reproduced with
acknowledgement to David Elder, Perth, Perthshire, Scotland
David Elder
Perth, Perthshire, Scotland |
Thank you to David Ellis who wrote: |
Police Box 19
Heriot Row
"This Notice would have been on display in a
frame just above the desk, inside the Police Box at Heriot Row. It
showed the area covered by the box and the streets to be patrolled.
These patrols were known as 'Hourly Turns'.
The Police Officer would endorse the Beat Book to show which turn he was
This Notice dates from 1972."
David Elder,
Perth, Perthshire, Scotland: October 7+22+24, 2014 |
Peter Stubbs
Perth, Perthshire, Scotland |
Police box
This old
Police Box stands on the south side of Heriot Row, close to the junction
with India Street.
There are now many old Police Boxes around the
streets of Edinburgh, but ith today's communications these boxes no
longer serve their original purpose.
Most are now closed and locked. Some have
been re-opened as coffee stalls.
Peter Stubbs, Edinburgh:
December 2007 |
David Elder
Perth, Perthshire, Scotland |
Thank you to David Ellis who wrote: |
Police Box 19
Heriot Row
"Here is a Notice for this box, Police Box 19
in Heriot Row.
This Notice would have been on display in the
box, in a frame just above the small desk. It showed the area
covered by the box and the streets that should be patrolled.
These patrols were known as 'Hourly Turns'.
When leaving the box, the Police Officer would endorse the Beat Book to
show which turn he was doing."
Heriot Row

David Elder,
Perth, Perthshire, Scotland: October 7+22, 2014 |
David Elder
Perth, Perthshire, Scotland |
More Police Beats
Thank you to David Ellis for
sending me another email on 4 February 2016, this time sending me typed
sheets that would have been displayed in other Police Boxes in Edinburgh.
The beats that David sent to
me are:
- Beat Box No. 10, St Ninian's Row:
Hourly Turns and Half Hourly Turns
- Beat Box No. 12, West Register Street:
Hourly Turns and Half
Hourly Turns
- Beat Box No. 13, Queen Street:
Hourly Turns and Half Hourly Turns
- Beat Box No. 17, Rose Street:
Hourly Turns and Half Hourly Turns
For some time now, info for
the EdinPhoto web site has been reaching me faster than I've been able to
cope with it so, unfortunately, I'm not able to add details of these beats
to the web site.
However, I've kept David's
email, so if you have a particular interest in any of these beats,
please email me to let me know, then I'll see if I can send a copy of
David's email to you.
Peter Stubbs, Edinburgh: 5 February 2016 |