Morrison Street

The North Side of the Street  -  2009

The building on the left is the EICC
(Edinburgh International Conference Centre)

Morrison Street - site of the former shops at 76 to 82

©  Copyright: Peter Stubbs  -   please contact                               Photograph taken:  October 27, 2009


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    Morrison Street - site of the former shops at 76 to 82 ©


The North Side of Morrison Street

Early 1900s

Here we look to the north across Morrison Street from outside the Scottish Widows' office at No 69.  There were buildings in this section of the street when the photo below was taken, some time between 1909 and 1920.

Please click on the thumbnail image to enlarge it, and to read some questions and answers about it.

Where and when was this photograph of a row of shops, including E Kane, Hairdresser, taken? ©


These shops, and many other buildings that once stood on the north side of the street, have now been demolished.  The land where they stood is now a car park, seen in the photograph at the top of this page.

This photo also shows:

LEFT (CIRCULAR BUILDING): EICC (Edinburgh International Conference Centre)

EXTREME RIGHT:  Office of SWIP (Scottish Widows Investment Partnership)

The Past Century

Please click on the thumbnail image below to zoom-in and see photos of this part of the street taken in the early 1900s and in 2009.

Morrison Street - site of the former shops at 76 to 82 ©


Morrison Street

Around Edinburgh

