Where and When?
WHERE?: 82, 80, 78, 76 Morrison Street
WHEN?: Photo taken between 1909 and 1920
(See Answer 2 below) |
Shops, including E Kane, Hairdresser

© Reproduced
with acknowledgement to John Stirling, Currie, Edinburgh: Oct 22, 2009
Photographer not known
Edinburgh - Where are
these Shops? |
Old Photo
Thank you to John Stirling for allowing me to reproduce this
photo. The photo is taken from a
collection of
lantern slides that John rescued from being destroyed in 1974. The photographer is not known.
Some of the other slides from this series are known to have
been taken between about 1910 and 1920. |
When and Where?
If you can suggest
when and where this photo might have been taken,
please email me.
I'll check the shop
names in old editions of the Edinburgh & Leith Post Office
Directories, unless somebody else provides the answer first.
Peter Stubbs: October 25, 2009 |
John Stirling
Currie, Edinburgh |
Thank you to John Stirling who who supplied the photograph
above for commenting on where it might have been taken.
John wrote:
Lady Lawson Street
"This photograph of the
low rise with bungalow roofs could be in the Stockbridge area."
John Stirling, Currie, Edinburgh: October
23, 2009. |
Peter Stubbs
Edinburgh |
I've checked old editions of the Edinburgh & Leith Post
Office Directory, and found that E Kane, Hairdresser, was based
at 78 Morrison Street from 1909 until 1920.
The tobacconist on the right in this picture is photo has his
name, J Thomson, above the door. J Thomson was based at 76
Morrison Street from 1910 until 1920 and possibly other years.
(I forgot to check whether or not he was there in 1909.)
So, from the evidence I have to date, I can say that this
photo was taken between 1909 and 1920.
Peter Stubbs, Edinburgh: October 26, 2009. |
Richard Torrance
Edinburgh |
Thank you to Richard Torrance who found information
in the 1910 and 1914 trade directories consistent with that
given in Answer 2 above.
Richard sent me this information before I had published 2
Acknowledgement: Richard Torrance,
Edinburgh: October 26, 2009 |
Peter Stubbs
Edinburgh |
Here is a photograph
showing how the scene has changed today:
Peter Stubbs, Edinburgh: October 28, 2009 |
John Stirling
Edinburgh |
1948 Ordnance Survey map shows that some of the houses and
shops around 76-82 Morrison Street, where this photo was taken,
had been demolished by the time that the map was published.
However, it may have
been demolished very much earlier.
John Stirling writes
Department Annual Report
"The 1911
Sanitary Department Annual Report describes some of the houses
in this area.
82,84,86 & 88 Morrison
Street (Back Land) were certified as uninhabitable and dealt
with at open court under the Edinburgh Municipal and Police Act,
1879, Section 206.
These houses were
ordered to be closed on the grounds of General disrepair;
insanitary condition of surroundings; want of adequate sinks and
water closets; insanitary condition of appliances presently in
There were 14 houses:
- 10 with 1
- 3 with three
with 2 apartments.
- 1 with 3
Living in these houses,
there were 25 adults and 10 children.
The rent for
these houses was between £3: 8/-
to £7: 1/-.pa
between about 1s 4d and 2s 9d per week.
John Stirling, Currie, Edinburgh: October
29+31, 2009 |
Jim Glass
Shandon, Edinburgh |
Thank you to Jim Glass writing to tell me that Edward Kane, the
owner of the hairdresser's shop in this photo, was his great-uncle.
Jim sent me this photo of Edward Kane with family and friends.
Please click on the thumbnail image below to enlarge it and read
more about it.
© |
Jim Glass, Shandon, Edinburgh: December 3, 2009 |