Edinburgh Castle

Please scroll down this page to see:

1.  Photos, Paintings Engravings, Maps

2.  Looking towards Edinburgh Castle



Photos, Paintings, Engravings, Maps



-  Infra-red photos and
-  Camera Obscura views
-  Edinburgh throughout the Year

Edinburgh Castle and Fireworks ©


including postcards from oil paintings

Painting by Frank Forsgard Manclark, 'The Leith Artist'   -   Romantic Edinburgh ©

Inside the castle

Postcard by Alex A Inglis  -  Edinburgh Castle Esplanade, The Regimental Pets' Graveyard ©

Mons Meg

and One o'Clock Gun

Postcard by Alex A Inglis  -  Edinburgh Castle, St Margaret's Chapel  -  The oldest building in Edinburgh Castle and Mons Meg, the C15 Siege Gun ©

Stereo Views

Stereo view by Douglas  -  Edinburgh Castle from Johnson Terrace ©


Engravings of Edinburgh Castle  -  from Old & New Edinburgh, published 1890 ©

Maps and Aerial Views

The National Galleries  -  1830 map ©



Looking towards Edinburgh Castle

From:   Camera Obscura View from the Camera Obscura  -  The Castle Esplanade  -  Sepia ©
From:   Castle Esplanade Postcard from the P&WM Vello Series  -  Edinburgh Castle Esplanade ©
From:   East Princes Street Gardens Postcard published by A Louis Reis & Co  -  View of Edinburgh Castle and the National Galleries from East Princes Street Gardens ©
From:   Grassmarket P&WM Vello Series postcards  -  Edinburgh Castle from the Grassmarket ©
From:   Holyrood Park

Postcard by W R & S  - Edinburgh from the Crags  -  Watercolour by James Douglas ©

From:   Johnston Terrace Postcard by Alex A Inglis  -  Edinburgh Castle from Johnstone Terrace ©
From:  King's Stables Road View from the roof of St Stephen's Church, looking to the south towards Ediburgh Castle ©
From:   Princes Street Edinburgh Castle and Christmas Lights on the trees in Princes Street Gardens ©
From:  Ramsay Garden Photographic View Album of Edinburgh - Photograph of Edinburgh Castle from the Esplanade ©
From:  Scott Monument Photograph probably taken by T P Lugton, in the W R & S series  -  View of Edinburgh Castle and the National Galleries taken from the Scott Monument ©
From: St Stephen's Church View from the roof of St Stephen's Church, looking to the south towards Ediburgh Castle  ©
From:   West End

including views of the Ross Fountain
from West Princes Street Gardens.

Postcard in the "Best of All" series by J B White Ltd, Dundee  -  Edinburgh Castle and the Ross Fountain  -  framed with at Gordon tartan border ©
From:  West Princes Street Gardens

near the Foot of the Mound


From:  Other Places

-  an aerial view

and views from
-  Greyfriars' Churchyard and
-  George IV Bridge
-  Royal Botanic Garden

Edinburgh Castle from Greyfriars  -  A postcard by W & A K Johnston ©
