Leith Street

Fire engines facing north in Leith Street

Register House is in the background.

Fire engines facing north in Princes Street.  Register House is in the background.

©    Reproduced with acknowledgement to Ian Scott, Hazlemere, Buckinghamshire, England

Fire Engines  -  Leith Street

Here, fire engines can be seen at the top of Leith Street, facing towards Leith.

In the background are:

EXTREME LEFT:  The clock tower of the North British Hotel

CENTRE:             Register House, here looking very clean!

RIGHT:                Steps to the new St James Shopping Centre.




Roger Mardon

Canterbury, Kent, England

I originally captioned it '1975'.  However, Roger Mardon wrote to point out that it must have been taken later.  Thank you Roger.

Roger wrote:

Date of the Photo.

"You might want to check the date of this photo with Register House in the background.

 Fire engines facing north in Princes Street.  Register House is in the background. ©

The photo is stated to be 1975, but perhaps that's a typo.  The fire engines depicted were built in 1984 and 1980

Roger Mardon, Canterbury, Kent, England:  November 13, 2012

Date of the Photo.

I've now passed on Roger's comments to Ian Scott who sent me the photo.

Ian tells me that he will investigate and see if he can discover what year the photo was taken.

Peter Stubbs, Edinburgh:  November 14, 2012




Paul Taylor


Thank you to Paul Taylor who wrote:

Photo Taken
between 2000 and 2012

"I'd like to suggest that this photo of the 2 fire engines at the top of Leith Walk was taken between 2000 and 2012.

 Fire engines facing north in Princes Street.  Register House is in the background. ©

 I say this because register house was refurbished in the late 1990s. You can see how clean it looks. Also St James Centre had some upgrades to it (if that’s possible) in the 90’s which can also be seen in the picture."

Paul Taylor, Edinburgh:  November 21, 2012


Fire Brigade

Fire Stations

The old  fire station, now a fire station museum, in Lauriston Place  -  1935 ©

Fire Engines

 A 1906  Merryweather Fire King fire engine outside Braid Place Fire Station ©

Recent Photos

   Fire at  Union Street, Edinburgh  -  13 March 1993 ©


