George Street - East End

Thomas Vernon Begbie  -  late 1850s

Edinburgh  -  14 George Street  -  now The Dome

George Street - East End - Photograph by Begbie

MAPS for Begbie photos:    Central Edinburgh - West     Edinburgh & Leith

©   The Cavaye Collection of Thomas Begbie Prints: City Art Centre, City of Edinburgh Museums and Galleries 


Maps for Begbie photos

Central Edin - West    Central Edin - East    Edinburgh & Leith

Maps for photos:

1850s       1950s      2000 Central Edinburgh       2000 Around Edinburgh

Maps for engravings:



Around Edinburgh



George Street - East End

This view shows the south side of George Street leading from St Andrew Square (just out of photo on the left).  The large building with pillars, 14 George Street, was for many years the Head Office of the National Commercial Bank of Scotland.  Following take-over it became a Royal Bank of Scotland Office.  

The bank moved out in the 1990s, and like several other buildings in George Street in recent years, this one changed from bank to Restaurant and Night Club.



Key      Central Edinburgh (west)      Central Edinburgh - (east)     Edinburgh & Leith


  Buildings:    Canongate Tolbooth     Castle     Free Church    General Post Office Holyrood     John Knox     Maule's   Monuments   Galleries   Old Town     Royal High School     St Giles    St Mary's    Scott Monument    Schools + Hospitals   Looking down


