New Buildings
Many of the buildings on
the south side of Morrison Street, and the buildings at either end
of the street on the north side have survived. But all other
buildings on the north side of the street have now been demolished.
This leaves a gap
extending from about No 172 (near the western end of the street to
about No 34 (near the eastern end of the street, which has been
filled by just three buildings:
a) ?? Morrison Street:
A new building immediately to the west of the bridge over the
Western Approach Road. I have still to check the number of
this building and which company occupies it.
b) 150 Morrison Street:
EICC (Edinburgh International Conference Centre) seen on the left of
the photo below. This has been built immediately to the east
of the bridge over the Western Approach Road (formerly a railway)
approximately where Nos 112-128 once stood.
c) 60 Morrison Street: SWIP (Scottish Widows
Investment Partnership). This has been built approximately
where Nos 36 to 62 used to be.
Between b) and c) above is a car park, where Nos 64 to
110 used to be.
The shops in Photo 1 (Nos 76 to 82) at the top of this page were In
this section of the street. They were demolished some time before
the 1948 Ordnance Survey map was published.