on the
or Kerb |
Place - What is the
Meaning of this Sign?

© Terry Cox,
Fairmilehead, Edinburgh:
Photo taken late-2013 or early-2014
Terry Cox
Fairmilehead, Edinburgh |
Thank you to Terry Cox, Fairmilehead,
Edinburgh for sending me this recent photo that he took of
sign on the pavement in Waterloo Place, Edinburgh.
Terry wrote: |
What does it denote?
Is it 'Coach Stance'?
Waterloo Place
"Over the past few years, I've
noticed this sign on the pavement in Waterloo Place.
As I remember, there were three of
them. CS1, CS2, & CS3, embedded in the pavement, or attached to
the kerb stones, and orientated to be read from the road.
I just assumed that they were to do
with the coaches that used to stop there: Coach Stance 1,
Coach Stance 2, etc." |
Around Edinburgh
"Then, I began to see
quite a few of these, in different places around Edinburgh.
- one in Parliament Square, when
I worked in the courts.
more than one down on Belford Bridge
some somewhere else, but can't remember
However, none of these signs
seemed to fit in too well with
the idea of a Coach Stance." |
Not so Easy to Find
"Having got a digital camera recently,
I thought I had nothing to do but go round taking photos of the
signs. But it turned out to be not quite as easy as I had
The only sign that I could find was
the one that I photographed above. This may be to do
with the fact that this one is set into the pavement, rather than
attached to the kerb stones." |
"I'm now curious to know what these
signs were for and why most of them have disappeared. I'm
sure somebody will know. Do you have any ideas?" |
Terry Cox, Fairmilehead, Edinburgh: January
6, 2014 |
Reply to Terry
If you have any
answers or information that you'd like to pass on to Terry,
please email me, then I'll pass on his email address to you.
Peter Stubbs, Edinburgh: January 11, 2014 |
Billy Miller
Polwarth, Edinburgh |
Thank you to Billy
Miller, Polwarth, Edinburgh for telling me more about this CS3
sign on the kerb.
I met Billy last week
at the monthly meeting of Edinburgh Transport Group, a group with
a particular interest in buses in and around Edinburgh,.
Billy told me:
" 'CS3' denotes a Carriage Stance for
3 horse-drawn carriages. There are several of these signs in
the streets of Edinburgh, including the one at Waterloo Place,
photographed above.
These signs can be found at:
College Street (behind the Old Quad)
Great King Street
London Road
Polwarth Crescent
(Originally there were 2 here, but one is now buried beneath a
traffic island.)
Waterloo Place
(This is the one photographed above.)"
Billy Miller, Polwarth, Edinburgh: March 6,
2014 |
Terry Cox
Fairmilehead, Edinburgh |
After reading
Reply 1 above from Billy Miller,
Terry Cox (who asked the original question about these signs on
the pavement kerbs) wrote: |
"Billy: thanks very much for your reply - very interesting.
When I thought that these kerb signs
were for coaches, I wasn't thinking of the horse drawn kind!!
I have the Post Office Directory for 1848-49, with all the Hackney
Carriage Regulations.
Waterloo Place is not listed as a
Carriage Stance, although Princes Street East is, which would
probably cover it. I would assume Waterloo Place would be for the
I'll certainly be keeping an eye out
for the other kerb signs on my wanders round the town. A big
thanks to Billy for his info. There's always someone who knows
about these things!"
Terry Cox, Fairmilehead, Edinburgh: March 14, 2014 |
Terry Cox
Fairmilehead, Edinburgh |
Thank you to Terry Cox
for writing again after finding two more carriage stance signs on
pavements in Edinburgh.
Terry wrote: |
"Further to the discussion above
regarding the CS3 sign in Waterloo Place, which Billy Miller said
was a carriage stance, I recently came across these two in
Whitehouse Loan."
Whitehouse Loan

© Terry Cox,
Fairmilehead, Edinburgh
Whitehouse Loan

© Terry Cox,
Fairmilehead, Edinburgh
Billy Miller did not mention signs in
Whitehouse Loan in his list above, so I thought he might be
interested to hear about them."
Terry Cox, Fairmilehead, Edinburgh: May 21,
2015 |
Thanks, Terry
Hi Terry:
Thanks for letting me see
the photos of the signs that you found in Whitehouse Loan. I
wonder how many more of these signs are still 'out there' on the
streets of Edinburgh.
Unfortunately, I've not
been able to find an email address for Billy Miller, to let him
know about the Whitehouse Loan signs, so I hope he will have
another look at the EdinPhoto web site and come across the
comments and photos above.
Peter Stubbs, Edinburgh: May 21, 2015 |