Straiton Place

Windsor Mansions, Portobello

Plaque on the Wall at Straiton Place

"Windsor Mansions - 1896"

Straiton Place, Portobello  -  Plaque carved into the wall, Windsor Mansions, 1896  -  Photographed 2006

©  Copyright:                 Photograph taken August 20 2006 at 5.12pm


Straiton Place

Windsor Mansions was one of two large tenement block built in the late nineteenth century in red sandstone.  The other was Brighton Mansions.

Windsor Mansions lie between:

-  Portobello Promenade (on the north)

-  Straiton Place (on the south

-  Bath Street (on the west) and

-  Marlborough Street (on the east).

This plaque carved in stone is on the SW corner of the building.


   Straiton Place, Portobello  -  Looking East  -  Photographed 2006 ©



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